Where is this wall that supposedly exists between Mexico and Guatamala??

You guys kept telling me >but mexico has a wall
I believed you and I just embarrassed myself in a discussion with my dad–Mexico_border

wtf, I hate Sup Forums now

Other urls found in this thread:

Trumplets don't care about facts and logic
You've given an important step

Don't believe a trumpfag, don't parrot dumb trumpfag arguments as they're likely bullshit

That way you won't be ridiculed by non trumpfags

Notice how trumpfags aren't touching this thread even with a 10 feet pole?

There's a border wall but it's 82% of the border of Guatemala and roughly 50% of Belize.

Interesting that your dad in the UK knows about the state of borders. I'll just assume you're a ugly inbred desert rat trying to ruin summerchan while everyone is on vacation.

You're building that wall, Paco, whether you want to or not!

butthurt beaner btfo by his own president



wtf Sup Forums I was on the trump train

I don;t want this feeling to die

Someone corrected the record 5 hours ago. Thanks CTR!

Did they demolish the walla while they were there?

Yeah I was all pro-trump, redpilled, right winger for about 7 months and even alienated some friends

Then once or twice I started looking up sources for the "Redpill" images about crime, race, quotes, etc. Then again. And again

And every time it was bullshit. The real redpill is that taking anything on Sup Forums at face value is stupid, and most of the userbase here is stupid

>No proof
>No sources
>Pulls numbers out of thin air
>Accuses the other person of being a kike

Classic Sup Forums user. IDK how I fell for this shit...

>There's a border wall but it's 82% of the border of Guatemala and roughly 50% of Belize.

I just looked on Google map and while I can clearly see the various border fences between the USA and Mexico, I can't see any wall between Mexico and Guatemala and Belize. Only forest, a cleared line, and some border markers. About the same as the USA-Canada border.

really makes you think

Notice how you came here to post memes instead of dealing with the issue at hand?

There isn't a wall, yet trump and trumpfags have shitposted irl about it

Lmao typical bullshit parroted by trumpfags

Trump's statement was literally that there was a wall put in place by mexico and guatemala



Look how hard is to cross from Guatemala to Mexico Op.

But why

Lel. You're gonna have to find a time machine to find facts on Sup Forums.


because it makes you think boludos

youre a fucking idiot if you dont believe the nigger crime statistics. but youre a leaf. so i know youre a fucking retard.

>DoJ Crime stats are bullshit
You fucking what, you retarded ass leaf?

>"Redpill" images about crime, race, quotes, etc. Then again. And again
>And every time it was bullshit

FBI crime statistics are bullshit? Your shilling skill sucks, mate

report from 2010 of mexico saying it is building a wall...what has happened since then i dont know...just google some more damn



I've never actually seen any discussion on a border wall between Mexico and Guatemala on Sup Forums

I've seen it on kikebook and plebit though.

Regardless, Mexico is starting to enforce the border down there more strictly. They may build something someday. I dont really see how it matters if they have one or not. What baring does that have on if the US wants to build a wall?

Why do borders even exist if not to be enforced?

So you guys don't have a wall, what stops all the sub-Mexican trash from crossing the border then?

Canadian shitposting...

You just don't like Trump because you're scared of him not letting you sneak in

Holy mother of God, what a shithole

Same here desu.

There is a wall you fucking shill. Don't post your Snopes or (((wikipedia))) links here.

If that's a Mexican wall then why are the numbers in English?

awwww cucknadien no know nada about due diligence, kys fagit

>Unironically this retarded

You do realize literally anyone can go on Google Maps satellite view and see you are lying right?

>shilling this hard
>thinking google maps is a realtime view of the Earth's surface
Its a compilation of aerial photos taken in the 70s and 80s. The wall was built in 1986, of course its not going to be in those pictures.


You fucking idiot most of the google earth maps are from the 2000s. I just went over it on 2011 areal photographs. Fuck off faggot.

This kind of disinformation is why pol sucks. You people believe every goddamn thing.

Dude. Don't look now, but those numerals are actually Arabic!

You mean Brahmi

fuck that pic, poor doge


If you look at my house via Google maps/earth you'll see a construction in the courtyard wich was build around 2004 or 2005.

Your union allocated break is up. Get back to building.

Why the fuck is 5 + 5 = 10, but 1 + 0 = 20?

I think it's because their numbering system worked on base 20.


(((Just like the Israeli borders has no walls, OP is so awesome and right)))

No it fucking isn't. Who is paying you to post this shit? Do you ever feel bad that you lie for a living and that you're too fucking dumb to get a real job?

And you think we´re goint to pay for your wall, top fucking kek.

I just picked a random part of the border...

Why dont you get an image of the actual fucking Guatemala-Mexico border you fuckwit.


Triple Fuckwit.

You're telling me they have to build that one, too?

Trump kept telling me that science is a hoax. I believed him and then I just embarassed myself in a discussion with literally anybody who isn't a complete retard.

Seriously why does anybody believe what Trump or his supporters say? They're clueless idiots

I've actually been to the guatemala mexico border. There was no wall where I crossed. At the border of Honduras and Mexico it's a forrest and they cleared out like 100? yards of trees on what I presume is the border.

>“With U.S. support, the Mexican government has been implementing a southern border security plan since 2013 that has involved the establishment of 12 advanced naval bases on the country’s rivers and three security cordons that stretch more than 100 miles north of the Mexico-Guatemala and Mexico-Belize borders,” Congressional Research Service wrote in a February 2016 report.
>U.S.-Mexican Security Cooperation February 22, 2016


>mfw you can't even get an older photograph than 2002


no explanation for the nose?

>numbers in English

You best be b8ing

Where are the mentioned security cordons then?

The border of Mexico and Guatemala/Belize is around 750 miles long, so 100 miles are not even 1/7. Also 100 miles security cordons don't even have to be a wall.

I don't know if they have built a wall or not.

But some of them want one.
