Are there any good recent movies with a pro-white message?
This Virginia rally got me pumped.
Are there any good recent movies with a pro-white message?
This Virginia rally got me pumped.
Other urls found in this thread:
The Cuckold
Dunkirk had the white Anglos triumphing over the subhuman G*rms, definitely a positive message.
Who could be behind this post?
Can't think of any. But if you want to feel white pride then watch LoTR.
big trouble in little china
Remember to keep OP's thread bumped so the mods will see it and ban him.
Like these shills don't have unlimited proxies.
Reported to the FBI. Enjoy Jamal's cock in jail. :)
how sensible are you faggot ?
dunkirk was highly refreshing, not exactly pro white but at least i didn't feel like a dejected cuckold during
>ask for pro white movie recommendations
>get banned
Lol but
>unironic reddit link
*sheistering intensifies*
Inglorious Bastards.
>>I got pumped hard at the redneck nazi rally
What did OP mean by this?
not really any pro or contra here at first look
why dont you bitches get you guts back to tumbler?
*Sheistering intensifies*
>poor little white boy wouldn't say shit to a black man irl
>calls other bitches
That watching the master race begin murdering sub-human communists in the street makes him hyped to kill more sub-humans
You're a fucking clumsy shill Pajeet.
Schlomo should get his shekels refunded.
I got pumped watching the master race cry when they get caught
Try Django Unchained
lol imagine being this angry and fat and ugly
Django Unchained.
seriously, you suck at this. even by pajeet shill standards.
seriously, you suck at this. even by beta white boy keyboard warrior standards.
get a real job dirtbag