/who/ - Doctor Who General

The original, you might say Edition

Lost in the Time Vortex

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i like how doctor who portrays homosexuals realistically as one dimensional characters with nothing to define them other than their sexual preference

>tfw no superimposed Doctor face scene

the 13 trips fic in Shit Trips Vol 2 is truly amazing

wtf I hate gays now?

But by having the trip "christfag" you're saying you have nothing to define yourself other than your religious preference :')


Fake Christmas.



Peter Cabaldy.

Why did the episodes The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit felt very Lovecraftian?

@the Sydney user here who tells me to make use of the ice rink at Macquarie, i had a comfy lunch overlooking the rink today

I'm not sure how to make friends /who/. Talking to people here is all good and fine, in the stream too, but I want close friends who go out of their way to make me feel included. How do I do this?

I'm reading a book where the main character is very lonely because his only friend killed himself, and he's suffering from terrible loneliness because his sister ignores him and his brother is off at college. He meets two seniors and they go out of their way to make him feel loved and included and they become his best friends. I want that so badly, it hurts. I don't know if I have an off putting personality or if I just got unlucky enough to not have found any by now, but it really blows.

I really like Jack Harkness and The Master and I think Jon Pertwee is my favorite Classic Who Doctor while Nine is my favorite New Who Doctor followed very closely by Twelve.

Reading through the proto-ST2 now in preparation for the proper unveiling today/tomorrow, it's fantastic. Will post my thoughts on the stories when it properly drops.

Looks comfy indeed.

Premise is vaguely Lovecraftian.

Lol why post that here?

I k r? Fucking hilarious.

>I'm not sure how to make friends /who/
More difficult as an adult than as a teenager or child, but still very doable. Look for things like clubs, meetups, trivia nights, cons, sports, bands, anything to get you out of the house (online socialisation has its merits but is not a substitute for i r l friends) and interacting with like-minded folks. Repeated interactions with like-minded people = plenty of chance for friends, hence stuff like D&D/sports/trivia/book clubs/meetups working well to find friends.

And just take things one step at a time with folks, if you're just having fun doing [insert activity] with someone, don't try to spin too many grand dreams of lifelong friendships out of it right at that moment, just let yourself enjoy the moment for what it is. Eventually it might well become a longer friendship. Focus on enjoying yourself with other people, and exposing yourself to other people.

It's rare to luck into something like two people kind of fostering you as a friend like how that book sounds, and it's more empowering in a way to take the imitative to meet people and make friends yourself anyway.

>or if I just got unlucky enough to not have found any by now
Yeah that's not weird if that's the case, very common for adults. Gotta keep at it f a m, but don't hold yourself to too high standards or punish yourself if things don't go great at first, everything takes times. Eventually you'll reflect on moments like these and be thankful you have more of a support network around you, at some point in the future.

Good choices on NewWho doctors b t w.

I'm sorry I keep bothering you with this, I just started feeling bad mentally again a little while ago. I don't think people like me very much because I have opinions many of them don't like. Sometimes I'm able to get over my bad opinions but most others I stick with. Like how I hated 11 and people who liked 11 and was convinced that girls only liked Doctor Who because they thought 11 was hot. I managed to get over that.

Earlier I was talking to some online friends about the North Korea thing, and how one of our past leaders, President Clinton, made a deal with North Korea that enabled them to obtain nuclear material. I expressed a distaste for people who went on twitter complaining about President Clinton, despite not having known that fact about him for more than a day, and one of those friends who I unfortunately kind of like called me a retard and told me I was stupid and was genuinely angry with me.

I just don't like it when people express strong opinions about [FACT] when they only just found out about [FACT], but they're speaking like they've known the [FACT] this whole time.

I wouldn't know where to go to make friends, the library is full of homeless people and clubs and stuff are only for rich people or people in school. I was already removed from a d&d group because I'm apparently hard to get along with.

