New hat



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Is this real?
They must be desprate

Who's this?

This can't be true


Rudy juliani

a wall will be good for the both of us



it is
rewind the livestream and look at the Rudy segment


>it's real
>Sup Forums is already beginning a complete 180 on their Mexico stance
Ahahaha, what the fuck.

If Trump came out mid-September and said it was Amexica's duty to let Tyrone fuck their wife and increase the black population, the 5% of Anons here with girlfriends would immediately drag them out to the ghetto for their breeding.

I don't know what the fuck a livestream is, but I guess I'll get to it when I catch up on the rallies.

Please tell me this hat will be for sale. I will buy 10 of these as well to give away to foreigners if so.

Why didn't Shillary accept the invitation?

Oh it's real. Look for it coming to the DJT store

what is this and what does it have to do with chrischan?

most likely health reasons
She can't do the long walk to the podium for the cameras



lmao Liberals triggered to all fuckery


Because she doesn't cares about Mexico, just Mexican votes.

>campaign sources claim that Trump reflects the positions of the last person he talked to
>this is supposed to explain his rapidly-shifting positions on various policies
>Trump goes to Mexico and talks to their President
>suddenly in favor of jobs protectionism for the whole North American continent, improving NAFTA, and "making Mexico great again"
How long until he meets with ISIS and I can buy a Make Allah Great Akbar hat?

You realize trump's wall benefits both countries right?

Of course it does. It's so obvious that everybody benefits from keeping things sane.

damn straight

According to the conference they are going to end the drug war.
Here we are getting satellites to do the same thing


But we ain't paying it


t. American born to Mexican parents.

Amazing. Oh my cunt that's so awesome.

Make America great again means make AMERICA great again, not just the USA

Donald Trump fights for Mexicans


Holy shit I just realized that this move could be fucking monumental if it pieces together in the next week and a bit.

You have someone who might be the most anti-immigration Republican in the current system say "Make Mexico Great Again Also" and the first thing the normalfags will say is "wait what?"

And then they get hit with the real redpill, the wall benefits border security for both countries. American get the weapons and corrupt CIA/NSA/FBI gringos away from and out of Mexico and the Mexican savages and the drugs get out of the US. It combats both the interventions and scheming in Latin America and we don't get the fallback from the drugs and political corruption.

Gary Webb smiles in heaven and awaits the demise of the fuckers who killed him.

Is that obama?




Mexican remittances to Mexico totaled $24 billion last year.

We tax that $2 billion per year for 5 years.

We increase border crossing fees. We increase the price of work visas.

You rats aren't going to stop pouring over the border, so we're going to make you pay for it. Then we'll build the wall with that money.

The left have spent so long screaming "racist, white nationalist, white supremacist" that they believe their bullshit. They can't fathom that a lot of nationalists are pro every nation having the right to self determination and becoming great. My favorite part about this is that it completely short circuits their arguments. But you're right while leftists are melting down and cucks are screaming "see he flip-flopped" normies are being redpilled

>Not paying at least half of the wall and using it to give your poor as fuck beaners some jobs to do.
Retard tacos.

you have to go back

Could have been worded better. Even just putting the "Also" first would have been good.


Shouldn't it be "as well"?


implying you have money pablo

What's wrong with this? Wouldn't Mexico be better without all the drug wars and shit and people flooding the US? If Mexico was in a better situation, the US wouldn't have as many illegal immigrants. Trump isn't anti-Mexico.

fuck off ctr

Its el peruANO

It is the standard leftist frame for everything. Compare "racist" Trump wanting blacks to have better lives and the "anti-racist" Democratic establishment wanting blacks to stay where they are. You scare the simple-minded away from noticing reality by activating a herd protection instinct.

People who aren't leftists aka retards understand this m8.

When was Mexico ever great?

Wait.... so are we supposed to get a black to fuck our wives or not? I was mid call but I need to clear this up before I commit

This is the greatest Presidential campaign ever.

Link to this please

we build wall, then spics from central america will stop coming into your country because they can't get in through there any more.

That one time France came here and we all thought (including us) that they will crush Mexico, only to get buttblasted.
This, color TV and a that weird gauntlet that translates sign language to spoken language are the things we've produced that are of worth.

don't worry buddy, we're going to make your country great again also. Donald's high energy is enough to make this entire continent great again.

Watch out leafs, you're next

Mexico supported its people flooding into the US because it means they get rid of a lot of their unemployed instead of having them start a revolution and they get money from mexicans working in the us. This plan has backfired now that their country is full of cartels and south americans trying to get to the us.

This is several torpedoes beneath the waterline!
I honestly didn't expect this minor course adjustment in the campaign.
This is a whole new approach to combat the hypocrisy of the fags that riot at his rallies.
God Emperor Trump! MA MM GA!!

Huh...thought this election was about USA. Fuck me.

It's about the people of America.
That includes all of our American brethren with close ties to our neighbors.
A wall is to the benefit of both nations.

>Hillary has already declared that as a mandatory policy but to breed out the blacks.
She just doesnt know :^(

is there a hat for canada too?

The hat would have been better with text "Make Texas Mexican again".