

What did the terminator mean by this?

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No babbys got aborted


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Check the Constitution

As opposed to 0.1 or some other fraction of a whole number. Have you ever tried printing 0 as a float? The output will be 0.0 or some specified amount of zeros after the decimal point

its not a number. its an emoticon.

>kill nigger
>Human Casualties 0.6

0.0 what's dis? *Notices John Connor*

lol shut up nerd

the beard!

since he got no beard, he makes shit like avatar

if he'd killed any brown people it would've only counted as a .60 casualty

I don't know Quinn Cameron. You live with him, you tell us?

Why is he worried about causalities anyway?

Is he a fucking theoretical physician or some shit?

Women count as 0.5 casualties

black people only count as 3/5th

Casualties don't mean deaths. If he shot someone in the foot, it would be one casualty.

>Decimal notation
>Gives his answer as a fraction

Have you tried going back to school?

OP was baiting and the most offensive answer has been given.


You aren't the thread arbiter, mate. If I see you in Sydney you're done for.


well looking at software development today and extrapolating it surely runs on some shitty framework running on top of a high level scripting language about 100 layers of abstraction between it and bare metal.
there is probably no type available to handle integers but a hundred different types to handle specific cases like human casualties.

of course the real question is are you upset than nobody has taken the obvious bait of asking you why you are concerned about display format of an overlay onto an image that is where? to be seen by whom? nobody, it is superfluous.

Cyborgs, duh ya idiot.

What is the best death in Terminator 2?


T800 probably uses float for his killcount.


My fucking sides