Maybe if I watch an episode with Nine and an episode with Twelve at the same time it'll be like they're in a multi-doc story together.

oh yeah - how come?

some would argue that identifying oneself as being in communion with the One who by nature of being the Creator, is the source of all Life and Fulfilment, they define themselves by a Being so transcendent as to defy all boundaries

but not me man, cos i'm not that clever - i'd just point out how you're wrong cos anyone calling themselves christfag on teh *chans is obviously a really cool hip kat down with the kidz so don't evn front

nice dubz

It's no bother, if I didn't want to reply I wouldn't!

If I were you I'd keep working on relaxing your opinions of other people, and try to work on being less judgemental. Before I express an opinion or judgement I try and be mindful - "what will happen if I say this", "what will I get out of saying this, what will the person I say it to get out of it", "what is the best and worst case scenario if I say this", etc. Basically not just coasting off emotions, but thinking through your actions and words before you do/speak them. It's very easy to say something or make a judgement, it's very hard to undo it or take it back.

I don't know how you expressed your opinion on the Clinton thing, but if your friend's reaction was to call you a retard and insult you so much, sounds like he's not a very good friend and you deserve better. Keep at trying to meet new people.

Also, talking politics in general rarely ends well, that can go for friends as well as family or strangers. It's usually not a good topic unless everyone is very like-minded or very open-minded. Attitude is a bigger problem than opinions though.

>clubs and stuff are only for rich people or people in school
Are you sure about that? Every single one? Have you checked that any and all you'd be interested in truly require a lot of money, or for you to be in school? Maybe you're 100% right, but I know for some people it's easy to come up with excuses not to do things rather than risk them and try to do them. I have no idea what it is in your case and I'm not judging, just hoping that you double-check stuff.

Have you checked for other local D&D groups?

What about trivia nights? Sports? Has your town got some sort of FB page or website that lists upcoming events and activities and things? You do really have to make an effort to find these sorts of things, but it's worth it.

It's mentally exhausting trying to censor myself like that. I don't believe I should have to around friends. If they really like you, why should your opinions bother them or make them not like you? Two of my closest online friends have very extremely negative political and social opinions. One is a racist who doesn't like black people. The other is an antisemite and practically a Nazi. They both treat me very well. They don't care that I'm practically a loser with no other friends. They keep me company (though not the last few days) when I'm lonely and sad. One even paid for me to eat once when I couldn't afford to, it was very nice of him. The other has foregone sleep just to stay up and talk to me because we're about 7 hours apart. Because I like them and they like me, I don't care about their opinions. I'm mixed race myself, and their opinions don't bother me, because they're nice to me. I think that's all that should matter in the end.

When I start having to censor myself around irl people, trying to remember not to say "that's gay" or "no homo but i'd suck off david tennant" or saying "tranny" instead of transgender, or making sure I have a positive attitude even when I don't, things start to leak out and eventually it gets bad and I'm asked to leave.

I just think I should be allowed to be myself instead of being a fake, just to get people to like me.

Also yes, I've checked out other groups and most of them are very far from me and I don't have the money to spend on them at the moment. Food, supplies, whatever stuff you have to buy to play what they're playing, ect.

>I just don't like it when people express strong opinions about [FACT] when they only just found out about [FACT], but they're speaking like they've known the [FACT] this whole time.

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but while this may be important to you, it's pedantic to anybody else. Not that it justifies them snapping at you or anything like that.

I didn't know what that word mean until I look it up, but yes, I am extremely pedantic. That is me to a T. Why is this such a bad thing to other people?

>It's mentally exhausting trying to censor myself like that.
It has absolutely nothing to do with censorship. It has everything to do with mindfulness. Is eating a salad instead of a cheeseburger "censoring" your hunger, or just being mindful of your body? Is it "censoring your dick" to piss in the toilet instead of on your legs? If you're mindful of your words and actions you can transcend your lizard brain and the messes it will try to get you in.

>If they really like you, why should your opinions bother them or make them not like you?
Because your friends aren't carbon copies of you and you can easily hurt them by expressing certain things, especially in certain ways.

