Why is this rapist allowed on television?
Why is this rapist allowed on television?
Because television cares not for a man's moral character, only the entertainment he may provide
Because he's black so it's okay. He was simply a victim of an oppressive cyclic rape culture created by whites to keep black people in prison.
No one really believes he did it.
Look at who's running for president ya fucking retard. Meanwhile Chris Brown is still making music and people are still buying it. You're in America quit asking stupid fucking questions
But Bill Cosby?
Because at least he's not Andy Dick.
Because he served his time in prison and rehabilitated. Anyway, why was this rapist allowed on television?
Also this.
Because rape is hilarious
once you convert to islam all your past sins prior to islam are forgiven
you just answered your own question
He sincerely and adamantly denies it to this very day even after serving time and admitting to other shit he thought he deserved punishment for. He's already served his time so he doesn't have to answer for it anymore but any time it comes up he desperately begs for people to believe him. Well, you start to believe him, especially since the last 15 years gave us sensationalized fake rape charges against rich and powerful men.
Because he paid the price, pretty much become a nice guy and not the rage monster he used to be.
Because he's not a rapist. He's also the youngest champ ever and one of the greatest. Also you're a faggot.
You mean he used rape to get on TV?
Because TV journos still think he's not completely in on the joke. They got a little scared when he got more live-action face time last season, but they lost interest. The SECOND it seems like he's in control, they'll be on him like lightning.
more like the publicity
>rape was the reason why he got a tv show
>not being a boxing champion and a veritable household name
You faggots are endlessly amusing.
He raped Holyfield's ear with his teeth at least.
Better question is - where's the SJW outrage, when they flip their shit about everyone else?
Bill Cosby had the wrong political views, so naturally he had to be thrown under the bus. He was an Uncle Tom who criticized the black community.
Why is a rapist allowed to run for president?
Not sure. Go to Tumblr and find out, or just back to Sup Forums
You got that wrong, friend-o. It's the rapist's wife that's running, not the rapist.
He tried to be white.
Whatever you say, sport.
Ah so you people should love him then but you people were shitting on Cosby with everyone else.
Who are 'you people?"
Iron Mike dindu nuffin.
It's a cartoon, Retard. Last i checked that's what this board was about. Comics and Cartoon, not Sup Forums and Tumblr. Fuck off and drink bleach
>implying women can ever lie about rape for money
How about Nate Parker?
Has the right political views, has managed to succeed in an industry that SJWs claim discriminate against his kind, made a fuckawesome movie, and is still getting shit on by the LISTEN and BELIEVE crowd despite being found innocent in a court of law.
Though it is telling how Cosby spoke out against problems in the black community and suddenly all those claims of rape were rehashed.
>H..he was one of the "good ones" guys!
Could be worse, he could be a feminist
Could be worse, could be a Babymetal fan
What do you have against Rob Zombie?
It's not White Zombie and I fucking miss White Zombie.
>it is telling how Cosby spoke out against problems in the black community and suddenly all those claims of rape were rehashed.
What? Hadn't he been talking about those issues for years?
Ok, I have to agree with you there.
Not even children are safe from him.
Are you a fucking sexist pig? ALL women should be believed when they accuse someone of rape. They wouldn't go through all the trouble of going to court just for shits and giggles.
>Hating Babymetal
It's depressing as fuck to realize that a few years ago no one would have taken a statement like that seriously, and now we have a leading Presidential candidate who openly states that. (Except when it comes to her husband, then they're all filthy liars.)
>Hating Baybmetal
Get this faggot off my board!
Because rape is a myth; it's the female biological function to serve as a sperm bucket.
bill cosby also had his own cartoon
perhaps all cartoons are resultant of rape
Who got raped for Ducktales to exist?
>inb4 Don Rosa
I think it's more telling that when Cosby was shitting on black people, he was everyone's fucking man, and then when those accusations showed up, suddenly he's just another flithy negro.
White people have loved nothing more than hearing a black person tell them what they want to hear (that black people are shit) since the start of this fucking country.
Somehow I doubt those are the same groups.
>tabloid rag shit
Oh man you got me. This certainly outweighs actual allegations that occurred during an actual presidential term.
>it's only "actual" when they accuse a Democrat
Please stop feeding the trumpet.
What she do?
Molested her little sister.
It's not rape when a woman does it. It's just two kids exploring each other's bodies.
It's only "actual" when it comes from a source that's not shit.
>i don't mind the current status quo and am a devout follower of msm
Keep eating that shit my man.
Not that user but you're missing the point. You can't hold both that women should be believed and then say that Bill's accusers shouldn't.
No, it's more telling of the bullshit that is rape allegations. A lawyer who defended Cosby had this really interesting point; during a time where a white girl would have been believed to have been raped by a black man if she said so, why didn't they say something then? This isn't like someone accusing Mister Rogers of anally raping some kid, aka a white celebrity who people consider one of the kindest men on the face of the planet.
Fuck, now I can't scrub the image of Mister Rogers having sex.
>Your pussy is special, one in a million!
Rank your favorite Mike Mystery Team member.
You know, it's entirely possible to criticize a community without suggesting that the majority within it are of the lower dregs of society, and that the answer is a little bit more complicated than "be betterer!"
...Except for when it comes to black people. I don't know why, maybe it's because it's been installed in American history for hundreds of years about "the blacks are bad and they need to better up" but there's no such thing as nuance, or perspective or historical context when it comes to talking to issues with black people in society.
