Could anyone give me some good horror movies set in hospitals or asylums?
Horrors set in hospital?
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session 9
It's a mini series but still
exorcist 3
the ward
I wouldn't call them good though.
Wow thanks guys, I thought you'd recommend shutter island like google loves too
>What are you doing here?
Fuck me, this movie really got to me good
Cold Prey 2 though you might need to see Cold Prey to get the context.
Halloween II but same thing about seeing the first one
if you ignore the last 10%, this. Japs have no idea how to end a movie.
Fucking this. I miss the Lars Von Trier of old, when he just made fucking great entertainment instead of having his head up his ass.
there's a story here, go on user
Well watch the movie and you'll see. It's like the one of the best suspense horror films ever and then the ending is just.. broken? Like they had to stop filming TOMORROW and just shoot anything. Nonsense and retardation.
sounds like fun, is the end worth a watch anyway or just turn it straight off?
Oh definitely worth a watch, it's just a common theme for japanese movies to have endings that turn really spooky movies into absurdist comedy.
Sounds like fun, hopefully it wont be hard to track down.
Grave Encounters 1&2
Fragile, Madhouse.
For Asian Horror, I really enjoyed Epitaph (Gidam). Visually beautifully made, with some disturbing/creepy atmosphere.
That abandoned mental asylum they used in that movie is 3 blocks away from where I live but the security always follows me around until I leave.
Post Pics
that bit in 2 when they leave the place and get to their hotel, but when the elevator doors open they're back in the asylum
that was good shit
The remake of House on Haunted Hill.
It's not haunted and they still keep crazy people in little cabins on the grounds but not the old buildings.
I have always had a strange fascination with abandoned insane asylums.
>that video of the reporter girl as she gets killed and the sound she and the ghosts make
jesus christ that disturbed me far too much
I sneaked into one during night time with a few friends, were planning to do a spooky sleepover, but all the rooms were covered in hobo shit.
I know a lot of men around my grandpas age that sent their wives here back in the day for being crazy.
I visited bedlam once, it's not what it used to be thank fuck
I used to smoke weed on the roof of an abandoned hospital as a lad, good times. Also live a block away from one of tier asylums that got mostly renovated.
You can go past it in the day and watch them play softball.
Hellraiser 2: Hellbound
The Jacket
Maybe check this out
I normally could mention a dozen or so movies from the 80's and 90's but my brain turned to mush right when I started to type.
so Halloween 2 i guess
A Cure For Wellness
Shutter Island (not technically a "horror" but still pretty kino).
Did anyone here see the Kingdom Hospital series (whether original or remake)? Is it worth watching?
the second Hellraiser film had some scenes in an asylum.
There was a horror movie I saw a while ago, it was set in a hospital but it wasn't good. I've never been able to remember the name and it's been bugging me.
It was about a cliche retarded young girl who doesn't speak and just draws creepy pictures. The hospital gets taken over by monsters and the group of protagonists have to escape. It ends with the little girl defeating the big boss bad guy, then it loops back to the start of the film. The twist is that it keeps repeating and that's why the girl is disturbed and retarded.
Oh well aren't I a dickhead, it was already posted in this thread.
He said GOOD horror movies you fucking tasteless faggots.
Grave Encounters is bottom of the barrel trash.
It's intended to be trash but at least #1 which i remember well genuinely has some spooks in it.
>It's intended to be trash
I mean... thats the whole thing, it's an affectionate parody.