>I think that's all that should matter in the end.
That's all very well to be your opinion. You realise that's not the opinion of everyone.

>I just think I should be allowed to be myself instead of being a fake, just to get people to like me.
It has nothing to do with being fake, and "getting people to like you" isn't the best way to approach things. Loosen up, relax, just enjoy interactions in the moment, and they can lead to friendships. Going in with the intent of making people like you can be clumsy.

If you treat being polite or respectful as censorship then yes, people will dislike that attitude. People deserve respect, and aren't going to give it to you if you don't give it to them.

Because it's needlessly judgemental. If I constantly nitpicked your grammar, that would be annoying and pedantic.

Because, depending on how you word it, it can come off as extremely rude.

I'm sorry that I've bothered you this long, but I can tell that you're getting frustrated talking to me. I do appreciate the things you've said so far though. I know you're in another time zone so you're probably tired or something.

Also, I go out of my way to make certain my grammar is perfect so that no one can nitpick it.

I don't know why you just took a tone with me and tried to ascribe various motivations to the points I made, instead of actually responding to any of the points I made, but that's all up to you.

>neo posts advice u apparently dont like

being randomly condescending to people patient with u may be a clue as to why u have trouble with people

I wasn't trying to take a tone with you, I would just rather not have anyone fed up with constantly replying to me.

In my brain they're the same thing. Forcing myself to remember not to say one thing and to say another instead is censoring myself, mainly to appease other people. I don't think anybody else I've ever talked to censors themselves to talk to me, or is mindful either. If they were then why I was I just called a retard? And censorship is having to do with text, speech or media, not actions like eating a salad or pissing in a toilet.

I disagree again, if you're truly friends with someone I don't think things like that should matter. If I express a hurtful opinion to a friend he should tell me he disagrees with it while knowing that I'm still me and that I'm not trying to be hurtful to him.

Every time I'm myself and I loosen up and relax it leads to people hating me. I guess that just means I'm not a good person then.

I am almost always polite to people who are polite to me in return. I always go out of my way to be kind and courteous whenever I can. I say please and thank you very often.

This is another thing, my actions getting misconstrued as something else entirely. I was trying to be considerate because I don't want Neo to get burnt out with constantly talking to someone with severe social and mental issues like me, and grow to resent me. But instead you both took it as me being condescending like it was a fact, but that was not my intentions.

Somehow my family knew nothing of this story.

It seemed to me as if these terrible events had been completely erased from memory.

Who, if not we, could be a credible witness to the fact that the victims were not an anonymous mass?

Who, if not we, could name them, and thus help bring down the walls of silence and taboo?

By reversing the anonomization, we give our murdered relatives their identity, and some dignity back.

It's exhausting to talk to pedants because they constantly feel the need to correct you or do an ACKSHUALLY even when they understand exactly what you're saying

>I don't think anybody else I've ever talked to censors themselves to talk to me, or is mindful either.
That's a shame user. Ironically the healthiest social interactions involve a little censorship on both sides

It's fascinating to see lonely autistic people try to work out some sort of system or game for social interaction and work out the method of How To Make Friends, it really is. It isn't a game, there are no cheat codes.

Just talk to people at school/work/clubs/online/whatever and after a while you'll decide if you like each other and if you want to continue talking to each other

Nobody puts that much thought into what they're going to say as Neo is suggesting, they just generally make sure not to say things like "tranny", "that's gay" or "I think black people should be gased". It isn't difficult.

If you just keep being yourself and try to talk about people, you should eventually make friends unless you're smelly or truly reprehensible or something.

Also, Friends aren't a commodity, and nobody owes you anything. These are living, breathing people just like you, with their own thoughts and feelings and low tolerance for bullshit.
Some people are pretty unlikeable, but then they either realise that and work on it, or become a shut in and argue about The Jews on an Indonesian fish mongering blog.

Try and talk TO* people

Avoid topics such as politics and "girls only watch doctor who because they want to fuck the doctor" because fuck

If you're not willing to compromise on a few things, then get used to being friendless.

