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Does "dabbing" look like the Nazi salute to anyone else?
The Dab Movie
everything looks like a nazi salute to the liberal mind
It's the opposite. The dab is a show of unity towards black people.
The Dab Joint (2018)
How would you guys handle it.
so THIS is the power of affirmative action hires...
I see a lot of kids make this stupid move. I thought it was a party rock reference. What the fuck.
If Daniel Day-Lewis starred in a movie about dabbing could he still win best Actor?
As with everything in black "culture", it's about drug use
Are sony literally making moview about whatevers popular now
What did Sony mean by this?
I wish sony would go completely bankrupt
No because this is fake.
Why did the samurai allow the Jews to do this to their film division? Serious question btw.
so did anyone got a stream of emoji movie so we all can see how the companies dies togheter?
>Budget: $50 million
>Gross (to date) $160 million
Sorry to break it to you user but Emoji Movie was basically a smash hit. financially.
Don't you worry about Japanese cinema. It's currently undergoing a renaissance.
I wouldnt even buy a sony tv why would I buy a sony picture?
>emoji movie
>most anticipated fail of the year
>smash hit, makes more cash than triple its own budget
What happened to humanity and how do we get it back
Do you think Sony Pictures is run with a Uwe Boll mentality- make intentionally shitty movies because humanity's too dumb to ignore them now?
Does literally anyone believe this? Is anyone this stupid?
Do you not have eyes?
The evidence is right there!
Of course it made a ton, parents take their kids to it, and this is the kind of movie Chinese love. There's no way it wouldn't have made bank.
Grow up.
Inner city youth inspired by popular dabber on tv goes out to fulfill his dream of being a great dabber too. In the final dab fight they both tie. Old can't beat new and vice versa we have to get along.
Are they giving the Migos royalties?
Offset will beat up some old japs no question.
They're probably trying to do any shit that makes them even the tiniest amount of money due to North Korea hacks.
>The evidence is a report in the msm
They can't even keep their bullshit lies straight. It was being reported as a total flop a few weeks ago. Smh
Africa for the Africans
China for the Chinese
Hollywood for the Jews
Like any decent parent would let their child watch this garbage.
Not to mention Sausuage Party was apparently a success due to "Dude food swearing LMAO" shit.
Is dabbing like Jojo posing for normies?
a way to heil while cover it in public
If they put bass boosted ear rape in the trailer I'll be there day one
What does "gettin' jiggy with it" mean?
Is this before or after they make a movie about Raptor Jesus and the Harlem Shake?
To a non american, just what the fuck is dabbing?
I first heard of it because some NFL player did it as a celebration or some shit, then I saw it everywhere. Is it a dance or something? Or a salute like when singing the anthem?
Will Smith says gettin' jiggy means dressing well.
It's no wonder the black community dropped it fast.
That never occurred to me, someone PLEASE shoop some nazis dabbing.
A salute. Translates roughly to: 'look at me'
>Are sony literally making moview about whatevers popular now
You laugh but the emoji movie made money. It was at 0% RT, most widely panned movie in a long time.. 150 mil globally. Emoji movie.
Dark Tower made 101 mil globally.
Rough Night made 46 mil globally.
These are non sequel or capeshit movies from Sony's lineup this year. Only Baby Driver and Spider-Man outperformed Emoji Movie in their entire lineup for the year. I guarantee you if they could make The Dabbing Movie or FarmVille: The Movie or Animated PewDiePie Part I, they would. And there's a good chance those abortions would do better than when they try to do something good.
Bravo Nolan
We know Shillberg. (((box office numbers))) as reported by the (((media))).
please get some fresh tricks.
DAB = Die Aryan Bruderschaft
Except Studios don't include the marketing budget as part of the movie's production budget.
Sony probably spent over $200m on the Emoji Movie when everything's said and done
Dabbing makes me want to nigger up a jew with his spook jews and spic a jiggaboo when my kike wears off so that a slope of equal value makes me boogie up a coon when there isn't enough dinge left to shade up a competant jig.
>foreign is less than domestic
Sony beats up lowtax when?
I had a nightmare that Sony wanted to produce my movie idea and nobody else would.
Makes you think they might get that Wheel of Time series past a single season with all that raw Kino :^)
Parents let their kids watch Barney, of course they will take them to stupid shit like this.
I know you're a meming retard but you're off the reservation at this point. What the fuck could I be shilling for? The tragedy of the commons?
>Except Studios don't include the marketing budget as part of the movie's production budget.
Did you ride the short bus to school? We all know this. Double budget is the usual rule of thumb. That would be about 100mil. The take isn't 60 mil since theatres take their cut, but it definitely made some money.
If you're going to start arguing a movie with 50 mil budget that made 160 worldwide is a bomb you might as well kill yourself. All of Hollywood would already be gone if that were true. Look at the numbers of successes and failures previously.
