So, will it be good?
So, will it be good?
No and even if somehow it manages to be good, plotwise it will never not be utterly pointless.
It will be excellent.
better than the original
Whoever decided that Harrison Ford's "look" for this movie would be a $5 heather gray t-shirt from Footlocker needs to neck himself. He looks like a random old man.
There was enough uncovered material in the book that could easily make a second movie
Because, wait for it...that's what he is
You could justify Deckard being recasted as an overweight black chick with rainbow hair with the right writing. "Transferred my brain" or some shit. Still would look fucking terrible though.
The movie has utterly nothing to do with the book except for a few names
I have seen the trailer it looks like a car crash
The action scenes causing strange pause is a sign that the director is failing it
Every scene is empty and clean and screaming GITS 2
it also has exciting flying car chase which is showing more awkward pauses and gaps
>plz b my ai gf
nerd trash
not a chance
Yet he went for random old man who doesn't want to be found or bothered, and that's what you get. When I logged on Sup Forums I was never expecting or looking forward to wardrobe critiques on a bumpunk character saying he looks too much like a bum. Will Deckard's action figure look too vanilla? Do you cosplay trenchcoat and is disappointed Deckard 2017 is rocking a "$5 heather gray t-shirt from Footlocker" that you will have to wear to the co instead? What the fuck
>the visuals are soft and dull, sterile and flat, literally no more appealing that the GITS adaptation
>score is being composed by somebody who can only do discordant ambience
>meme actor jared leto is a spooky creator guy xD
>harrison phoning it in
Ford was done long ago, everyone knew this going in. He'll have 10 mins screentime tops. It's Leto who looks like he's phoning it in which should actually be concerning. Not even Fassbender can even elevate Prometheus, what chance does Leto have
>comes to Sup Forums
>expects Sup Forums's critiques to be non-autistic
The uninspired t-shirt is just one obvious sign of failure in the movie. Jared Leto is another example, his look is generic as fuck. It's a sequel to a film known for a gritty, breathtaking, impactful vision of a future, not generic shit
>Denis Villeneuve directing
>Roger Deakins as the DP
>Hampton Fancher again on the screenplay
>Johan Johannsson on the score
>Ryan Gosling as the main protagonist
>Ridley Scott as the executive producer
It's basically impossible for this movie to end up as a total flop, just can't happen on any level.
The least this film will be is mediocre, but there is no mediocre movie on Sup Forums, only "kino masterpieces" or "utter dogshit"
So it depends will it be closer to one extreme or another for a somewhat general Sup Forums consensus
Hating on Jared Leto is so fucking reddit. He's always a great actor when he's under a good director. And his weird almost too perfect homo not aging face fits the Blade Runner world quite well.
I have literally never seen a more shameless use of the blue and orange jew trick than that poster.
>Ford wearing a hanes t shirt he picked up at the bargain bin
The second act climax will be original Deckard's decommissioning calling it now
based solely on that poster, nheho
>blue and orange jew trick
The "orange and blue" is just a complimentary colorway in color grading that's been used from the start of the use of color in any art form, but autists on the Internet like you caught up to that only a year or two ago and now just screech ORAMGE AN BLU just because they heard of the term somewhere and thinking that that some kind of argument.
My gut will be too exposed wearing a tank top. The convention floor is too chilly. Fuck you Ford you plen.
t. jew
there was no reason to bring ford back
Not who you replied to but you gotta admit, that poster is pretty bad