>Towards the end of Shada part 4
>Sound starts to fail in one ear
>Shoogling my headphone cable around seems to affect it
>Manage to "fix" it temporarily
>Before it completely dies in one ear
>Think "shit, my big expensive headphones have finally broken"
>Turns out it was just the VHS fucking up


>It's fascinating to see lonely autistic people try to work out some sort of system or game for social interaction and work out the method of How To Make Friends, it really is. It isn't a game, there are no cheat codes.
Yeah, but by nature most autistic people are gonna struggle with that. Depending on where they lie on the spectrum, they either have difficulty reading social signals or can't interpret them at all. That plus an aversion to unexpected events - which happen all the time when talking to people - means they almost have to treat socialising like a procedure to get anywhere. Unless of course they're high-functioning enough to cope with it.

I don't know if the guy Neo was talking to is autistic or not though; I don't think he clarified either way. He has some traits in common with autistic people but we all do to some extent so it isn't really fair to make a diagnosis.


>Noodle Incident:The Doctor also gave the Master a brooch made of dark star alloy as a present on his/her daughter's— (Birth? Wedding? Regeneration?)

>Wham Line:Missy had a daughter, and the Doctor probably knew.

The fuck?I missed the whole damn scene!!!

>I don't want Neo to get burnt out with constantly talking to someone

Like I said earlier, >It's no bother, if I didn't want to reply I wouldn't!

You're misconstruing my actions and intentions right now. I'm telling you I'm not "burned out". You're projecting that onto me. If you don't even give me the chance to present my own posts as valid, what chance for conversation is there? If you'd like to stop talking to me, that's entirely your choice, but don't try and spin it as something you're doing as a favour to me, because it's not, and it's rude to try and push and assume actions and motivations onto me, especially when I'm explicitly telling you they're misguided.

>And censorship is having to do with text, speech or media, not actions like eating a salad or pissing in a toilet.
They were metaphors addressing the silliness of the idea that thinking before acting is somehow some terrible act of censorship. "Censorship" is an absurdly melodramatic way to refer to the principle of "thinking before you speak".

>I am almost always polite to people who are polite to me in return. I always go out of my way to be kind and courteous whenever I can. I say please and thank you very often.
Mate, saying "please" and "thank you" is a child's understanding of manners and social skills. You're an adult. You have to do better, or you will drive people away. I know you can do better. "Please" and "thank you" are simply not enough.

As long as you persist in this idea that manners beyond superficial expressions like "please" are "censorship", you will irritate, offend, and drive away many people.

>Nobody puts that much thought into what they're going to say as Neo is suggesting
I'm not saying literally list off multiple questions in your head before you talk to people, just to be empathetic and mindful of yourself with others instead of egocentric and hasty.

wasnt that cut, and only in the script that got uploaded online? might be misrememering

new royal baby lads

republicans BTFO

Nobody outside of your shitty island cares about your inbred britbong nobility.

im australian

imagine supporting the monarchy
i bet you think inheritance is a legitimate form of wealth too


Just another shitty island.

I have a feeling this is exactly what Gareth wants. Since leaving Doctor Who he's been out of the spotlight - not that DW writers are particularly famous of course, but they're better known than the average person. Now that he doesn't have that DW association to draw attention to himself he shitposts on Twitter to make up for it.

Was it his money or his money that attracted such a total babe?

Also this might just shed some light on the Gareth/Moffat fallout if it gets big. Well, big for Doctor Who related news anyway. Moffat will be pretty much required to make a statement showing that Gareth's views don't reflect his own, nor that of the BBC. It's unlikely that Gareth will respond calmly to that.

The man is finished. Provided they actually publish something about this, any future employers are going to do a Google search for Gareth Roberts and find this PinkNews article. He'll only be able to find a job at infowars.com

So this is the best "jumping on" stage for NuWho right ?

>entire series spent moping about "muh Rose"
Nah. Though it's an underrated series opener

I've never been to a doctor to tell if I'm autistic so I wouldn't know.

