Jonah Goldberg: The “core alt-right” needs to be driven from conservative ranks

>What is the alt-right, and do some conservatives have the wrong definition of it? Hugh Hewitt and NRO’s Jonah Goldberg got into a social-media dispute over these questions, so the two hashed it out on Hugh’s show this morning in what might be the most interesting dissection of conservatism you’ll hear this week. Jonah has spent many years at odds with what he’s now calling the “core alt-right.”

>So what does the “core alt-right” represent? “The one thing they all agree on,” Goldberg says, “is what they call racial realism, or racialism, which is just a social science sounding term for racism. … the one thing they all agree on is that we need to organize this society on the assumption that white people are genetically superior, or that white culture is inherently superior, and that we should have either state-imposed or culturally-imposed segregation between the races, no race mixing with the lower brown people.”

Who is this (((alt-right))) you speak of?

Absolutely obligatory

who are these alt-right people, they sound pretty bad

Gas all kikes.

Jonah Goldberg's been a joke for well over a decade now

Jonah if you're reading this "Liberal Fascism" or whatever the fuck your book was called was awful, thank God I didn't buy it, you're shit tier, even among (((conservative writers)))

What a surprise, National Review kikes who started this whole problem by purging guys like Derbyshire spewing Jewish Kike propaganda at odds with reality and totally at odds with the interest for everyone but their Jewish Zionist supremacists selves

How can anyone take these totalitarian fags seriously anymore? It's a parody, honestly.

At this point it's becoming clear that the only people who need to be "removed" from the "ranks" are these types of shameless Jews who lie, distort the truth, hide facts, and blatantly doublespeak without any shame.

National Review = SHIT. They're the very thing we are most against. They started all this by purging Derbyshire and Jews like Goldberg are the people most directly responsible for that, they are traitors and they are not one of us.

I reject anti-semitism in general. With people like Goldberg, I embrace it. Fucking lying, two faced piece of shit.

(((Goldberg))). They really aren't even trying any more.



Just look at them. If anything, it's the alt-right the ones doing the purging: they are in their 20s while the average cuckservative is in their 60s, if they have kids they are either moderate cuckies or rebellious SJW far-left nuts.

What the fuck is it with (((GOLDBERGS))) and being so against race realism? It's fucking madness. What a fucking kike man

The alt-right, (whatever the fuck it is) isn't conservative and doesn't want anything to do with them.

the conservatives are massive fucking failures.

What's left to conserve?

>obvious (((Goldberg)))
>only second post
Tsk. Tsk. I expected better of you, Sup Forums

That is one sleazy looking Jew.


>What's left to conserve?

Tax breaks for their wife's black son.


Though, what's An Alt-Right Senpai?

Gas the alt right, cuck war now!

>purging a loose collection of ideologies with the only commonality of not being neocons from neocon ranks
Yeah alright.

The one thing separating these fags from us is that they reject race realism.

What is their motivation? Why are they like that? I just don't get it. What's the thing that's keeping them from intellectual honesty? What's the thing that separates these guys from us?

They're evil, defective. What is the thing that motivates them to be the way they are, which is different from us?

I stopped reading when they made the assumption that such a thing as the alt-right exists. Protip: it only exists in the mind of left-wing conspiracy theorists.

It's those dang skinheads that post pictures of Nazi frogs on their tibetan cat grooming forum.

>Culturally superior

This isn't even in dispute. It's an objective fact.

Whats an alt right? A left?

they're globalists

Oh look, another "oh no racism!" pearl clutching hit piece.

I'm so sick of their bullshit. Don't they realize they created the "alt-right" with this nonsense?

Take your meds

What are you even trying to imply, Jonah?

>muh kikes!

no seriously, take your meds

Not just ((GOLDBERG)) but a ((JONAH))((GOLDBERG)).

His last name might as well be Rosenbloomenbergensteinenthal

>black men
>paying taxes

That's not how it works, user.

I didn't say anything about the Jews, Jonah. Little paranoid there, aren't you? Maybe it's you who needs the meds.

>le take ur pills maymay

Reported. I am so sick of you stupid faggots. You've been forcing this shit meme all day.

So, for the last time, redpill is not a literal pill. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK FUCKING HEAD.

The Jews psyche is dominated by the myth of the holocaust. They are literally raised on it, taught to hate Europeans, hate Germany, hate France, hate Poland, hate England. What they want is to construct states that are multi-ethnic so that any singular group isn't powerful enough to destroy them. Classic divide and conquer.

It absolutely scares them shitless to think that there are people in the world that understand this and can call them out on it. That's why they are either trying to coopt our movement or smear us with the normies.

I'm not even white though nor do I believe they are inherently superior.

I just agree that whites are being shackled down by non whites..

The next Tea Party if they keep allowing the media to decide what type of people they are.

Pills are figurative but the koolaid was real.

Poor little Jonah is still butthurt at having his comment section absolutely devastated by the TRSEF

Every light in the sky is a Disqus account with an obnoxiously Jewish name and merchant avatar