Harrison Wells of Earth 2 wants to stay on Earth 1, while Jesse Quick wants to stay on Earth 2

>Harrison Wells of Earth 2 wants to stay on Earth 1, while Jesse Quick wants to stay on Earth 2
>Therefore we need a new Harrison Wells from Earth ??? to replace the Harrison Wells of Earth 2

It's not an issue with Terry Cavanagh's actor or anything since he's playing Other Wells, and it can't be an issue with Jesse Quick's actress since they already established that she didn't need to be around anyway.

Why in the fuck do they need another Harrison Wells?

No thanks. I read comics.

No you don't.

>Harrison Wells of Earth 2 wants to stay on Earth 1, while Jesse Quick wants to stay on Earth 2

thats wrong

Did you miss the episode where she made a big deal of saying "Oh dad I know you want to stay here, but all my friends are back on Earth 2 so I'll go and you stay?"

Harry returns to E2 because its where he and Jessie belong. He never says he wants to stay on E1. He was only there to help fight Zoom. Therefor they fish and get HR, another version of Wells who volunteers to help them on E1.

During Season 2 it wasn't wrong. She wanted to go home, he wanted to stay to keep her safe. After Zoom was gone, he wanted to go back and she had adapted to living on Earth 1. Now she wants to be where Wally is plus teaming up with the Flash while Wells just wants a non-super version to take back to E2.

They have introduced a new Wells every season. Also, the new Wells is going to have some secret possibly being Savitar

There was also a whole exchange somewhere in the last three eps of the previous season where Jessie pointed out that Harrison had a hard time adapting after her mom died and finally had friends on E1, so he was happy for the first time, while Jessie just wanted to go back to her old life and friends.

>literally rehashing Season 1 and Season 2 again

absolutely disgusting.

S2 was such a waste

So if we don't count the Barry/Iris relationship that got retconned and started over again this season, Season 2 did the following:

>introduced Wally
>swapped Barry's Dad's actor to Jay Garrick (I can only assume because they didn't think of it until fans suggested it and came up with a retardo retcon)
>introduced Jessie Quick and Earth 2 Wells
>Gave Cisco soundwave powers sometimes

and...that's it. Everything else got undone and changed. Nobody had any develpment because it all got retconned.

sasuga flash

I'm assuming they are setting up something with the new Wells that they couldn't do with the already established Wells. That and that Cavanagh likes to play different characters every season.

Wait you forgot the black flash. He is gonna return for sure.

Doubtful, and we haven't seen it yet so we can't say it'll have any impact.

S2 created Black Flash, so no, not really.

Dude they went of their way to make him look like black flash. He is going to return.

Did you miss the part where that happened in season 2, not 3?

>implying the show isn't just one big rehash

They already said he would for an episode. Tony Todd may definitely come back but Teddy Sears who knows since Black Flash is a zombie.
That would actually make me drop the show.

>He doesn't realize they're using Nu Harry not only keep Cavanagh on the show, but set up the Invasion! plot

Think about it. Why would anyone be so ready to leave their home universe behind for an indefinite period of time, at a moment's notice, unless they had something they were running from?


They went out of their way for that in the same way that they went out of their way to set up Eddie as Cobalt Blue, but he's still dead.

Just because they set something up doesn't mean that they'll ever follow through with it. The writers don't really plan ahead, as evidenced by Zoom's clusterfuck of a plan last season.

They should have chosen Cowboy Wells

Actually Season 2 did less then that considering ti undid Barry's entire character of S1 about finally getting over the death of his mother and understanding that his need to save her shouldn't override the timeline.

It was the cherry on the shit sundae.

Season 2 sucked

I'm literally only watching S3 for Killer Frost

>>swapped Barry's Dad's actor to Jay Garrick (I can only assume because they didn't think of it until fans suggested it and came up with a retardo retcon)

quit watching after S1 finale. Someone explain.

They killed Barry's dad and then revealed that Jay Garrick was Barry's dad.


>Barry's dad was kill by Zoom

>Zoom had a gimp slave in his serial killer basement

>Gimp turned out be Earth-2 Jay Garrick, who happened to look like Barry's dad

I thought Jay Garrick already had a different actor or something, so I was imagining him revealing his face to be a rubber mask the entire time, Scooby Doo style, with Barry's dad underneath it.

Zoom was pretending to be Garrick while keeping the real one chained up in his basement.

>Gimp turned out be Earth-2 Jay Garrick

Earth-3 Jay Garrick, you mean. Apparently Earth-3 is supposed to be Earth-2

Because Wells didn't want to stay? He said he has work to do on earth-2

>Not wanting a new Wells

Take your pointless bitching and leave.

But that actually made sense since his Dad had just gotten zoomed after learning about all his neat time travel powers.

