The fact that anyone thinks this is possible is just hilarious to me. Stick to videogames. Real people do not accept your kind.
The fact that anyone thinks this is possible is just hilarious to me. Stick to videogames...
Trannies have vivid imaginations. This one thinks he's a girl.
>believing anything coming out of Hollywood
It's entirely possible that a superspy might have to couple with a transgender person to get information or access. What's so unbelievable about it?
In what way would this hurt you? There's already been 24 bond movies without a trans girl. How could 1 with a trans actress upset you this much?
i would love a tranny bond girl, especially if she tops 007
Mental illness has never, nor should ever be encouraged or celebrated.
There already was a tranny Bond girl (though (s)he wasn't a main one)
I forgot which movie (s)he appeared in though
>Real people do not accept your kind.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but no one outside the middle east and africa hates trannies. Hell, my little brother's high school in alabama voted a transgirl as prom queen
There is absolutely no scientific basis for saying that being trans or having body dysmorphia is a mental illness.
It's trans or trans*, not "tranny," and what's with those parentheses? Are you trying to be funny? That isn't funny, actually...
Be aware that I and other people wish bad things for you. If you ever spin out on an on-ramp, slip a disc or get sick, I want you to know why.
james bond is fucking lame.
>Laverne Cox
get it? it's because he used to have a penis
Thanks. I'm already well aware that bigots exist.
>How could 1 with a trans actress upset you this much?
As opposed to what? Pay these people my hard-earned money so they can shove this ugly actor in the movie and have me pretend he's a woman?
Ok then if it's not a disease then it doesn't need to be treated and trannies can stop whining that the government won't pay for their hormones and dick surgeries.
No way Craig would even touch that thing.
where did you get your scientific degree
i would suicide bomb the studio building
With the way things are going I fully expect there will be a Tranny Bond Girl. Not that thing though, a convincing trap like the one on Sens8.
>people with mental illnesses should be treated with disgust and contempt and no effort should be made to help, support, treat or accept them
>it's my business what every man does with his dick
Man polfags are weird.
>There is absolutely no scientific basis for saying that being trans or having body dysmorphia is a mental illness.
Fucking lol. DSM-5 still classifies trannies as the mentally sick degenerates that they are.
>if you play video games you aren't real
seriously what the hell did he mean by this
Caroline (Tula) cossey
MGM and Sony are privately companies. They don't exist to appease you. If they want to give a platform to a marginalised group by casting a trans actress then that's what they'll do. Lots of people would welcome it. If you don't like it then don't watch it. Watch the next one, or the previous 24 movies.
>dysphoria isn't a mental-illness
Please, end your life like thousands of trannies do each year.
Fuck being a transgender bond girl, be the first transgender bond!
You are the bigot, coming into an established society trying to imply your inherit worth and valuing yourself more than the whole, telling people they're wrong for thinking and living the same way their fathers and grandfathers did.
How did you read:
>Mental illness has never, nor should ever be encouraged or celebrated.
>people with mental illnesses should be treated with disgust and contempt and no effort should be made to help, support, treat or accept them
Are you mentally handicapped?
but they commit suicide because there isnt enough lgbt representation in the media, not because its a mental illness
>body dysmorphia
>anything but a mental illness
what is it then my guy? i feel bad for gay people putting in work for so long to be accepted just to have the "t" tacked on to the end of their group, making pride parades look like a joke.
More cis people kill themselves each year than trans people. But you already knew that.
Real name Roderick. Yes, his parents named him Rod Cox
Also fuck him, Tula was the first
We need to exterminate the homosexuals, if you know what I'm saying.
>Mental illness has never been encouraged or celebrated
I won't even ask you to open a book. Just turn on a tv.
>you are a bigot for oppressing my attempts to oppress you
that's not how it works
>muh heritage
you can't ride on the coattails of the better men before you as an excuse for not accomplishing jack shit except complaining, your ancestors would be ashamed in your tubby hate-filled useless ass
>They don't exist to appease you.
Where does the money that they need to stay afloat come from, dumbass?
>If you don't like it then don't watch it. Watch the next one, or the previous 24 movies.
And what makes you think I need you to tell me that? Oh, that's right. You're just some moron who can't stand the fact that people complain about things in an anonymous imageboard.
trannies arent as common as trannies think.