You're throwing me a lot of mixed signals and I don't mean that in a rude way. You're telling me not to be rude or judgmental but also telling me that the things I'm saying are absurd and childlike and that comes off as rude to me.

I'm not a rude person, and I know full well that manners go beyond please and thank you. That was an example more than anything else. I am not rude to people, I don't tear down their opinions the second I hear them (unless its some random person online and I don't like them) and I treat people irl with respect.

Fuck trannies and fuck pink news.

No. Rose or Eleventh Hour

Best NuWho Master Reveal and Blink though? Makes up for the Daleks surely

>When the Cybermen are attacking, who's gonna have your back in

What did they mean by this?

So, no Blink, introduction to River Song, no Turn Left, no only worth while Master Reveal?

It means /who/ should have a singalong.

>So no episodes that would be covered if I started at Rose?

>Travel in time through the galaxies, now the Doctor is coming to Disney XD

They had series 2 on Disney XD for a while but never did series 3. They finally starting it up again?

Punishable by Pun from ST2 had me crying by the end. Good job 2_m3t4_7U

Nah - The Slitheen are toxic

probably the royal cock

If you're going to be fussy about which episodes you do and don't want to watch. Just watch the ones you want and don't bother jumping on.

Yeah - and Love and Monsters bullshit

Will Chibbers start some new ongoing spinoffs?

Hallo. Had pizza for breakfast this morning, read a bit more of the EDAs, and now I'm listening to some audios. What's /who/ with you?

I'd guess probably not, but anything could happen. We have no idea what the show'll be like under his tenure, after all.

>Class: Homecoming

After Class it will probably be a while before the BBC risks another Who spinoff, but I can see him pushing for one. No idea what kind it would be though.

I doubt it, but one of his producers has said he's very firm on wanting to make the show a real big deal in the public consciousness again, so one way or another I think its airtime will be more significant.

I'm saying specific things and making specific points, I think reducing them to "telling me the things I'm saying are absurd" is pretty reductive. I've made my point that I disagree with your ideas around "censorship" and don't think they'll serve you well socially. I'm happy to drop the matter at this point unless you're interesting in earnestly engaging.

Nah, lym's just laughing at this promo they did for their airing for S2
Bonus wiki article: doctorwhogeneral.wikia.com/wiki/Disney_XD_S2_Trailer

What sort of pizza? And what sort of audios?
I'm musing over the Twin Peaks finale, will get back to reading Shit Trips later tonight after feeling less lynched.

>What sort of pizza? And what sort of audios?
Pepperoni, and at the moment I'm starting The Stones of Venice!

I've never seen Twin Peaks before, but... were you happy with it, or was it disappointing? Or just a lot to still process?

It was 100% exactly the sort of ending I wanted, I'm overjoyed. But tonnes to process!

Audiowise, I was surprised when I found out that online, the reception for Stones of Venice isn't great, cause I found it very comfy and fun when I first listened to it.

I'm really glad to hear it was good! Finales can really be hit-or-miss, and if they don't tie things up properly, it's just disappointing, so I'm happy it gave you everything you wanted from it.

As for the audio, I've only read the vague summary on the Big Finish website, but it sounds comfy from that alone, so I'm pretty excited for it. I just gotta choose a game to play or something while I'm listening so I don't get distracted. Probably gonna go with Overwatch this time.

I think 8 starts working a little better in the second 'season' of his monthlies, once the writers have a better handle on his performance and how to write with him, but the very early audios are still good fun. I think Minuet in Hell is good fun too, despite it also being poorly received.

Is it weird reading 8 novels and listening to 8 audios around the same time?

Immigrant, my shit trips submission is called "To Kill a Bull Moose" not "To Kill a Moose". My faith in your knowledge of obscure early 20th century American political terminology is shaken

tfw we get deadringer wannabe to narrate 10th and 11th doctor chronicles

Still, probably better than Briggs


I wish we weren't getting the Chronicles at all, but I'm happier Briggs isn't doing them at least.

