She's right, you know

She's right, you know.

>Despite James Cameron's whining, Wonder Woman is the hit of the summer and the beating heart of the modern superhero landscape. And the woman who plays her, Gal Gadot, is making our hearts beat with the Amazon-worthy interview she gave to Rolling Stone about growing up in Israel, her path to becoming one of the biggest stars in the world, and how much feminism has helped her along the way.
>"People always ask me, 'Are you a feminist?' And I find the question surprising, because I think, 'Yes, of course. Every woman, every man, everyone should be a feminist. Because whoever is not a feminist is a sexist,'" (emphasis ours) she explains, at once making feminism seem like the most obvious thing in the world and slyly hinting that those who are squeamish about the label might, uh, have some issues to work on.

Other urls found in this thread: gadot whoever is not feminist is sexist

Is she talking about 1st wave feminism? Equality? Or what feminism has become, victim culture, male hate, death to the patriarchy? Seems like feminism as a word and a concept is dying a slow but much needed death and she's jumping on board a sinking ship.

>Whoever is not a jew is an antisemite

what did she mean by this


Three wews don't make a right

I dont care, ill be whatever she wants me to be
I just want her to drink her spit and worship her feet

do you need to ask?

This is has to be the most overhyped "meh" movie in a very long time...



Get this shit out of here

>Kikess hollywood whore peddling some leftist schlock

Imagine muh shock

>that part in the interview where she said it's racist for anyone but black males to breed with white women

Very salacious. You go Gal.

that's like saying if you think it would be nice if everyone could just get along without needing the government you're an anarchist or something, or if you think black people have the right to exist you're a black nationalists

and I'm still not watching your garbage movie,kike whore.

Women shouldn't have the right to vote.Or drive, or work outside the house.

>ww has domestically made more than civil war



I'm not a feminist

You made an okay movie but I don't give a fuck about your opinions. The identity of somebody whose job is to convincingly pretend to be somebody else is moot.

Because Americans are ZOGbot minions.

Why didn't Ghostbusters make that much then?

Ok, whoever promotes promiscuity is a whore.

women are shit
back when corsetts were in fashion, hoes would just faint in the face of reality and people accepted that's just the way things were
now that constricting blood circulation is passe, not only are their brains twice as busy offloading mental garbage and turning the entirety of civilization into a dump, they also don't faint anymore - which means they literally never shut the fuck up

She's a Jewish woman that starred in a movie where her character wears the American flag as a leotard, this is par for the course.

>le first wave was true feminism meme

despite equality and sufrage being noble causes, they were also retarded and matriarchalists

they are both meh

This can't be real

a spoonful of CGI makes the (((medicine))) go down


Notice how whenever this movie is talked about in the media, no one actually ever talks about the movie itself, it's story, technique, quality or otherwise. It's always about feminist politics attached to it.
The film is amazingly bad, even by capeshit standards. I don't need to explain the reasons, you've probably seen them all before.
Turns out it was still profitable though, the power of narrative driven press is remarkable. I don't know who is paying to see a film like this, I certainly didn't and don't know anyone who did.
Is it money laundering? Cooking the books? Who paid ticket price to go to a theatre and watch this?

>"whoever is not a feminist is a sexist"
Oh I've seen this movie...

Its real, m8. gadot whoever is not feminist is sexist

Because the actresses were all either ugly or old bags.


All forms of feminism were a mistake, women should not have the right to vote. The social experiment we're living in proves that well enough.

Before critics and the media painted it as a masterpiece, everyone who watched it said it was ok at best or "the best DCEU movie but that's not saying much"


t. sexist bigot

Oh, sweetie... :)

she's not wrong. feminist means women should be given same opportunity as men. therefore if you are not feminist then you don't think women should be given the same opportunity as men hence you are sexist

>Emma Watson
>Jennifer Lawrence
>Gal Gadot

I think the patriarchy is finally going to be smashed, guys...

You get it.

I bet irl most theaters are taking an absolute beating. And that's if you believe they were ever truly legit business in thefirst place.

And yet feminists ruined DC's shilling at the UN

But user, the CGI was terrible. Her tits would have been a better distraction.

She just called Wonder Woman a sexist

I realise comparing one pile of shit to another perhaps slightly less offensive pile of shit is not very productive but the two superman movies were easily better than this and it's probably on par in shittiness with suicide squad or maybe even worse.
My vote is that wonder woman has been the worst DCEU movie to date. Freshly viewed it about 3 days ago since the decent copy came available.

You know what surprised me about that movie? The little red haired woman was the blonde girl from the UK office version. I didn't realize she was so small and gained so much weight. I recognized her based on voice.

Also she has to make statements like that because she's a Zionist and people hated that. She was really cute in Wonder Woman though. Every time she smiles felt really genuine like she was having a great time.

I don't mind it at all.

>I don't know who is paying to see a film like this, I certainly didn't and don't know anyone who did.
>Is it money laundering? Cooking the books? Who paid ticket price to go to a theatre and watch this?

I see a lot of people on twitter saying they went 15, 20 times
So probably those retards

Seems like she's almost dipping her toes in the no true scotsman fallacy.

