What's the best space show?

What's the best space show?

rick n morty


Where's Doctor Who?


I'd swap Farscape with Blake's 7, but otherwise this is remarkably accurate.

Sometimes it's at Satanic Tier other times it's at Mid Tier.
It's a really inconsistent show.

space ghost coast to coast

I'm partial to Battlestar Galactica 03 and DS9.

I honestly thought that I'd go through my entire life being the only person who ever heard of this show. On weekends it would be on from like, 5-6 in the morning when I was a kid, and sometimes I'd catch the tail end of it.

Where's killjoys?

Space 1999.

> Exo Squad

Loved this as a kid.

Starhunter is complete ass.

B5 definitely belongs above Knockoff B5.

Oh yeah for sure, I wasn't disputing that fact. Everyone on the set except the fat guy acted like they were stoned or something.

I bet none of you plebs here even watched LEXX.

who put fkn stargate above babylon 5 and bsg

Blakes7 = Low Tier

WTF am I reading?

There was one episode where Kerr won over an enemy because of manliness.
It was a Law of the Universe that men will always win, so he won.

Mah nigga

Season 1 and 2 GOAT.
3 ok.
4 meh.

>there are faggots in this thread RIGHT NOW that don't worship His Shadow

I watched the fuck out of it.

None tv shows suck. Star trek by default.

why is lexx terrible tier?

You left out a tier, OP.

>Battlestar Galactica
>Low-mid tier

Star Trek is shit desu

pilot/dark xev best xev

Also this motherfucker made it great

Aren't half of these guys dead or stuck doing DTV films?

What a tasteless chart


reddit space

its infuriates the autist

and entertains the tvchad

i watched like 3 episodes and Lex cant decide if its a parody or a real show.
Some nice fap kino tho, Terrible sinless worm is one of the main characters.

it's somewhere between parody and acid trip.