Were they really that bad?

were they really that bad?

They're fine, they're just hated because general audiences were too stupid to comprehend Buddhism 101 tier story elements and just wanted to see Neo punch Agent Smith really hard to save the world

The Zion parts are shit.



Reloaded a solid 7/10
Revolutions 6/10

yes they were awful


Plebs are plebs, the trilogy is goat.

Both of these

Revolutions REALLY shat the bed.

Reloaded actually has a lot of neat stuff but doesn't stand well enough on its own.


It's a thoroughly enjoyable action thriller with a meaningful subtext.

This. I remember watching reloaded and even though zion parts sucked ass, there were still good parts.
They messed it up in 3rd movie.

The original is the best one, but those two ain't THAT bad, though. They are better than mediocre.

The sequels aren't so bad, they just tend to get a bit muddled because of all the new concepts being introduced as they relate to the Matrix such as the source code, the purpose of the keymaker, what exactly "the One" is, the cyclical nature of Zion, etc. It's actually a fairly simple storyline but there's a lot going on so you probably either have to watch it a few times to get it or read up on it after to understand everything that happened.

Do yourself a favor and just watch The Matrix Dezionized.

What would've happened if the world of the Matrix had kept learning more about artificial intelligence and technology until eventually they got to the point the humans were at when they developed the machines in the real world? Would it have become a matrix within a matrix and spiraled infinitely from there or do the machines have things in place to keep the humans from continuing research in tech inside the Matrix?

Ian Bliss' portrayal of Hugo Weaving alone made the sequels amazing. Such a great actor.

Yeah and batteries are just retarded.

Yes. There wasnt a need for sequels. Matrix shouldve stayed as its own film

Presumably the matrix could be programmed in such a way to limit computing power by having limitations to circuit miniaturization that don't exist in the real world. Or simply the heads of the semiconductor industry are programs themselves. Maybe all people in the highest positions of authority are programs.

Reloaded is Kino

He's acting as Smith, not as Weaving.

God, fuck these two sequels. They're the film embodiment of the phrase "Talking too much without saying anything."

>God, fuck these two sequels. They're the film embodiment of the phrase "Talking too much without saying anything."


>Zion parts sucked except for the final fight.
>CGI for fight scenes wasn't quite technologically ready yet.
>Fight/shootout choreography went into goofy territory several times.
>Boring shit like that Indian program's family.

They're still pretty good, though. I think they should have waited another year or two, fine tune the story flow and maybe have some better CGI available, but I'll still watch em on occasion.

But hell I enjoy the Wachowski creatures' movies in general. Speed Racer was underrated.

Reloaded was actually a solid movie. Easily a 7/10. Revolutions was not good at all.