What are some good movies depicting the mid west and south as the inbred hell hole it is?
What are some good movies depicting the mid west and south as the inbred hell hole it is?
That dude doesn't even realize that was just broadcasted
>making fun of the mentally disabled
Wow, the left has reached a new low. I could make the same thread and say it depicts communists and leftists.
the mentally disabled are hilarious
>girl hanging out with autists hides from camera
is she, dare i say...?
That's pretty mean, user.
Wtf are you talking about? Leftists love retards.
Any brain-dead, government dependent minority is prime meat for those virtue-signalling fucks. Just because conservatives are the ones fucking their cousins doesn't mean that leftists love their spawn any less.
Did you even look at the OP, you retard? And that's funny because blacks have the highest rate of incest out of all Americans.
This thread makes me was to burn
>Full-blown face helmet into an autistic raise-the-roof, panning a literal neckbeard followed by a shameful attempt to hide, transitioning through an autismversation and ending on a wallet-eater
Was this Kino? Also the absolute STATE of Iowa
False news.
Honkies are the ones that fuck their own kids.
>the average trump supporter
No wonder white america is (rightfully) dying.
You see Trump kissing those black babies though? Those people love him now.
agreed. We need to kill all the white men in the south so they can be bred by the superior black cock. Only then will racism end.
Fuck Trump, Fuck white people
Coastal fags are so cringe.
What's wrong with this?
Yeah, fellow coastal guy here, nothing wrong with sharing your wife with a black stranger who roots for the other team.
Check mate racist flyovers
Seek mental help.
We Asians like to stick to the coasts because there are more things to do.
Like share your girl with black men.
Get with the times bigot. ITS 2017