>twitter is on the level


>given same opportunity

this would be appropriate but I've never ever heard a feminist say that and it is always just "muh equality" so they can sneak in the equality of outcome in there

>marvel was the correct choice all along

haha, yeah, Disney is the one to trust and support with your wallet!

What if I'm against feminism because I don't think women, or men, should be allowed to vote purely based on age? Age doesn't bring wisdom or intelligence, the mere act of living until you're 18 doesn't mean you're qualified to make decisions that affect a whole nation.

Feminism had made people entitled to a vote, before you had to own land. (As in, not be a fucking retard. It was an IQ test, basically. If you own land you're probably not an idiot, even if you inherit that land.)

Feminism means being so bitter at men, that you shout at them for sitting on a bus wrongly and write angry buzzfeed articles about it.

The correct choice is to watch real movies, not wiz-bang-kapow shit for children.

i feel like gal would be a normal feminist because of her support of idf/Israeli nationalism

that absolute state of Sup Forums everyone

>I see a lot of people on twitter saying they went 15, 20 times
This boggles me, I am thoroughly boggled. Media driven groupthink really has some people by the balls.

It's a decent enough movie. Decent enough acting, decent enough plot, decent enough structure, decent enough effects (and please don't post those shitty webms we've all seen before, the effects for the most part weren't bad). As it goes it's the best DCEU film.

It's of course not a masterpiece like the dumbass whiteknight critics say, but it's a good enough movie for one watch through.

like john wick??

and why would i care about being labelled a sexist?

Dude come on, the critics are obviously right here

A jewish actress labels everyone who isn't a feminist a sexist. Shocking.

John wick is perfect for 8-12yo boys to watch between vidya sessions and before they discover drugs and vag

>it's a shills try and whip up a feminism debate thread

Where have you been sleeping under for the last 3 years?

Well I guess I'm bigot oh and ((Gal Gadot))

>If you're not a feminist you're a shill
Bravo Sup Forums

>The parts that suck should be given a pass because muh womyn
>Toronto Star

Ah, it makes sense now.

I was agreeing.

Same shit GG is doing, shills are doing on here.

Gal absolutely BTFO by Lynda

Is literally anyone buying what shills such as this poster are selling at this point?

>being that badly outshone by a woman almost old enough to be your grandmother
what did she mean by this?

>if you're not on my team then you're a stinky smelly butt face and also an orphan
I don't fall for name-calling.

Am I buying say ?

No. No, I'm not.

I have a child, capeshit is one of the few things we can enjoy together.
We gasp and laugh at the same time, that's a completely different experience to watching a Dreamworks animation that's 95% kids stuff with a couple of jokes thrown in for the parents that have been dragged along/

>letting your child watch Hollywood movies

You need to work on your parenting skills senpai

>der leaf

>Sup Forums shills this ugly untalented jew and her capeshit movie for months
>nonstop threads
>unironically call it one of the best films of the year when it is trash as per usual of capeshit
>somehow upset or surprised she says this
>either (a) getting mad at what she says hypocritically as you've been shilling the jew forever
>or (b) ironically agreeing with her when you've been hating on feminists and women for years
Nuke this board you are all cancer. Dumb reddit tier shit tasting idiots.

Her daughter (boy) is going to lose its virginity at 11 through tindr degeneracy. :) I love America!

>you are all cancer
why didn't you say "you're all cancer"?

>agree with me or your bad!

Typical cunt behavior

no she's not because feminism doesn't have a monopoly on the concept of gender equality.

Well she's right, if you're not a white supremacist you're racist.

I can't wait for 10 years from now when all these actors/actresses backpedal and say feminism is a cult.
It's Scientology all over again.

The Day of the Rake is coming.

Really makes one think.
>people this devoid of brain function post here seriously

>Rich jewish woman made famous by being a beauty pageant and cast in shitty movies without being able to act in the least only to be "objectified"
>gets cast in Hollywood capeshit #348738 because Snyder was too busy and just decided to cast her because she was previously going to be Faora
>stars in generic capeflick that is not even feminist and actually explores more the nature of men
>Says "feminist is good, sexism is bad"

the absolute state of women

What do you expect when people like picture related post here?

Are you devoid of brain function?
Ten years ago EVERY fucking Hollywood star told people if they're not a scientologist, they might as well not even exist.
They tried to shove it down everyone's throat for years and now all these people are coming out saying it was scam/lie.
The same fucking thing is going to happen here with feminism. Sooner or later, people wake up.
The movie industry has already learned feminism doesn't sell and are on track for the lowest box office profits EVER.

>Ten years ago EVERY fucking Hollywood star told people if they're not a scientologist, they might as well not even exist.

>This is what reddit believes

Look at how the backtracking revisionists are attempting to cover up their tracks. Look at them and laugh

You must be underage if you don't think that's true.

Never reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread

Fuck you, I am contributing to the thread by proving your backtracking ass wrong

>1st wave feminists were good

They brought us such gems like "Men must be reduced to 10% of the population" and "All forms of intercourse is rape".

What is the meaning of your post you fucking retard?
Your infographic making skills are fucking terrible. Makes zero sense.

I don't even know why you replied to me you little shit

A kike pushing this when not in Israel. I'm fucking shocked.