>it's wrong to slut-shame women for having sex
>"haha you virgin incel loser!"
It's wrong to slut-shame women for having sex
Other urls found in this thread:
>modern women demand that everyone pay for their morning-after pills, abortions and other medicinal remedies for unwanted pregnancies
>modern women can't not be fucking sluts
>it's up to the men and the gubmint to pay for her getting that fetus minced and/or paying for her welfare after pumping out six or seven screaming bastards by as many dads
I honestly just fucking hate women
who doesn't?
just ignore the cunts alltogether.
This, but I sorta want the bluepill back. Can you possibly have a relationship when all these thoughts about how egoistic, stupid, one dimentional and traitorous women are haunt you?
its mostly men who call each other "virgin incel loser". Though i'm not sure how vicious american women are
Only western women are shit, and basically any woman who consumes jewish media. We're fucked. I'm sure some good women actually existed some time in the past.
is this actually worth watching? I think I'd rather see a documentary focusing on the directors of porn rather than the actors. I imagine there are some real personalities there.
Spotted the weeb
Asian women are just as, if not more, psychotic and selfish
It just shows that women are fucking dumb and will sell themselves for basically nothing
ITT: future MGTOWs
Welcome to the gynocracy gents, have a good ride.
See, that's basically every porn documentary. "I thought sucking dick on camera would be easy money. Whoops, looks like this is actually an abusive industry and not empowering at all!" I want to hear from weird assholes like Jamie Gillis or those Facial Abuse guys.
Not really. It's a pity show.
>I want to hear from weird assholes like Jamie Gillis
he ded
asian women are psychotic, but in a cute tsundere way. Whereas a white girlfriend will cuck you and cheat on you while telling you everything is okay; an asian girlfriend will constantly freak out that you might be cheating on her and will spaz at you if you even look at another woman, and will be super obsessive and clingy wanting to spend 100% of the time with you and demanding to know about everything, whilst not wanting to ever actually sleep with you or even kiss you despite her not being religious.
>dat feel when not a single one of them actually saves money and they just blow it on stupid shit
no it's a female thing because it shows that's how they derive value, from sex, because it's all women have ever had to bargain with
Louis Theroux's docu has a bit of that
>That before and after
Lol no.
Yeah, that sounds really cute and not infuriating at all
>Only western women are shit
It seems you do not know anything about japanese society.
You mean Duke Skywalker or whatever his name is?
His insults are pure kino. He says it's like a service to the whores so they stop being whores, that's why he treats them so bad, yet they still come back.
Hello virgin.
Did you know, blowjob not considered as cheating in japan?
yeah but you know what I mean.
was this part of the Weird Weekends series? pretty sure I've seen it. the gay for pay dudes are funny.
Eh. Every societal group want their own pork barrel spending. Baby boomers want their mortgages to be benefited. Black people want firearms to be kept at a minimum. And women want their promiscuous behaviour to be comforted.
The wonders of democracy.
>have no concept of consequences or the future
sounds like the kind of person that goes into porn
considering my jap ex-girlfriend of 2 years never even kissed me on the lips let alone did anything remotely sexual, i find that hard to believe
women will turn on you and make your life miserable the moment they stop getting what they want from you. they're monsters.
>ex-girlfriend of 2 years never even kissed me o
Hahahaha what?
You can easily fuck japanese girl on 1st date.
This is why their shitty country has so many love hotels.
And i know a lot japanese women who worked as prostitutes.
Not a big deal for them.
But most of them usually find some foreigner and move from japan.
They're young and without responsibility with no concept of planning for their future. I bet they think all the porn they do is just going to disappear. I find it funny how movie kinda goes out of its way to show their handler as a dick who's on the phone all the time and doesn't care about the girls, but for him it's just a business - he handles dumb girls.
I just find it paradoxical that women, who often make up entire lifeplans and who's decided they're gonna become "proper" at a certain age can't seem to understand that stupid shit they do will haunt them for the rest of their life. It's as if they think they themselves can decide that after a certain date, everybody has to collectively forget that she was a pornstar/did copious amounts of drugs/was a huge whore/kicked dogs in the face/generally was a total bitch and we all now have to treat her according to her new "role" as a proper normal housemaker/careerwoman whatever.
nah man im a third worlder and women are shit here too.
Sounds like my ex. She's not Asian. Terrible experience, but also a very good lesson. Made me realize I don't really want a relationship.
Sex was good doe.
>considering my jap ex-girlfriend of 2 years never even kissed me on the lips let alone did anything remotely sexual
I sincerely hope you'e joking
If not, kill yourself you pathetic husk of a ''man''
if you want to hate women
just wait until your in your mid thirties and every roasty is in full panic mode
are you implying that these 2 sentiments are contradictory? one is saying don't shame women for enjoying sex, the other is laughing at you because you've swallowed so much /r/TheRedPill koolaid that you hate women for not having sex with you
Never run into any of these issues, maybe you all just surround yourself with shitty people.
why save $ when there's always a fresh sucker to buy you free stuff or tip you?