>get that Wheel of Time series past a single season
They'll piss away millions chasing the expanded universe success in movies, they're bound to gamble lots more chasing the GoT money train.
>It's a fake insider critical of the fake numbers
I hope they make it into a dab-a-long... it would seriously be lit af.
After another brutal slaying of an African unarmed American toddler in the sleepy town leads to a series of online atrocities and hate speech utterances, things go from bad to worse for the sleepy (but diverse) town of Cleveland, Ohio. Richter Spence of the notorious self-claimed ultra-far-right-white-nationalist-separatist-neo-nazi "All-Tripe" terrorist cell sets his cross-burning gaze on the innocent (but diverse) townsfolk of Cleveland. In a tremendous show of defiance towards racial bigtory and in solidarty with those poor black souls who met their end in a blaze of return fire (from racists), the entire roster of the world famous Cleveland Browns (no relation) decide to remain on their knees during the singing of President Grumph's American national anthem. Their bravery, inspiring billions of dollars worth of media coverage, leads them to a near victory over The New England Hatriots, lead by none other than the most vile cheater to ever be handed a deflated ball, Wicked Trump's chief sports eugenicist, none other than white skinned devil himself, Tom Hanks.
The celebration is tragically cut short as the all-black Brown's saunter out into the dimly lit parking lot in the afterglow of their moral victory against the entire white race as they make their way to the shuttle station to take them to night church. Just then a gang of toothless redneck, jaded, virgin, fat, ugly virgins descend on the kings of kangs themselves, the beautifully chiseled Bronze Greek statues of men, with bodies like Roman gods, but the flesh of mere mortals are able to hold their own for hours against the onslaught of muscle cars, just barely holding the line with every ounce of their expert NFL training. Alas, on a pile of twisted metal and shredded white polo shirts the last Brown takes his final breath and just like that, the entire Cleveland Browns snuffed out like a shitty five dollar tiki torch.
Through the buzz of an alarm clock radio, the hero of our story, D'Luscious Marx reacts to the footage of the massacre in Cleaveland by hitting an already lit blunt dangling from his mouth from the previous night as he slaps the snooze button so hard it breaks the radio before rolling back over and sleeping through the rest of the day.
Queue loud as fuck trap music, at least 10 decibles above permanent damage.
Queue title: "The Mighty Dabs"
(its basically the mighty ducks but with an ethnic twist, Sony can mail me a check if they want the rest)
We get it, you browse Sup Forums. When you heading back?
yes, I call it "the sideways Hitler"
is Sony Pictures going bankrupt?
I hope so!!!FACT!!!
When the fuck am I getting my Fidget Spinner movie?
>That hilarious moment where both this email and info on how the CIA spies on you are found in the exact same place.
He was... A STAPLER.
i want to see it now
hoooly fuck nick shore sounds gay
ITs the hitler salute for shy people
is this how liberals come up with movies?
From the fucking retards that brought you The Emoji Movie and The Amazing Spider-Man...
High-level Sony producer here, need casting and plot ideas for Dab On 'Em (2018)
Only requirement is diversity
It does. Keep in mind that Jake Paul invented it.
Not since Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus have we been treated to such trend-conscious spectacle. We truly are blessed to live in such exciting times.
The absolute madmen
It's a thinly veiled hail hitler sign
Is dabbing that shit autists where doing in the scene of some netflix-tier show where a high school shooting was happening in a cafeteria? we had a thread about it a few days ago.
Jesus fucking Christ
I'm going to laugh when this shit ends up producing a generation of Ted Kaczynskis.
It isn't working!
dab on the haters
While being blinded by the Fuhrer's glory
the fuck?
dabbing was meaning to vape marijuana concentrate
fucking niggers and stupid teens appropriating already existing words
>gross - production = profit
Nope. Best case scenario they get 50% of the box office, in most countries it's worse. Best case scenario, it just barely broke even on production (which doesn't include marketing)
(((random words between triple parenthesis)))
(((vaguely german and/or polish sounding names)))
(((Sup Forums buzzwords)))
(((things i dont like)))
>Being a degenerate and smoking weed
I know man took me by suprise too, sometimes i feel like a grandpa these days
We can only hope Sony Pictures burns in the hell that it belongs in
Dab the Right Thing
Dab Boys 2
Dab the Right One In
Mulholland Dab
2001: A Space Dab
Dab Story 3
Synechdabe: New York
It's A Wonderful Dab
Citizen Dab
They Dab
Emoji Movie 2: Electric Dabaloo
White People Can't Dab
no, inconceivable.
>Dark Tower made 101 mil globally.
That's a flop
I dont dab anymore, it fucks your tolerance
>hating on weed
aren't you cool, its 2000+17
Seig Heil aka "The Front Dab"
Blacks can't get along with anyone, including themselves
no we should meme it though
So I am no expert but why didn't the Raimi movies need "advertisement" like that? Were they just that much better?