Why do you hate house style art? it's better because when you replace artists, it's barely noticeable

why do you hate house style art? it's better because when you replace artists, it's barely noticeable.

Because it stifles creativity.

What exactly is house style art?

I don't hate house style art, I definitely think it has a place in comic books. I wouldn't expect your average Bendis or Johns comics NOT to have house style art because that's the kind of art that's fitting for those kinds of stories. However, that doesn't mean every comic, or every cape comic for that matter to have house style art. Imagine if Jim Lee drew X-Statix instead of Mike Allred, it would be a shitshow.

dynamic art (characters don't look flat, like cartoon art) with realistic proportions and shading.

I dont. Only faggots complain about "house style." In my eyes its a stupid generalization only casuals make to sound like they know what they are talking about.

I prefer house style so some of the shitty styles people try to pump out.

Like OP's pic? I like it


Good unique/stylized art>Good house style>>>>>>bad stylized art

>dynamic art
Is this a fucking joke? House style is the most stiff kind of art in existence.

the typical stereotype of superhero comics. highly detailed, imitating a live action look, with exaggerated muscles and big breasted women. stuff that doesn't look like it's being cartoonish or have it's own style, but rather just fitting into the norm of superhero art.

only pretentious indieshits complain about it

pretty much this

like, compare rafa sandoval to ethan van sciver with hal & the GLC.. one's a relatively new talent vs a traditional "house" style artist. when you switch back to EVS for certain issues it's jarring just how awful EVS truly is.

or take manapul vs other traditional artists. if the stylized art is good, then it will always win over house style art. the "barely noticeable" argument is dumb. i'd take some good art in a series vs all shit art any day.

>dynamic art (characters don't look flat, like cartoon art) with realistic proportions and shading.

That isn't what it means at all. A "House Style" is the overarching style that artists that belong to that group or company try to emulate. There are no specifics when it comes to the term itself.

you are getting ridged poses mixed up with perspective in relation to the backgrounds

Because 95% of the time it looks extremely boring.

>only house style uses perspective
lol ok

we're talking in general to superhero comic art as a misnomer to how Sup Forums uses the term House Style, not the literal translation.

EVS's artwork in Hal is more stylized than Sandoval. Sandoval's is good but it's straight house style. EVS's work is unusually highly detailed with lots of shading. I really like EVS's work, and I've not seen enough of Sandoval's to form an opinion on his.

Bingo. That is the correct order.
I only say I prefer stylized art over house style, when it's good. If I can't have good stylized art, I don't mind house style. House style just feels like something normal, average, it doesn't stand out (unless you are Jim Lee or Ivan Reis). Bad stylized is like that Erica Henderson on Squirrel Girl. Kevin Eastman has a recognizable style that is so fuckin ugly I don't know why anyone would ever buy a TMNT comic with that shit.

traditional "house" style

Barely noticeable is good because of consistency. Would you like watching a cartoon series if every other episode looked completely different?

no but house style combines them with realistic shading and proportions, it's not just one thing, it's everything.

compared to good stylized art

That's not DC house style. That's EVS's work and I could spot it anywhere because his isn't house style. Look at all the detail work in the shading, uniquely characteristic of Ethan's work.

I would, as long as the styles stayed appealing. Milligan's X-Force had art by Allred, Cooke, and Pope, all artists I like and all quite different from each other.

"detail work in the shading" you mean the over-accentuated facial lines that make hal look like a 60 yr old crack addict?

god i fucking hate evs

problem is most of the mouth-breathers on here would shit on that for looking too much like house style

Here's house artist Tony S. Daniel.

Exactly. You might not like it, but I do, and it makes his work unique and not house style.

>good stylized


pic related

And here's the stylized work of Jorge Corona.

alright well.. i guess a better example would be




according to OP? Jim Lee

>house style
Naw, he's 90s era shit

Even when "house style" was a thing, you could still appreciate one particular artist over another.

People who complain about house style in modern comics just lack the sophistication to differentiate.

My problem with most house style artists is their terribly boring layouts and panel compositions. I find that coloring is also really ugly for a lot of house style artists.

I can tolerate a poser house style artist like Janin because he does some interesting layouts sometimes and he usually has the luck of getting good colorists.

look how disgustingly flat glider looks, it looks like Flash was drawn over her and they're eyes don't even correctly meet.

House style? Is this just a meme from hipsters who can't draw for shit to hate on good artists who don't draw stylized characters? I don't get the hate at all. If the art is good and it matches the writing, then who cares? Super stylized art wouldn't make everything better. Imagine if they got that shit artist from Squirrel Girl to draw Final Crisis. Do you honestly think it would have the same impact as Doug Manhke's phenomenal artwork did?

The samples you guys are posting like EVS, Sandoval, Tony Daniel are totally house style. I think non house style is way different looking like Amanda Conner, Babs Tarr, Jonboy Meyers and stuff.

its because she's essentially an astral projection and barry is a real dude

do u even comics bro?

There's nothing wrong with house style in and of itself.

The problem is when you have nothing but house style.
30+ books of nothing but Jim Lee and David Finch wannabes/students.

That said, is right.
Good house style is way better than bad stylized art. But good house style is better or at least on par with good house style.
I'd much rather have Jim Lee on a good day than Damion Scott on a bad day drawing a book. But I'd rather have Otto Schmidt on a good day than Jim Lee on a good OR bad day.

