WHY is this not a bigger deal?!? GRRM wrote THREE prequel books to ASoIaF..... before finishing ASoIaF...

WHY is this not a bigger deal?!? GRRM wrote THREE prequel books to ASoIaF..... before finishing ASoIaF... "Taking place nearly a century before the events of A Game of Thrones, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms compiles the first three official prequel novellas to George R. R. Martin's ongoing masterwork, A Song of Ice and Fire."

Hey you're a fucking moron

It's almost like (((HBO))) won't allow him to publish ongoing plot before they use his source material as propaganda in the next election.

They're good novellas, OP.

But her dee durr lazy fatman...writer's block etc.

Hey you're a fucking moron

Damn really makes me think

For you

He just doesn't care about asoiaf anymore. He would rather write anything else.

I dropped the show after the first season, what happened to Rickon Stark?


I'm literally amazed Normans haven't figured this out yet.

He died in the battlefield.

Yeah sure, this ultra-prolific guy suddenly stopped caring about his work of the last 20+ years.

Just another coincidence I guess.

riding unicorns and eating people

Wasn't he the youngest child?

What was he doing going into battle?

He was a prisoner and was released before the battle, then got shot in the back.

>Wasn't he the youngest child?
Yeah, but he was like an early teen by the time he died.
>What was he doing going into battle?
There was a war between Jon Snow and another dude to decide who was going to be the King of the north and Rickon was part of it.

He's a greedy fuck and publishers/HBO keep offering him massive amounts of money to write anything other than ASoIaF
The guy is 70, >300lbs and can't go 3 sentences without a coughing fit now. Best just to accept the main story will never be completed

yep. Last season will prob drop early 2020. Will be complete and utter propaganda (not like S7 wasn't).

We won't be seeing any fatman books before then.

Yeah, I'm sure. This elderly nerd whose dedicated his life to this shit suddenly became a cutthroat capitalist, for money he in no way needs.


what are you doing man

Is the any correlation between these three novellas and ASoIaF? Also first time even hearin of more Westerosi books.

collateral world building. Not an advancement of the plot of ASOIAF.

>wrote three shorts stories in the GOT universe
>over a decade

yes that must have been a major distraction for him.

Fat Man ain't going to complete shit. Although he swears that his #1 goal is finish telling his story despite what HBO does with the details. Storytelling went to shit in GOT when he stopped helping produce and write the episodes. Timelines are all fucked up. (Pic related)

In the early 90s he was writing a book called Avalon. It was going to be the capstone book to his 1000 Worlds universe (the setting of the science fiction books he wrote for 20 years). He then got the idea for a boy witnessing an execution and finding a dire wolf. Avalon was never finished. So yes, this man actually has a habit of dropping the work he cared about for 20 years.

Interesting. Thanks. I'm looking forward to the audiobook for driving

thanks for correcting the record!

writers do that kind of shit all the time.

Writers so not suddenly disappear when it's their time to shine on the world's stage.

fuck off shills.

Fat Shit GRRM is going to produce an HBO series for a trash novel that I wasted my time reading. Most exciting thing about the book was when the African Albino grew her clitoris back after it was removed. (Pic related)

I think you need to come to terms with the fact that while TWOW will probably come out there is a very small chance ADOS will or if it does it will be written posthumously by someone else.

what did you mean by this

Oh no. I'm sorry. I too, wasted precious time that could have been spent spanking it to furry porn. Saw that he was going to help make it a show and thought it'd be worth the read. Holy shit was it dry

He can't finish the series, he's just stalling for time until he dies. I mean he obviously doesn't care enough about his health to want to last until old age.
He will leave the rights to these two who will finish the last two books from his notes

I'm more than on terms with that.

This story was clearly '''hijacked'''

Not even enough material for two episodes. I don't get it

he was eaten by cannibals

Martin and ghost writers will do the job and receive tons of shekels.

HBO will claim have discovered the power of black science fiction or some bullshit like that.

In a few years fantasy and science fiction stories will be reduced to bullshit propaganda exactly like Hollywood did with Marvel and DC heroes.

gonna have to have you delete this one friendo

They're actually better than the books and focus on a fun comfy story rather than whole chapters on shitting

Is this an actual compilation novel of the Dunk & Egg stories, or a graphic novel (i.e. comic book)?

Compilation novel with some illustrations

A Dance with Dragons was crap

Huh, I didn't know this was a book. I read the 3 novellas last year but if I knew this book existed I might have sprung for it. Oh well.

Jason Levy the paedophile from Downers Grove, Illinois

shitposting or insane, you just dont know these days

>jew brackets
The holy reddit trinity.

>Martin lost interest
Niggas he published various short stories and fantasy history set in Westeros and overviewed AWOIAF. He's working on an history of house Targaryen that will be probably published next year as they announce the shitty Dance of Dragons spin-off. He never lost interest in his world, he' probably frustrated by the mess he set up with AFFC and ADWD he doesn't know to untangle. That or TWOW was finished last year and HBO don't want him to publish yet, depending how much you like conspiracy theories

His universe is ultimately more interesting than the specific story of the War of the Five Kings.

>In a few years fantasy and science fiction stories will be reduced to bullshit propaganda exactly like Hollywood did with Marvel and DC heroes.
That's already happening. See the tale of the Sad Puppies. GRRM himself was somewhat involved with it.

I second this, I want to see more of the world, I want to see Sothoryos and Ulthos and the grey waste and the "other wall" made of that mysterious black substance. I want to see the lovecraftian horrors the Greyjoys are capable of summoning. At this point I'm far more interested in all this over le epic good vs evil final battle for the dawn

When Arya brought up "what's west of Westeros" in S6 I thought this meant her new goal will be traveling the world and she'd make some cool discoveries in and away lands but hell no that wouldn't allow for the oh so emotional Stark reunion! She had like one whole scene with Jon back in S1, we simply need them to meet up again for le epic payoff.

hey guys.
don´t think about something like that.
let´s just all go to sleep.
uh. aren´t you tired after posting all day on Sup Forums
I´m certainly am. just go to bed

>I second this, I want to see more of the world, I want to see Sothoryos and Ulthos and the grey waste and the "other wall" made of that mysterious black substance. I want to see the lovecraftian horrors the Greyjoys are capable of summoning.

I read all the boos and have no idea what you are talking about

The Dunk and Egg series of books is a long way away from being finished. George plans to do twelve so it's understandable why no one has touched them. The stories are also much shorter and would make for excellent films.

Honestly I don't think he will finish this series which is a bit of a shit because I really like it.

I've got this problem with Malazan books. I'm not that invested in GoT (couldn't get through all those Essos parts with interchangeable weird names of C-tier characters) but just finished the last book in that series. Would love to see some more.

But isn't this a problem with every decent fantasy book? I'd love to see some more fleshed-out LOTRS adventures

Have you read The World of Ice & Fire?

I haven't read any of the books, not even world of ice and fire, I just researched all these places and found out there's so much mystery surrounding them.