Woah... Who knew /ourguy/ Dunkey was such a kinoisseur
Woah... Who knew /ourguy/ Dunkey was such a kinoisseur
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Woah... Who knew OP was such a cocksucker
Was it autism?
He also hates The Hobbit
our guy indeed
They weren't calling kids like that autistic yet.
>hates The Hobbit
>our guy
you have to go back
He just topped RLM in a 5:17 minutes video.
go to bed Peter
What the fuck was his problem?
But OP, the Shining sucks.
I admit that The Shining is entry-level kino, but it's kino nonetheless, and only a contrarian or a massive pleb would disagree. Literally a 10/10.
>being stuck in a big ass hotel with Stanley Kubrik, Shelley DuVall and a weird kid
you'd also go crazy
it's shit, only plebs fall for the kubrick meme
White man's burden
What did he mean by this?
>ugh this film is so popular and well-regarded so I can't like it without being a "normie", let me be as contrarian as possible and call it "entry-level"
He's damn right
The end of the white race by auto extermination.
I kind of want to be an innkeeper at a cool old hotel for a winter so long as I can shitpost and watch kino with a warm fire.
a nigger, sir
Whoa, was Kubrick secretly /ourguy/?
An African-American?
>the alleged duty of white colonizers to care for nonwhite indigenous subjects in their colonial possessions.
>alleged duty
Yea, the kangz haven't rioted for decades and demanded free shit at threat of committing violent crimes. Yea white people haven't transferred trillions of dollars of wealth to non-white communities around the world out of our naive altruism.
well it is one of the best movies ever made
Hey Dunkey
Hey sky
>unironically enjoyed the hobbit
typical entry level multi media pleb Sup Forumsembryo sucking the dick of a mediocre movie that got its dick sucked for the past 40 years just because it's written and directed by two hacks when they were pop. It's the same when jontron brings up kubrick and tarantino.
They actually believe they know anything about cinema because they're 1 level off the surface. But can you blame them? they realized they built their fanbase on this brainless demographic, now they desperately cling to what they perceive to be a higher intellectual pursuit.
Just watch as he smugly says the same shit that has been said for 40 years, reassuring himself that he was part of a privileged experience, he untangled the web of mysteries covering this masterpiece, and he must eagerly share it with the world. Just imagine how empty his life must be, how many nights he left his wife on a cold bed to write, record and edit this video, with a promise of recognition that he is more than a league of legends player.
>the state of youtube movie reviewers is so bad that a vidya reviewer makes the best movie review on youtube
>listening to what a jew has to say about movies
You realize they are the reason star wars has sloths and penguins now right
It is objectively entry-level though. That phrase has nothing to do with quality of the film
>such a kinoisseur
>literally one of the most famous movies ever
Is Sup Forums just a bunch of teenagers who are only now realising that there exists movies made before 1990?
It's fullof entry level Sup Forumsedditors now
Just look at Even down to his use of image he tries to pretend he's not a pleb
these fucking Sup Forums robots are insane
fuck off you android cunt
>shills his retarded "review" (dick suck) of a movie everyone already saw 30 years ago
>calls others robots
Fuck off jew I'm on to you
>"the answer to the riddle, hidden in plain sight
This I didn't get. What was the riddle and the answer?
No cheekycunt replies
It's about the destructive influence of alcohol.
Imagine having taste this shit. The government should give you money, you fucking deserve it for having to live like this.
>Frederic Raphael, who co-authored the Eyes Wide Shut script with Kubrick, recalled that the director once remarked that "Hitler was right about almost everything", and insisted that any trace of Jewishness be expunged from the Eyes Wide Shut script. Kubrick's bizarre relationship to his own ethnicity deeply troubled Raphael, a fellow Jew. Raphael was further puzzled over Kubrick's cryptic praise for Hitler, unable to decide if Kubrick was jesting. Raphael was equally puzzled by Kubrick's trashing of Schindler's List. After Raphael mentioned Schindler’s List, Kubrick replied: “Think that's about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about six million people who get killed. 'Schindler's List’ is about 600 who don’t."[4] Kubrick's friend Steven Spielberg, the director of the film, disbelievingly responded that he "didn't recognize the voice of Stanley" in Raphael's interviews.
Pretty obvious Stanley was joking. He was Jewish after all.
>Kubrick's friend Steven Spielberg, the director of the film, disbelievingly responded that he "didn't recognize the voice of Stanley" in Raphael's interviews.
Fuck you, riddler
>tfw black
>tfw the scariest bit was when he said nigger
why are self hating individuals turn out to be really great artists?
What does he say about this movie that hasn't been said before? Does he say anything original at all?
>"H-he's only j-joking guys, ha-ha"
Said the increasingly nervous kike.
I dare say people who spam Bella Thorne have more refined taste than the cretins in this thread. Kubrick as the be all end all of cinema? Sounds about right for neo/tv/, there is a reason why everybody laughs at this board. Posters just like you are that reason.
Why don't you go off and pretend you have taste because you like Tarkovsky or Lynch so those of us who actually like cinema can have a good fucking laugh at your adorable attempts.
>Kubrick as the be all end all of cinema?
Why are you putting words in my mouth, cunt? The Shining is a great movie; if you think otherwise you have shit taste and are a contrarian ass that ACTUALLY shits up the board. End your life.
>think hes joking when he brings up the holocaust and the native americans
>he does it again
>mfw i realize hes serious
What if Kubrick was just a great director and nothing more? And The Shining was a great movie? Nothing more, nothing less. Not the literal best director but a great director. The Shining is a great movie, not the best movie ever.