I wonder if the reception to Briggs' 9 played a part in this? Probably not, and just a time-saving measure for Briggs.

I love the Eighth Doctor but Paul McGann's played some real pricks over the years so I kinda want to see him come back as the main villian more than I want to see Eight on screen again. Imagine the shit you could do if you looked exactly like the Doctor.

Indeed, better than Briggs at least and with some professional direction hopefully he will put in a good reading.

>tfw some day soon all classic doctors will be played by soundalikes

I've enjoyed all of his audios so far, so the concept of them getting even better is exciting.

>Is it weird reading 8 novels and listening to 8 audios around the same time?
A little bit, but in a way it helps me a bit, because I get a better sense of Eight's... well, voice. As much as I know well enough how McGann speaks, he does put on a bit of a different voice as Eight, so it's nice to be able to hear that and be able to imagine how he says certain things in the novels a bit better. And, also, the novels give good descriptions of how he moves and the expressions he makes, so having that also helps flesh out how I imagine things in the audios too.

Do you mean as a villain in Doctor Who? I'd be happy no matter how he came back, honestly. They seem to be fairly adamant that he won't return as the Doctor (or, well, Moffat was - and I suspect Chibnall will feel the same so as not to detract from Jodie's time at all) so even if he came back as a villain, it'd be amazing. And it'd be interesting if his resemblance to a previous incarnation was at all a plot point.

The general fan consensus is that all the books predate the audios isn't it? Not that it matters too much with a timeline as tangled and forgetful as 8's.

It's gonna be so fucking weird+sad when BF lose some of their actual working Doctors.

>and they still haven't got John Guilor

Dude sounds more like Hartnell than Hartnell himself.

Yeah in Doctor Who. I don't think we'll see another multi-Doctor episode for a couple of years at least and I doubt they'll ever ask anyone other than Tennant and Smith, desu. I can see Paul giving Missy and Tennant's Kilgrave a run for their money for sure. I should really be Chris Chibnail.

I'd be very surprised if Chibnall stayed on as long as the 60th anniversary, so we'll probably have someone else calling the shots by then. Perhaps they'll be more into fanservicey casting. Hope so!

I think so, yeah. At least, that's how I choose to interpret them, seeing as the books are set-up so that they continue directly on from the movie far more than the audios did. In the books, it's specified that the movie stuff had just happened, whereas the audios kinda just drop you into his first adventure with no additional context. Of course, I think later books might tangle things up even more if this is the timeline one chooses to go with, but it's the best that can be made of what we have.

(Also, you were right about this audio being comfy. It's really cute so far, with Eight and Charley going on holiday to Venice, and I liked the bit at the start where Eight's trying to lecture people whilst being shot at.)

Yeah, I think multi-Doctor episodes will generally be reserved for anniversary specials, if nothing else. Paul really would be amazing in a villainous role - particularly if it's one of those devious yet utterly charming villains, a bit like - as you say - Missy (or even the Master in general, depending on the regeneration) or Kilgrave.

>whereas the audios kinda just drop you into his first adventure with no additional context
You may or may not get more context added to that opening eventually, but yeah, the audios don't touch the TV movie, so your interpretation sounds the neatest to me!

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=o0l2a4IfJwI

>You may or may not get more context added to that opening eventually
Something about this statement implies that I definitely will...

What did Gareth do?

Scaroth reporting in.


Gareth dun goof'd

This just in: Gareth thinks he can't be transphobic just because he's gay.


What did he mean by this?

I also found Stones to be very fun. Best of the first 4 for me

god, one day i hope to reach this level of sheer intellectual prowess. this jim fellow is so smart and worldly he's ascended to another plane of existence entirely

How come the image of Hartnell as the Doctor faded from audience consciousness the way it seemed to?

Today i learned immigrant lives in ireland

How'd you learn that?

So it's
Immigrant - Ireland
Lymerence - England
Cloister - USA
Neo and Cats - Australia

This isn't true.

>How'd you learn that?
Rhymes with Limerick

im a brainlet and dont get what you mean, pls explain