The concept of saving only occurs when you a) have a long-term horizon b) have to make trade-offs due to scarcity of resources
For these women, they only live in the now they never think about the future and money is never scarce because there's always a fresh sucker to pump for cash, until they age out.
Where is this? I feel like I know these people.
Tbqh, hating women is degenerate. The true red pill is understanding and accepting why women are the way they are, and the function their behavior serves. Jordan Peterson sums it up perfectly: Men test ideas, women test men. Whenever women completely contradict any sort of principle just to take a jab at men, always assume it's a shit test.
>that's how the internet told me it works, anyways. sexual market value is a real thing and totally not bitter virgin apologetics
>who doesn't?
people who are well adjusted instead of neet shutins
>poor people are such trash LOL
>oh no i only mean the poor people that are really bitter towards the middle class
this is essentially the same grade of excuse that people use when trying to explain how making fun of virgins doesn't make them terrible people. you're still calling all poor people trash, even when you add an asterisk after the fact. just accept that you're a terrible person, user.
>he actually believes the "arguing with holes" picture
>I think I'd rather see a documentary focusing on the directors of porn rather than the actors.
Have you seen the Deep Throat doc?
>equates poverty to virginity
lol the difference is that people aren't poor because a community of bitter internet poor people made them hate money
Women do it a lot more, guys doing it mostly happens in movies or groups of lads having banter.
do you think there weren't virgin losers before gamergate? the internet just put a spotlight on them like it did with autists
nah, but I just looked it up. i'll probably watch it sometime today. thanks
They also aren't virgins for that reason. They become bitter when they stay virgins for too long. And then just build a few levels of rationalizations on top of it.
Just a side-note: Calling men virgins really needs to stop. Men cannot by definition be virgins, since men don't have hymens. There's nothing that makes me cringe more than when men admit that they're "virgins". Virgin is an inherently feminine word, one which doesn't carry stigma. Hell, a sign of the zodiac is named after the term. The word for a man who has never had sex is celibate. Incel works too, since it also informs that it's not a deliberate choice.
Stop calling celibate men virgins. It's cringeworthy.
t. guy who has had sex before (inb4 "lol virgin")
lol what does gamergate have to do with anything?
which, ironically, makes them the kind of people who get mocked for their virginity. people pull the "lol virgin" card on the bitter woman-hating types, not just anyone who hasn't had sex
>and basically any woman who consumes jewish media.
>and basically any woman who consumes jewish media.
>and basically any woman who consumes jewish media.
Japan had been westernized to hell and back. Recently the whole world has access to toxic media as well.
But you can be in celibate without being a virgin.
just like myself atm
lol virgin
>Incel works too, since it also informs that it's not a deliberate choice.
lol needing to make that distinction is the most insecure shit of all time
gamergate is just the core of the internet MRA virgin shit. what i'm getting at is that when people make fun of virgins they're saying "haha you virgins are all bitter losers!" and then backtracking when called out and just saying "uh i only meant the ones that hate women!".
you can be a terrible person all you want just don't pretend otherwise or make lame excuses.
i would give them all the money in the world if it helped them not produce an offspring to their pathetic genetic lineage
>and then backtracking when called out
it's not backtracking if i never said what you're claiming to begin with lol. it's the bitterness in conjunction with the virginity that gets you insulted, not just the virginity by itself
Sounds like a party kek
Would rather get laid by a passionate woman, even if we're not exclusive.
not all women are like that. It's really not that much about gender, for every selfish, whoreish, retarded Stacy you have the same asshole Chad. 80% of humanity are worthless trash
what you're defending in the op is
>"haha you virgin incel loser!"
none of those really imply that you're an mra or gamergater or some other misogynist that deserves it.
the guy who made this thread probably ISNT a virgin
being on Sup Forums and making this thread implies it though
Well, then you're not a lifelong celibate. The term virgin is still not applicable, since virgin is a biological state that doesn't apply to men. You might as well say that men bleeding from their ass because of hemorrhoids is interchangeable PMS. This is why the Islamic faith doesn't specify 72 female virgins for their warriors, since it's implicit.
It's a meaningful distinction, since there are men who are deliberately celibate, like highly religious men. I know a really handsome guy who was popular with girls, yet chose to save himself for marriage because of religious reasons.