It's absolute garabge, imdb buff
If you want a film that does similar shit but does it well, watch The Haunting. It's actually creepy, and actually has interesting themes.
Who's your favourite Shining character. the kid who can't act, the weepy pathetic woman who never does anything, or the overblown caricature that is Jack Nicholson?
he shat on armond, this weird crybaby faggot is reddit incarnate
>Pretty obvious Stanley was joking. He was Jewish after all.
you may be right, one of his collegues said that kubrick couldn't bring himself to make a holocaust film because it distraught him so much, his opinions may have changed since then but who knows, but the fact that not even his good friends could tell whether he was joking or not is pretty telling, you really maybe did mean it
This. I left a comment on the video last night kinda like this.
What does this mean?
>It's absolute garabge
No it's not, cock gobbler.
>If you want a film that does similar shit but does it well, watch The Haunting. It's actually creepy, and actually has interesting themes.
I also enjoyed that movie.
>Who's your favourite Shining character. the kid who can't act, the weepy pathetic woman who never does anything, or the overblown caricature that is Jack Nicholson?
The Hotel :^)
No, he applauded Armomd for his consistency
>the roof lights spell 'LAb'
wow what revolutionary filmmaking
Kubrick was going to make a film about the holocaust at around the same time that Spielberg did, but when he went deep into research and discovered that it isn't real, he decided not to make it.
Imagine having this shit taste
>>Sup Forums
only Kubrick knows
Yeah, why else would he have """""mysteriously"""" died just after Eyes wide Shut?
fuck you dunkey you fat fuck, go fuck your jew goblin wife
Because watching Stanley Kubrick films gives you taste.
Native americans was space travellers and shiet nigguh
So what's the answer the puzzle?
I don't get it, what did Dunkey say in the video that hasn't already been said a million times?
Nothing, it's just a normal review
Jack goes crazy because the hotel is haunted and gets consumed by the ghosts does it actually surprise brainlets and that's the reason so many faux connoisseurs put it on their top lists? literally every theory people come up with is retarded and makes no sense just watch Room 237 to see how clinically retarded theoryfags actually are
Dubkey is trying to be serius lately with his reviews and analysis, but the problem is that as a gaming and a movie analityc, hes extremely shallow and parroting, he doesnt have the capacity to offer anything new and the only reason people praise his analysis is because they are blind dunkey fans or are very young and havent experienced the things hes reviewing, of course his comedy videos have fallen apart (his nidhog 2 vid is painfully unfunny) cause hes giving it all to his new, serius stuff but the only grace he had is that he was funny, but now he isnt. What a shame, he was a great youtuber
>Puts together information everyone already knows from the top 4 results for "the shining review"
>packages it as your own review
Not setting the bar high I see
That's a pretty good idea. You don't even have to create anything yourself. Just mix and match sentences from other people who are more hard working than yourself.
Sounds great
There is nothing wrong about stuff being entry level, it mostly means that it will both be recommended by "authority" sources as well as will have easily consumed layers to it, doesn't stop it from having deep levels as well.
I don't think there is an answer he was havin a giggle
>native americans
Holy shit, I didn't know dunkey was so bluepilled. I knew he had posted an anti-trump meme before, but come on now.
It's obvious he watched room 237 and then took the most entry-level theories
The one about nazis is so incredibly retarded that it beggars belief. The jewish guy in the film who theorised it is like a Sup Forums caricature.
>an anti-trump meme
literally when
i remember him posting in one of his videos showing how hillary was basically the same as trump
this fucking guy
>his nidhog 2 vid is painfully unfunny
Agreed, that portal 2 video from a little while ago was god awful as well
The day after election night he retweeted the "USA" "Dumbfuckistan" image that was floating around for a few weeks after election. I'm assuming he deleted it after, but I think Leah is a bad leftist influence on him.
In Full Metal Jacket he does a parallel between fascist youth groups and the Mickey Mouse club. It's the last shot of the movie.
Also, I purposely avoided that video, because I knew that game was leftist trash. I didn't want to lose any more respect for him. As i'm watching this, he definitely seems bluepilled, even if he realizes Hillary is retarded.
How did 48 fps films work out for you Peter? ;^)
That review is fine and all... but what I really want is a review of KNACK 2 BABY!!!
Finished the video. I think he's just a lefty, because Hillary's policies were definetly not those of a normal leftist. He's either a dumb leftie or a radical centrist. Probably a mix.
Which is funny, because he sure upsets his liberal audience when he says faggot.
Haha God, your life must be utter hell with taste this poor. I bet you you eat your toast with no butter.
What a rotten way to die
I thought that too, but then I realised he made a video for his video game audience. I don't think people who spend all day playing video games and don't watch movies will know anything other than surface level events in The Shining, even if they've seen the movie. The video parrots meanings that's been around for decades, but dunkey exposed it all to a group of people that likely haven't heard any of it before.
Literally the same thing that's been said about this movie for the past few decades
Sup Forumstards don't exist, they get paid to shitpost
Kubrick was just asshurt because he was planning his own holocaust movie for years but got cucked out of it when Spielberg beat him to the punch. He must have got over it though because he handpicked Steve to direct A.I.
Armond is a contrarian faggot. He's never written a single review that even implies he actually saw any of those movies. Why do you worship him?
didnt he JUST make a video about him complaining about other video game outlets covering a slew of shit that isn't games
Could you feel the white mans aggression?