Is this a good show or just anti-american socialist propaganda?
Is this a good show or just anti-american socialist propaganda?
Why not both
>plz spoonfeed me on what I should be angry at next
Just watched the first season, russia was rightfully depicted as a shithole.
A lovable shithole though
No its marxis brainwashing run away
>implying you can be one and not the other .
are you pretending to be degenerate leftists or is this the real thing. I don't remember logging onto reddit today
You have to go back
you first
Pro-american shows are inherently garbage.
It's fine. I still dropped it though.
Yeah, you're right, the sopranos is the worst show ever made.
In the show Russia is a miserable place and everyone seems to have a bad experience there. But the main couple feel like it was character building and they are fighting for the more correct ideology. They still feel nostalgic for the place.
As the show goes on they start to realize (the guy mostly) that despite the decadence and degeneracy of the US, their children have better lives and more opportunity here. Their daughter is cute.
Why do television jews like communism so much?
is there a link between socialist republics and molesting childern?
There's also other side characters who moved to the US but express a certain fondness for the USSR and regrets about leaving it.
posting actual non-cuck kino
This show doesn't glorify communism though
find out yourself.
the threads for the show have always been pretty quiet and not-shit, pleb filter you could say.
its so kino its no suprise to me it is rarely discussed on Sup Forums in the off season
>tfw no keri russel type gf who actually has a conviction about something in her life
It is anti-russian propagandanda.
you wouldn't like it anyway since you're a Sup Forums pleb
The Soviet Union is objectively evil in this show.
This. /r/the_donald backpackers need to leave adult television to the grownups. Go back to crying about all the black people in superhero movies, which you'll keep on watching anyway.
Name a character on the Americans who deserved it less
I'll wait
That busboy Phillip killed.
What I'd do for a night with prime Keri.
>our country fucking sucks and even the priviliged middle class is alienated and depressed: the show is pro-american
Well it makes the Soviets look like ruthless exploitative murderers so not really
South Africa plot got me triggered
That's just reality
Prime Keri is now, matey.
>Early 40's
>Popped out 3 kids
>Yeah, nah
>ywn spread her little butt and lick her asshole
how did sjw's not have a meltdown over this scene it was metaphysical rape
This is not a good shown it is the best show currently on TV.
Truly patrician tier, and further proof that Sup Forums has shit taste.
Average metacritic score for past two seasons : 94.5
It shows how shit Sup Forums is that nobody discusses the highest scoring tv show in the past few years.
The writing and acting take a dump on other shows being spammed here.
>tfw no Nina type soviet spy to turn against her homeland and rescue from prison
At first I thought she was the actress that played Diz in Starship Troopers wtf
The show is much more morally ambivalent. I'm not going to spoil it for you but it gets pretty fucking dark after season 1
Because it portrays socialism in a so-so light so they can't say shit about it.
Russia is obviously a shithole, but they also throw in a few good points why american society (at that time) wasn't exactly great either.
That agronomist they killed in the greenhouse.
>Truly patrician
>cites metacritic
>calls a program a show
Im sure this post would get you heaps of upvotes on /r/tv, youd probably feel more at home too
>rescue from prison
I'm not going to write a review about it on Sup Forums so citing the consistently stratospheric metacritic scores (and not RT) is the quickest way to point out a show's critical success.
>I believe the correct term is 'program'
Thank you, but I prefer it my way.
>oh no their about to get caught
>dont get caught
rinse and repeat over and over. psueds like it but its not kino
this is like saying 2001: a space odyssey was about rocket propulsion systems
It's rarely about getting caught you dweeb. It's about personal loyalties, and the impact of such a job on a person and on their family. The show only has one or two episodes of high octane suspense/chases. You havent watched much of it have you?
vlad was in the game
they completely messed up that korean family
probably sympathetic to the mujaheddin
what? he was fucking KGB
good call
She ends up suckling a lot of capitalist dicks.
>Curly hair
You may as well fuck an ape.
He's clearly thinking about Martha's Bessie-tier milkies there.
It's a good show similar to Lost where you watch it one time through but likely won't re-watch it.
I agree with this statement. But as far as dramas go, this is up there. Probably the best tv in years for me desu.
only good thing about this show is keri russell's ass
show needs more of it
i think you're talking about suits
Almost dropped it during the BLACKED storyline but once it was over it got real kino real fast.
she loves showing that thing off. almost every episode has her butt naked with her ass showing
You foocking wot mate?
>her butt naked with her ass showing
Saw first season, the only good character is Matthew Rhys. Show is slow ,tries too hard to be suspenseful in every episode and fails.
Leave and never come back.
If there is im converting!
this show is terrible but
>anti-american socialist propaganda
you will never have a girlfriend or a career
A great show about a family try to get by !!!
Oh my, the internet sharia police is here.
If you're an alt-right numale maybe.
It's really a good show, with phenomenal acting by the two leads, storylines taking place in Russia however seem a little off.
The only thing you can argue is that important assets like spies with a well established story weren't the ones that also executed people, they were simply too valuable.
>Is this a good show or just anti-american socialist propaganda?
but those are the same thing
>finding the USSR lovable
I don't get it
Those are pretty usual emotions if you've ever moved away from a place you've known a long time, even if it's a shithole
Socialist Propaganda of the 10s and 20s was arguably the most important era in cinema.
She should show it more. She has the tightest milf ass i've ever seen im like dayum
If anything it showed the Russians as shitty people and a failed economy so definitely not propaganda.
Everytime the plot gets stale, they just give keri russel a closeup of her naked butt
exactly how it should be
Maybe because she asked for it, and at first he refused knowing what would happen. She insists and they do it, guess what fucking happened?
It makes me sad when they turn their qt daughter away from Christ with their commie bullshit
Christ was a commie, though.
dat fucking jiggle
>Jesus was more of a capitalist than a socialist
The absolute state of burger education
The show is great, it portrays Russia harshly, but also highlights America's flaws. If anything, it's gotten even harsher on Russia as it's gone on. This past season, there was a great subplot about a secondary character investigating the causes of the constant shortages in the Soviet food system.
I found Oleg's storyline this season to be really compelling, surprisingly so. I ended up wishing they focused on it more, especially instead of on some of the other subplots, like about the defector and his family, which seemed to go nowhere. Tuan was a qt, tho. Anyone else feel like that?
Their son's cute, too. It was both amusing and disappointing to me how gone he was this season.
its a mandrama. shit is meant for women. more time is spent on romance and family plotlines than any actual subterfuge or spy work. just like sons of anarchy. skip it unless you really like jumping from one female-centric love/sex plotline to the next while pretending to be about espionage.