In the 60s and early 70s American film-making was superb, with many challenging, ground-breaking being made. Then along came Jaws and Star Wars and suddenly the game changed. Now it was all about "blockbuster" movies relying on sheer spectacle and courting the teenage audience. No matter how well-made some of them were, did it drag the whole industry down to infantile levels? Did Spielberg and Lucas crush American auteur kino with childish fantasies?
Did Steven Spielberg and George Lucas infantalise American cinema?
I was rewatching old Disney stuff and I'm surprised at how adult child movies were back then.
>Villains actually discussing skinning dogs while drinking and smoking
Yes, I agree with this completely. To add to your point spielberg even went back and edited his movies to make them more child friendly (replacing the agents guns with radios in ET) and things like that.
it's more like they created blockbusters with movies like Jaws and Star Wars, and that made movies the main events of the summer.
Movies don't make kids violent.
Movies don't make kids do drugs.
Movies don't make kids have sex.
Movies don't make grown men act like kids.
maybe but I dont see how you can watch those classics and say they killed the medium.
millenials are concrete and absolute proof of what growing up on a steady diet of western media does to a human being
I'm not saying they killed cinema, I'm saying they trivialised it.
I think most people are far more influenced by cinema, TV, advertising etc than they realise or would care to admit. Including me.
>Using your vita
Cringe, I can't even use my phone
horizontally with out feeling like a manchild.
>the virgin rest
>Jewish media
Fixed. With the added fact the shithead millenial children ate up all the garbage their parents fed them. Now you have 35 year old man children. Also, kill yourself, faggot chink.
You are missing the point, we are talking about how some movies changed the movie industry wich is a totally valid argument.
>Jewish media
well yeah duh, but why do you think im a gook lol
In that case I don't think it was so much them as it is the movie studios consolidating down into 3 or 4 mega corporations and effectively killing any form of competition.
It was those 2 instead of De Palma, Coppola and Scorsese.
But we can't turn back time. People vote with their wallets.
Yes, they ruined cinema with two great films ironically.
Jawas, Star Wars, Indy etc are great films in their own right but they did skew the industry too much towards thrills and spectacle with many shitty remakes, sequels and imitators.
>dog knocks over a guy into a fire and has a house collapse on top of him
Jesus Christ, how did they get away with this?
its the opposite, spielberg's films tend to be much more humanist and have more philosophosical qualities than blockbusters traditionally did
The true people who infantalised film are Peter Jackson, Christopher Nolan, Pixar and Marvel
It's like 1am in Europe. Go to bed.
this and now Marvel have did the same with the cinematics universe
Michael Cimino crashed United Artists with Heaven's Gate, ending the era where directors had control of their films with limited studio interference. After ET and Star Wars, studios pushed for more big budget blockbusters.
New Hollywood is a myth. The only year of box office that could truly be considered influenced by "arthouse" is 1969
In what century do you live where cinema isn't a monopoly?