S2 > S1 > Movie > S3

S2 > S1 > Movie > S3

>TFW never seen the tv show and never want to

Feels good man

Gas yourself, my man.


Movie > S1 >>>>>>>>>> S2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> S3

The movie is overrated garbage and so is the show

Movie still is better


>Triggered tv-cucks that can't handle the maturity of films

God damn this board is full of television show watching and praising plebs

You are to depart this board and never return. Leave at once.



S1 = Movie >> S2 >>> S3


S1 does everything the movie wished it did and then some

The tears....

So sweet

low t


Movie > S1 > S2 >>>>>>>>>>> S3


where do you think you are? in the 80s?
TV shows have more time to tell a story than movies, and they even get the budget for it. You realize moviestars went "back" to star now in tv shows?

wait what?
people think season 3 is the worst?
it was hands down the best
1 is the weakest out of all 3

Kek holy shit you're a pleb. Tv shows have filler shit direction and shit production. Literally all worthless.

This fucking board actually watches television

movie > season 2 > kumiko the treasure hunter > season 1 > season 3

shit > fargo


season 3 is waaaay better than season 2.

Movie >>>>>>>>>>>> s2 > s1 > s3

This ranking is correct, user