Hipster are just loud but most of the time don't knwo what they're talking about. I like Ivan Reis, he is a very good artist. I also like Doug Mahnke or Nicola Scott, or Dale Eaglesham. But at the end of the day, I much prefer the works of Manapul or Riley Rossmo or Juan Ferreyra or Brendan McCarthy or Paul Pope or Jason Shawn Alexander or Jock. On the other hand, I just can't stand art from the likes of Jorge Corona, Khary Randolph, Sanford Greene, Stephen Byrne or Kris Anka or Ramos.

I get really pissed when reading Ewing's Ultimates and it alternates glorious Kenneth Rocafort art with that other shit art in the last 3 issues.

>good house style is better or at least on par with good house style
Good stylized art being on par/better than house style, whoops.

jesus pete what the fuck

why do you look like frank west

look at that fucking chin

you can color her transparent and still draw her to look like she occupies 3 dimensional space, look at her knee, she's fucking flat like she's sticker in the background

I always enjoy good stylized art. But I prefer my traditional super hero comics with traditional super hero comics style.

For example I really like Becky Cloonan's style, but I wouldn't want her on a JLA book.

It just doesn't appeal to me at all. It's all very bland and cookie cutter to me.

I don't think the house style is the problem, but the digital coloring is really bland and lifeless.

I like Jason Fabok and I don't feel bad about it.
Generally, I don't read books with house style because it's a marker for books that sell just fine and don't need talent, i.e. Nightwing, or books that DC aren't confident in at all and likely expect to fail anyway, at least until proven profitable enough to warrant notable talent.

Except in the case of Finch on Batman. He's awful, house, yet ended up on the biggest DC book. I didn't care for Snyder's Batman, but Capullo's art was memorable as hell.

You have shitty taste dude. I bet you are one of those faggots that ask why Batman doesn't have legs in this picture.

I never said I didn't like Manapul's art I said it was flat .

>The woman with exposed shoulders in a combat zone is throwing a golden shield at you to show you what war REALLY is
Glad she set them straight

Agreed. I was planning on getting the trade, but no way I´ll get it with that shitty art.


>Wonder Woman


Do you guys have an example of coloring that isn't bland? I get annoyed by the over usage of gradients in the typical coloring.

> Ivan Reis > Jason Fabok > Francis Manapul > Esad Ribic > Jerome Opena > Olivier Coipel > Liam Sharp > Rafa Sandoval >>>> 2004 Era David Finch > Tony Daniel > Jim Lee >>> Current David Finch

I like that Fernandez dude from Nightwing. I wouldn't call him house style, especially with the coloring.

Current David Finch is better than 2004 David Finch.

Bryan Hitch's JL has been terrible. It's not just individual lines of dialogue. The whole arc was crap.

Sorry, I was thiniking specifically of N52 Nightwing. You're right about Fernandez.

So many people in this thread love/hate artists that I wouldn't agree with. I guess all this art stuff really is subjective.

Maybe someone out there thinks Greg Land is the best artist ever.

I like 95 Finch

bad scan but here's an example of early digital coloring when the industry made the jump in 1994 95

Well, early 90's digital coloring sucked probably because artists weren't use to it yet. They look better now.

I couldn't stand Daniel when he first showed up on Batman RIP and I've watched in awe as he's risen to such prominence ever since.

Remove Daniel.

Back in my day house style was Curt Swain, where pretty much any drawing of Superman, no matter the artist, followed his style.

Even Jack Kirby's drawing of Superman had to be redrawn to look more like the one Swain did.

This was house style.

>Current David Finch is better than 2004 David Finch.
His sameggrimice has gotten worse.
He is MUCH less consistent.
In New Avengers his Spider Woman was sexy and badass as fuck and then around 2011 all his females started looking like 12 year olds, see pic related.

Nice cherry picking but all those examples look shit.

There is nothing bad about those Spider-Woman pages. Fuck You.

A FEW panels from his actual Wonder Woman work made he look more mature such as pic related but when it started she looked hyper cute.

>A FEW panels from his actual Wonder Woman work made he look more mature such as pic related but when it started she looked hyper cute.
This page I mean...

They're cropped panels, you chuckle monkey, not even whole pages. And I'm talking about his work on Batman, it actually looks half decent unlike his usual ugly and overly stiff work full of lineslineslines

Kids today don't know what house style is.

>They're cropped panels
So fucking what? The flaw I was specifically discussing is how his female characters looked.
>And I'm talking about his work on Batman
The coloring is stylish and cool but also very flat which makes it IMO more stiff then his prior work.
>and overly stiff work full of lineslineslines
The more detail the better and it just looks rushed without the nice linework.
Regardless he is still much much better then Janin's poser ass. (yes I know Finch used Poser on JLA but it was still better when he used it)

that's King's writing, he's scripting out all the panels so Finch doesn't have a lot of freedom to branch out like he did on Wonder Woman.

Nah, Janin is much better, especially with the coloring on Batman. Not even worth comparing. You obviously have shit taste. I mean, you even said Fabok is better than Manapul so...yeah.

>Nah, Janin is much better,
Fuck you since Grayson that is the most static posery bullshit I have seen in comics. Its literally looks like Ken Dolls being thrown up in the air and photoed.
>I mean, you even said Fabok is better than Manapul so...yeah.
No I said I liked him FAINTLY more. Manapul has more range for sure.

The fetishization of paneling is what ruined comics.


But I don't hate it. I agree with you OP.

>30+ books of nothing but Jim Lee and David Finch wannabes/students.
But that's just false now.

Why does Booth always do that squatting leg thing?