You should. Just don't watch the movie about Linda Lovelace starring that hot cumslut. If you haven't already, you should also watch Boogie Nights.
i think at least half of channers are bitter virgins but you can't deny that Sup Forums shitposters like op are chads stringing along at least three girls at all times
>It's a meaningful distinction
to you, since you sperg about men calling themselves virgins instead of celibate, which to the rest of society means "person choosing not to have sex", not "the male form of virgin"
unless you specify yourself as celibate it's kind of implied that you're "involuntarily celibate" which really just means a virgin who wants to have sex but is trying to place the blame for that not happening outside of himself
Whatever connotations the word celibate carries, the matter of fact is, male virgins are not a thing. I'd be more satisfied with this group of men being labeled as sexless losers, because at least that term is somewhat accurate. Calling sexually unsuccessful men the same as a chaste woman is just one more instance of categorizing men and women as equal and interchangeable, which they are not. There is no biological difference between a man the day before his first sexual encounter, and the same man the day after, unlike women. You might as well say that no woman has ever deflowered you, if you label yourself a virgin.
Idk m8. Virgin is a pretty common insult regardless where I live.
So do I, that's why I just stick to anime.
>it's wrong to slut-shame women for having sex
For the same reason it seems wrong to hate rich upper class people due to them being filthy rich, oftenly imbecile overpriced cunts: "Hurr durr you pathetic commie loser poorfag, make your own business".
Explains virgin shaming as well, by the way.
Just a little bit of thoughtfood for you and not only.
I don't hate women, they make my dick happy. However, I don't want to be in relationships with them because they drain all my personal time away, expecting me to give them constant attention and validation, its just not worth it to me. Maybe its worth it to some people who are prone to loneliness or peeps that fall for the having kids meme
>expecting kiss on the lips from dakikamakura.
well japanese culture is pretty different, lots of japanese people don't show much affection, and they don't even regularly say they love you, even if they do. However you could still find sloots to bag in japan, every country has their easy lays. Lots of shallow nip girls that will fuck you if you buy them shit, just like in the USA
>this is essentially the same grade of excuse that people use when trying to explain how making fun of virgins doesn't make them terrible people.
And who makes those claims most? Right-leaning folk, (Lolberts and similar ones especially). COINCIDENTALLY the ones that bitch most about women not being in the kitchen.
The irony is fucking awesome.
While men do this shit for sure, it's a women who have a wide variety of reasons to do that, the most popular one is being rejected.
>none of those really imply
"incel loser" part.
Non-losers are, usually, not outright bitter, or trying to bullshit about their success on the Internet. Virginity here is just a consequence - a cherry on the top of the cake of physical repulsiveness... even for men.
tribalism is fun but just understand that you're talking about a small group of trash people in a larger group. i don't think being a hypocritical cunt has a strong enough correlation with any belief that you can reasonably conflate the two groups.
t. incels
>incel baits other incels because it helps him forget he's an incel
American women truly are awful. Insipid cunts, my italian gf is better and more down to earth
>if I'm an incel everybody on Sup Forums must be
t. incel
>not sure how vicious they are
absolute monsters, the very few good ones are usually actively sabotaged by the meaner, more bitter ones
i really don't know why you're hung up on this lol
i didn't read his posts because they were annoying but i think he's not arguing what the definition of virgin is, he's just saying that virgin men and virgin women are different enough that men should be called something different like incel.
>all this beta whining about women slutting on camera
They're just glorified prostitutes who have existed forever. If a tiny tiny tiny minoritiy of sluts bother you that much then give up the porn and become a monk and live in the mountains you beta bois
>i think he's not arguing what the definition of virgin is
then you should probably read his posts so you can actually follow the conversation. like when he said
>the matter of fact is, male virgins are not a thing
also i still dont get this distinction that both of you seem to think is necessary
>he's just saying that virgin men and virgin women are different enough that men should be called something different like incel
is it based on the hymen thing that the other guy was saying (which is retarded because you can break it before the first time you have sex)?
no it's that male virgins are usually involuntarily so, unlike with women that just want to wait for marriage. i think if anyone measured statistics that would be shown to be true. also i'm still not reading his posts. anyone that capitalizes properly and posts big blocks of text is probably a redditor.
Its because of men. Women will push the buttons until someone has the guts to slap them over the wrists.
lol how much did you spend on her while getting absolutely nothing out of it? Please try and round to the nearest ten thousand dollar amount.
>big blocks of text
lol it was like 3 lines of text. get an attention span, gen z children
>male virgins are usually involuntarily so, unlike with women that just want to wait for marriage
there are men who wait for marriage and women who are "involuntarily celibate" (which once again, is a pointless distinction, because it's basically implied that you're willing to have sex but haven't yet if you are a virgin but don't specify that you are celibate)
>google definitions
Sure, and feminism is about "equality". Here's a challenge: Find me a non-ironic depiction of the zodiac sign Virgo that isn't a woman.
>google definitions
better than internet doofus definitions lol
>Find me a non-ironic depiction of the zodiac sign Virgo that isn't a woman.
nah, i'm good. i'll stick with using the definition of the word that's accepted pretty much universally, outside of sperging outliers like yourself
Where are documentaries about guys in porn? They're paid less, have to actually work for their money and take health damaging drugs to sustain erection for shoots.
>its the "i called y virgin so i must be correct episode"
>implying that's not a valid argument