I mean, it's been done before. A black fellow wrote an entire comic series and a show doing that sort of thing, talking about the nuances of black culture and trends that some people fall into, but without going completely into OUR CULTURE IS SHIT, OUR CULTURE IS THE EVIL, LEARN STUPID NIGGERS, LEARN. It takes some understanding of what black culture actually is and that it's not just shooting and stealing and drinking.
No. That's not what anyone wants to hear. Everyone wants to hear US NIGGERS ARE DUMB NIGGERS WE NIGGAS GOTTA STOP BEING THE DUMB DUMB DUMB NIGGAS. Because that's what's quick and easy. It's comfortable, and you don't have to think any more about it other than that.
People can create entire careers off this shit.
And then anyone who does try, all anyone takes away from any lesson is "the blacks are bad!" part. I still hear people going on about "the black community are CRABS IN A BUCKET!" because of an episode where one old black man tries to kill another specifically because he's a stupid asshole in a gang of stupid old assholes.
Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a lot of shit about white people, but fuck if anyone wants to think about that shit. Just pull up about how ashamed he'd be the next time you're mad at black people. Because he's the only black leader anyone wants to bother give a fuck about.
Nobody is saying that tho.
I'm not denying any accusations against Bill, but I do think it's less important since Bill isn't the one running for president now.
Geez you think it might because people don't believe rape victims when they say got raped?
Hillary Clinton committed character assassination on Bill's accusers while maintaining that women should be believed. This is a blatant hypocrisy, I don't see how its so hard to understand.
All of the accusations thrown at both Bill and Trump are probably false. The point is she's a giant hypocrite.
Right so both Bill and Trump are rapist but Bill isn't running for president.
You should be looking at it from the other angle.
The women who suddenly came out of the woodwork on the behest of the Republican party to make unsubstantiated, unprovable allegations against Bill Clinton when he was running for President are every bit as unbelievable as the ones now coming out of the woodwork at the behest of the Democratic party to make unsubstantiated, unprovable claims about Trump.
>hillary committed character assassination on Bill's accusers
So did trump.
These accusations always appear at the end of someone's career when they're old and tired.
That's not really anything special, these always appear in groups all at once, rather than right when they allegedly happened.
Besides that, Bill Cosby wasn't just your scary negro that you could make that sort of shit stick to.
We're not really considering the idea that there's a conspiracy to silence Bill Cosby after talking about black people poorly, are we?
aren't they getting a hi hi puffy ami yumi like show?
Trump is committing character assassinations on his accusers.
Trump isn't the one saying that women rape victims should be believed when they accuse someone, Hillary is. Do you really not get it?
>rape victims
No its because people don't continue to believe the shepherd when he continuously cries wolf.
Also get some fucking reading comprehension. At a time when anybody would believe her instantly she didn't come out but now she does? What would prevent her from doing so when she has a much greater chance of actually getting him convicted?
Historically speaking black men where assumed to be rapists. Not to mention, it's cases like this where there is little evidence that is causing people not to believe people who say they were raped.
And Hillary committed actual assassination on her husband's accusers. Unless you honestly believe people commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head.
>anybody would believe her instantly.
But that's bullshit user. Nobody was gonna believe in a rape charge against cosby at his peak.
America fucking loved Cosb back then.
Progressives like the ones in this thread are the reason false rape accusations will never be addressed. They make it politically impossible for legislators to deter falsely accusing someone of rape. Most states don't even have a statute of limitations on rape.
This. Someone who is shown to be lying needs to be severely punished but that's not gonna happen it seems.
>Nobody was gonna believe in a rape charge against cosby at his peak.
Court of public opinion=Actual court
If you accuse someone of rape 20 years later there will be little to no evidence of them actually committing the crime.
>Hillary committed actual assassinations
Sorry but that's utter lunacy.
Shit user back then police didn't even believe in date rape.
Do you live in America?
You seem to not know how much public opinion effects cases about celebrities.
But the point is, a black person raping white women would have been taken seriously, even if the story was false.
That's why we have statutes of limitations.
That's also why SJW types are trying to abolish statutes of limitations for rape and harassment charges.
I don't believe people commit suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head.
I also don't believe in claims that no one ever backs up without even a name.
Not to mention how people use this same story, also without any names, about people with supposed evidence of vote fraud.
>trump isn't the one saying that rape victimes should be believed when they accuse someone.
That not what he and his camp were saying when they bought out Bill's accusers.
He did serve time and is a registered offender. I mean we gotta believe that people can reform
You know we're in a thread about how celebrities got convicted of rape
Historically speaking not every black guy was bill cosby at his peak popularity.
Not rapists. Rape is literally the worst thing anybody could ever do.
>Rape is the worst
>not murder
SJW's have got some twisted morality.
I think that was the joke.
Nah, the worst thing anyone can do is take the last slice of cake or drink milk straight from the jug.
>I mean we gotta believe that people can reform
Not when it comes to rape. Honestly, California was probably the most honest it's ever been when it said it would toss the statute of limitations out on rape cases; it goes against the presumption of innocence, but at least they've stopped pretending that they treat sex crimes like any other crimes, and made laws to reflect that.
Drinking milk from the jug is fine. Pouring the milk in before the cereal should result in immediate execution though.
Well, I'm shit. Disregard my dicksucking comment and carry on.
What kind of retard does that? It's ensures the least amount of cereal in your bowl.
of course, they are murderers after all