Very unlikely to meet one on a mission outside of Thailand
Asking that trans people are treated the same as everyone else and get the same opportunities as the rest of society makes me a bigot? Ok.
>MGM and Sony are privately companies.
>They don't exist to appease you.
>Being this retarded
>the first
wasn't there one already?
Because your idea of "not encouraging or celebrating" something is the same as actively opposing it. Mental illness doesn't go away if you show disapproval for it.
>Asking that trans people are treated the same as everyone else and get the same opportunities as the rest of society makes me a bigot?
Not that user, but it does make you a moron. Who the fuck thinks treating the mentally ill the same as a healthy normal person is such a good idea?
You sound mad. I can't imagine getting *this* upset over what is just a discussion about a trans actress being able to do her job. Again, not everyone is as intolerant as you. You don't speak for the majority of people.
It's transies, not "trannies," and also there was recently a very high-profile transie involved in an IC leak so it IS possible and wouldn't be out of the realm of believability.
A shitload of gay people actually hate transsexuals. There's a bunch of fighting in the LGBT community. A lot of gay guys hate lesbians and vice versa, they both hate bisexuals and pretty much everyone hates transsexuals.
looking forward to your suicide, freak.
>Asking that trans people are treated the same as everyone else
Get called by the pronouns they seem to appear as? You've got yourself a deal buddy!!
False dichotomy. I'm helping those with Gender Dysmophia by showing my clear intolerance on the internet, instead of being an asshole in public society who humors them along.
I've lived in Napa Valley. I know the San Francisco types, they will march along with the LGBT and then gawk and laugh at the Transgendered freaks when talking privately. That's dishonest, that's cruel.
Future generations will see our Frankensteinian Sex Change Operations and they'll be revolted by it the same way we're revolted by Lobotomies.
>Because your idea of "not encouraging or celebrating" something is the same as actively opposing it.
Great job with that strawman. Trannies need to go to the mental hospital. If you don't like it, tough shit
>they don't exist to appease you
actually that is the only reason they exist, selling a product.
i was going to ask if you are retarded, but seeing as you are a either a tranny or attracted to trannies
looks like the sissy fag gene runs through your whole family.
Why is it a good idea to make a hobby out of shitting on them? What will that accomplish? Do you know how much of a horrible asshole you are if you make fun of and shit on people who you yourself view as having a handicap?
Have a (you) tranny boy
I could say that you are mentally ill, with absolutely no basis. Does that make me right? Should opportunities in life be withheld from you because I've decided you're mentally ill? Think about it.
>I can't imagine getting *this* upset over what is just a discussion about a trans actress being able to do her job
He can't do his job because he's not a woman. No matter how much you pretend he is.
>Hell, my little brother's high school in alabama voted a transgirl as prom queen
>Being surprised men are better at everything, even being prom queen.
You don't know me, or my ancestors. I do though, and they'd be happy that I and people like me, not hate filled monsters like you like to think but rather normal working people who want a normal working society to raise normal working kids in, fight your kind at every step.
Everybody else in the world is subject to extreme scrutiny in regards to where they fit in a society, you ARE treated the same as everyone else, you're asking for kid gloves.
Wait, what? How myopic. I'm not trans, I'm just not a mindless bigot. Rethink your life!
You need to go in for sociopathy, but no one is going to make you do it, so I'm not sure why there's a double standard. If anything your illness is more destructive to the society around us. Trannies mostly harm themselves.
>No matter how much you pretend he is.
Isn't pretending (to be something you are not) the essence of acting though?
Production companies can still turn a profit without pandering to people with intolerant, hateful world views. People like you and others in this thread are not the kind of audience or customers that companies want.
>Why is it a good idea to make a hobby out of shitting on them?
I'm not the guy parading mentally ill people out on the streets and pretending they don't need help. Stop being braindead and think for a second what these people really need.
>I could say that you are mentally ill, with absolutely no basis. Does that make me right?
No. It makes you wrong. But I can call a guy pretending to be of the opposite sex who needs hormones and surgeries to bring him closer to his ideal image while his body fights him every step of the way a mentally ill person
You're nobody, but if you were a doctor or the majority of society and you examined someone and said "yeah, they're mentally ill," then yes, deny that person opportunities and have them get well.
Go ahead and tell us what oppression you faggots face anyways
>a bloo bloo bloo I'll never look like a woman!