You'd have to be pretty heartless or just shitty parents to not consider doing it after a murder like that.

In CW Flash

Earth 1: what we watch
Earth 2: Comics Earth 3
Earth 3: Comics Earth 2

Realizing that leaving Barry's dad to rot in the woods was retarded, we instead get treated to his death and more appearances of his Earth 3 counterpart.

which earth is Supergirl from?

>they went out of their way to set up Eddie as Cobalt Blue

No, they didn't.

Mein schwarze.

couldnt they just have used flashpoint fuckery as an excuse to make the real wells come back or something

If Tom wasn't such a stubborn asshole about playing an 'interesting' character we would have got the original earth 1 Harrison Wells back somehow and we wouldn't have to put up with this nonsense.

Hells Wells!!

Pretty sure it's Earth 3 along with Daddy Flash

they need eye candy

>It's not an issue with Terry Cavanagh's actor

but it is, user

he said he wanted to play new Wells every season.

this is going to get very stupid by season 5, isn't it?

wait, I guess it already is stupid

when they pulled Earth-2 Wells, it was rather smart actually

but now that they are turning this is into a gimmick, it's forced and silly

She didn't recognize the name "The Flash", so I doubt it

can anyone please confirm they are actually doing the whole universe merging thing?

I've heard some user said they are going to keep Supergirl on a separate earth?

I'm dropping it all if that's their plan

I certainly hope not. With Cisco able to open portals to the multiverse seemingly on demand now, it would be nothing but marketing ploy to merge the universes.

Stop trying to force people to watch Supergirl.

Only Harrison Wells I care about is Eobard Thawne.

Just because the universe merges (if it merge) doesn't mean you have to watch another show.

>Just because another superhero universe crashes into yours with all of its rules and history doesn't mean you have to start watching it
>meanwhile as you type that Flashpoint leaves permanent changes on both the Flash and Arrow

The only reason you or anyone would want a merge is only because the merge would effect every other show. Because you want Supergirl and all of her shit in an already filled universe. Because you want us to watch Supergirl. People who shill this hard for views usually get paid, user. Start contacting some recruiters.

I've posted this before, but the fishing for a new Wells plot is the DUMBEST plot a CW show has done

>Cisco and Caitlin love the dynamic they have with Earth 2 Wells so much they fuck around with the multiverse to find one that acts nothing like him
>They invite a Harrison Wells to live on Earth 1, even though he will be living on a world that thinks Harrison Wells is an admitted murderer and a cripple
>They bring a stranger from another world to live with them and share all their secrets, even though that's fucked them over before (jay garrick)
>They have no real need for a Wells, but if they needed a genius they could have called Pied Piper or something

lol I'm not even the user you first respond to I don't give a shit if there is a merge or not. I watch and like all the 4 cw shows (even arrow).


Does Tom get paid for playing every version of Harrison Wells or for each version of Harrison Wells individually?

>People who shill this hard for views

I don't even... what's wrong with you ?

anyways, I want that merge. all shows are dumb and convoluted already I desperately need this

I think it was confirmed they're keeping Supergirl on a separate Earth. (because of "lol why wouldn't superman just stop the bad guysS")

thank you sempai


I don't fucking care, I love Tom Cavanagh, that guy is most of the reason I watch Flash.

Daddy Flash pulled Barry back into the '90s for a cheesy Dawson's Creek joke. I don't think SG is going to be hip enough to know an old hero name from another city in modern times when she only cares about her cousin.

Arrowverse already absorbed Constantine from fan whining. That whole one episode which adds cults and child murder to the more boring CW-based shows. SG will get merged in eventually. The show's CW ratings don't merit the still higher budget SG gets over Arrow/Flash despite cutbacks in cast & change of venue for filming kickbacks.

So flashpoint question. With all the time traveling that Barry did, is it his fault that Cisco's brother is dead? Or is that just assumed to be something that would have happened regardless?

>wanting a bland nice guy instead of a new different evil wells

its like you hate fun

>implying we're getting wellsobard back ever again
>even gustin loves wellsobard

their best acting and we're never getting it back but eldritch wells could be interesting

Earth 4 or some random Earth with no Flash

of course we're getting wellsobard back this is comics

>it just doesn't feel like Team Flash without you, Harry
>ok Caitlyn, we'll get another one

Did you even watch the episode? They explained it.

Well it is and it isn't. Barry didn't directly kill him, but he only died due to the ripples in time Barry created changing the past. Barry is the reason he's dead in this timeline.

Barry did however kill two other Barrys and took their place


>it just doesn't feel like Team Flash without you, Harry
>ok we'll get someone who acts nothing like me

Quoted for fucking truth.

When will there be an episode where everybody is played by Tom Cavanagh?

because the fans loved wells


It's Wellsoween

He was vampire Wells all along