is it kino?
Is it kino?
the pacing was horrible, the only thing that made me chuckle was adam driver's character. All Soderbergh had to do was to remake the fun factor of the Ocean's trilogy but he couldn't make it. I'd rather watch any Ocean's movie than this again
not kino, but entertaining enough
the twist at the end was actually clever and was hinted without being explicit so there's that
The GRRM joke is gonna age horribly but damn it made me guffaw
I thought it was good, a solid 7/10 flick
eh, its solid. i thought daniel craig and adam driver were good.
It's awfully sad that this movie is flopping. I loved its heart and some of it was really funny. Not exactly tense though. I felt like once the heist started it lost some of the charm. But I still thought every character was likable and that's rare in movies such as this.
You are a god damned tone deaf idiot faggot retard.
Seemed good. I went to the drive in with a girl and this was the second movie they played. Long story short I saw less than half of it. Shame to because I enjoyed what I saw.
it was good
but the whole planning was some next level shit
i couldn't believe channings character could be that smart
i needed more background or more of what he was/smart to make me believe it.
also the end didn't need to be there (setting up for a sequel)
they could've placed a black man at the bar and kylo going to tatum saying this guy wants to talk to him.
then as tatum sat down, he'd be like, 'my brother tells me you wanna talk to me'
black man lifts his face showing an eye patch , 'i'm putting together a team with a certain set of skills'
Soderbergh is the best living American auteur, and of the all time greats.
Definitely not but he certainly has one of the most diverse and interesting filmographies, and is a master at location scouting/casting choices. Watching Haywire, it was mind blowing how such a mediocre movie could have such amazing sets and scenery.
Entertaining, Swank ruined the final act and there were some weird non-sequitor-like scenes like the shit about food being software which, while funny, were really strange and out of place
Hilary Swank is absolutely awful in this. She comes in and fucks up the movie with her stupid Batman voice, block head, and atrocious acting.
Also, correct me if I'm wrong because I had a hard time hearing the dialogue at the end, but did Jimmy know the investigation was over because his cellphone cut out, meaning the FBI were paying the bill to wire tap him?
Loved it, pretty much Ocean's Eleven with hicks but it's still perfectly made. I won't call it kino because there's nothing transcendent about it, but it's very well-crafted, funny, acting is great, and manages to be the first Hollywood movie in history that says there's nothing wrong with being Appalachian. It would come out pretty bad if they tried to be woke about any of it rather than letting the characters be themselves for good or ill.
Yes Sebastian Stan's character was completely out of left field and still makes no sense. Was it just so he could take away credibility from Seth McFarlane? There had to be a better way to do that than make this whole new character with a B+ list actor.
Definitely, yes. He has amazing writing and directing capabilities and has a diverse catalog of films ranging from action to horror to comedy with different yet recognizable visual styles commending each era.
He is pure kino.
Contagion and Side Effects and Knick the best toxic trilogy ever.
No, he knew he was no longer tracked because the six month deadline to fully deactivate his phone had passed. Swank talked about this, he lived off the grid on accident by just being that poor.
Think it was just an attempt at satirizing NASCAR drivers acting pretentious about driving around in circles. But yeah it was still weird as fuck that he wouldn't cooperate with the FBI on a vault robbery just because he doesn't like McFarlane.
What you said makes no fucking sense
Yes, he says last time he stopped paying the bill his phone service was cut immediately, so he stopped paying again but service continued because he knew the FBI was tapping his phone and wouldn't let his service lapse. Now that his service is finally shut off for non-payment, he knows the FBI is no longer tapping him and therefore has probably given up investigating.
It's not really Hollywood movie. They use new distribution system to avoid studio bullshit and have all creative control
Not kino but it's a good film and is very pleasant to watch. I thought the family troubles storyline was handled very well. The cast and director really sold it to me without it coming off as ham fisted or overly saccharine, which is difficult to do in a heist film.
The heist storyline itself is pure Soderbergh, whoever Rebecca Blunt is must have written it with him specifically in mind. There's some novelty in seeing the redneck characters pull off the heist and I enjoyed seeing that part of American life shown on screen without being the butt of a joke.
Riley Keough was super hot.
The way I see it the fridge list had been there for a very long time. Between that and the character's criminal past, I just see it as a man who was just super into heists and who had been researching/planning one for a long time. The construction just opened up a chance.
Good point, I heard about that and was very excited. Anything to get risky movies out there, it says something about the state of the industry where a goofy heist movie is considered risky.
Could you tell more?
Avoiding studio system just requires money, no?
Contagion and Side Effects are great movies. Soderbergh is an excellent writer. But I don't think he has the best visual eye. I suppose it comes down to taste but I think Linklater has him beat. I am very glad Soderbergh is back, I really missed his characters. They have a perfect blend of being real people while also driving the plot forward. Only Soderbergh can do that.
Google it, i don't think i can describe it properly
>whoever Rebecca Blunt is
It's likely him, he frequently does that
I liked it ok, but man, you really have to suspend disbelief for so much of the heist working out, especially the prison riot. Comfy film though all in all, well acted.
>I liked it ok, but man, you really have to suspend disbelief for so much of the heist working out,
I really didn't like the part where they jump on the back of the firetruck. Knowing which firehouse would be sent the dispatch signal, getting the uniforms ready in time, and timing the jump perfect was way too much for me.
>says there's nothing wrong with being Appalachian
thats all i need to know that i'm gonna see this movie. I hate how every movie with a character from Appalachia, specifically Kentucky or West Virginia, is an inbred, alcoholic or drug addicted retard because most of us aren't like that.
kek, I can't personally get enough of SS's eye to framing, composition, cinematography. Seen Side Effects and Contagion I shit you not like 16 times and I still marvel at how perfect they are to me.
His earlier career is good too, but not really to my liking. It's when he hit up digital when I fell in love with him.
What should I google, exactly? Is there some good article?
Yeah, that's what i mean, there are a number of such extraordinarily convenient confluences. Even the fact that her recital happened to fall on the same day as the heist.
It's really small town America, there is likely only one fire station in the place and the uniforms could be stolen and left there without too much trouble.
The real issue with the suspension of disbelief is in the prison riot. They try to cover their bases by showing that the warden is an incompetent snake and that's enough for me, but realistically things would elevate way higher.
agreed w/ this, his images are pristine
The recital is pretty acceptable considering they acknowledged it was really bad luck and was not in the plan at all. It just ended up helping as a stroke of really good luck.
And like, what could he have whispered to that dude so quickly?
It was enough time for like,
>Cover me while i do this
>Ok, so here's the deal, we're breaking out of here and coming back so what i need you to do is stage an elaborate mutiny in which you set a pretend fire at exactly this time. Now, you're gonna want to cover the windows. Additionally...
Also the absurdly lax prison hospital
the getaway through the bathroom
the rigs for under the vans
Sex Lies & Videotape absolutely deserved the Palme that year. AMAZING characters, and themes that still resonate with people of that age all these years later.
> When he wanted to shoot “The Knick” Season 3 using anamorphic black-and-white lenses, Cinemax reportedly denied him the budget to do so and the show was cancelled
I have to admit I have not seen this. The oldest I've seen is King of the Hill. I'll remember the recommendation user.
Definitely check it out. Spader playsalmost too well a creep who uses his physical attraction to get what he wants.
how will it age since TWOW is never coming out anyway