Is not an answer
>MGM and Sony are privately companies. They don't exist to appease you.
>MGM and Sony
>They don't exist to appease you.
Fucking lol
You're what, 17? Possibly 18? Working at Walmart?
Where did you get yours?
>This much edge
>This threatened by trannies
How insecure can you faggots be?
I don't think you know what "pandering" means.
Creating a media circus about having a trans actor is pandering, casting a normal person is not pandering.
Then they were shitheads too.
>Everybody else in the world is subject to extreme scrutiny in regards to where they fit in a society
Which is why your type throws a fit every time Starbucks doesn't put Christian propaganda on their cups every December and claims they're being persecuted. You idiots complain about trivial bullshit ten times more than the trannies.
>Real people do not accept your kind.
They will in a few years. I think we should really appreciate the 2010s because it's gonna be the last "normal" decade.
What's this all about?
>Where did you get yours?
not from the internet like yourself
>appreciate the 2010s
>the decade where normal people had the dicks of mentally ill faggots shoved into their face
>cast out by society if you thought it was wrong
i will really look fondly upon the 2010s
>Isn't pretending (to be something you are not) the essence of acting though?
Pretending to be a woman even though you are not is like using a flamethrower to cook your burgers. Shit results with more effort
Laverne Cox is hot and she would make a great Bond girl.
I'm not saying this decade isn't shit but I think the next ones will be even worse.
You don't give a solitary shit what they need, and that is quite evident. You clearly enjoy feeling superior to them because you're a "decent hardworking American", whatever the hell that means. You're a morally bankrupt hypocrite.
>You're what, 17? Possibly 18? Working at Walmart?
Why does it matter to you? Afraid of people that you know are better than you? :^)
Anything is possible in our shitty society.
Homosexuality was considered a mental illness and abnormal. Meanwhile other abhorrent lifestyles were considered normal or ignored.
I'm ready for "normal" to change again.
>You're a morally bankrupt hypocrite.
Calm down lad!
Are you a doctor? What's your qualifications to make such assertions? You seem to have decided that being trans is the result of mental illness. There is no scientific basis for this. The scientific community acknowledges body dysmorphia as a real condition that trans folk suffer from. Trans people have science on their side. You, and others in this thread, are the ones making wild and irresponsible claims based on nothing but your own prejudices.
Lol maybe net more but the tranny suicide rate is WAAAAAAAAAAY higher
>You don't give a solitary shit what they need, and that is quite evident. You clearly enjoy feeling superior to them because you're a "decent hardworking American", whatever the hell that means. You're a morally bankrupt hypocrite.
Stop making shit up so you can go on your moral crusade. This isn't Facebook, so I can't even imagine how pathetic you are when you're doing this shit in Sup Forums of all places.
So the shitheads in your world are the vast majority who live normal, peaceful lives and fund the economy and society and make the world good and just want things to be normal and good around them, and NOT the mentally unstable magic pixie retard with demons in his head telling him to cut his dick off? You deserve the bad things in your life, I hope you get a moment of clarity when you drain all your blood into the bathtub and you realize that. Nice deflections in your post though, just admit you have no father and you hate Christianity so we can wrap those up and put it to bed.
I'm MI6
Try again at that sentence, friend. You seem to have a tentative grasp at the human language, let alone an argument that you can't refute. I'll lower the bar to somewhere in Brazil.
Why do I have to be angry to not like you?
>goes on a moral crusade
>criticizes others for doing it
>I'm MI6
License to shill plz?
Your posts seem pretty angry tbqh senpai.
Why are the alt right kids so obsessed with chicks with dicks?
>The trannies are coming
so glad these people are considered jokes
why do they think anyone want to watch mongrels in movies?
I nor anyone ITT decided anything about trans being a mental illness, the medical community did. You even admit it in your post. That's even what they tell you when you get your pills and therapy and surgeries, that they're treating your psychosis. Fuck me, I hate talking to the mentally ill, you never get through to them because they see the world like some matrix style video game where they just keep mashing the same buttons and spamming the same input. We used to just put you in hospitals for life, note the sharp decline in society once mental hospitals are defunded, thanks Reagan.
They're intriguing
>an argument that you can't refute
You didn't even have one, brainlet
Don't forget you freak, suicide is imminent. ;)