*blocks your path*
"I'm pickle Rick bitch!"
what do?
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
pfft, nothing personal
You jumped the shark, nigger.
>blocking my path in a public space (as dictated by the state power of the united states of america)
clear violation of the nap, kill him.
>that black obese raven on the right side
The jessica nigri one made me understand how retarded these weeb fucks are and how badly i want hwr to be raped
that's an impressive costume
This does not belong on here. Go to Reddit.
an pickle xD
lmao this could also be used for Sup Forums too. This was probably made by some autist Sup Forums weeb too proud of being part of Sup Forums.
>she doesn't look so bla-
>monkey face
Wtf why are her legs white
honestly one of the best R & M cosplays i've seen
You can't attack a single argument raised by the image because you know its fucking true.
i've never seen the word "autism" as a one word response ever used by anyone with anything of worth to say
lmao i couldn't really care less. all im saying is Sup Forums really isn't that different from reddit. the only difference is Sup Forums is filled with edgy dweebs who feel superior when all they do is stay inside wasting their lives.
it's not worth "attacking"
the person who made it thinks RnM has mcdonalds sponsorship, it's lolworthy autism.
that's not to say RnM threads belong here since we have Sup Forums but you don't need to jump through mental hoops everytime a fanbase emerges to describe why it "belongs on reddit"
post no. 87251777
easiest (You) of my life
the image never claimed it had a mcdonalds sponsorship, though. did you think corporate complicity meant sponsorship?
Rick & Morty cringe?
your reply functions broken bro, here I'll do it for you.
post no. 87252192
raking in the retard (You)'s baby
The only cringe is how many times I've seen this pic reposted today (before I've had breakfast)
wow, you know what, you have to be a troll. this is my last post.
>inb4 I was only pretending to be autistic.
you need to smoke meth to understand rick and morty
I like to watch the show but these have always been my complaints about the show. Not every show you watch has to be revolutionary. Its a good show to watch with friends and is a great way to get to know "nerdy" girls. It was made to be mainstream, not to cater to Sup Forums.
post no. 87252291
this is how easy it is to bully "autism" posters