>The dark side is the imbalance in the force and Vader fulfilled the proficiency by killing the Emperor
Why is George Lucas such a hack? The Jedi have ruled the Galactic Republic for thousands of years and the Sith have been in hiding, there is a imbalance here and it isn't in the dark side's favor. The fact is the light side had power for too long and that was what brought the imbalance, the Jedi became stiff-necked and reactionary, the Galactic Empire became stagnate and corrupt. By slaughtering the Jedi and helping to overthrow the Galactic Republic Vader wiped the light side clean of it's stagnation and allowed it to start anew with a New Jedi Order without the chains of tradition holding it down and a New Galactic Republic built on a firm foundation over top the Empire, the fact the Galactic Empire accomplished more in a couple decades than the Republic has in millennia shows how necessarily the ejection of Sith drive was into galactic politics.
The dark side is the imbalance in the force and Vader fulfilled the proficiency by killing the Emperor
Cool thread
"Balance" doesn't mean some kind of equilibrium between Sith and Jedi. The Jedi are balance; the Sith are imbalance. Period.
Depends what you value more, peace or progress
>a public school education
>Vader is Chairman Mao gais! Mao was AWESOME!
Before the prequels I would have agreed with you. It's been made pretty clear though that the Jedi were causing an imbalance in the force. Too much power turned them stagnant and clearly a bit thick. This coupled with the stupid shit Luke is meant to start spouting about the Jedi being wankers who weren't as on point as they thought they were, points heavily to both the sith and the Jedi both being a burden. Makes sense in that they're meant to be peaceful and at one with nature/the world yet they were basically the law in the prequels and they were so "at one" with everything that a man that emanates evil and was grooming anakin like an even more menacing Jimmy saville was waltzing through their HQ and laughing in their faces. Tbh user, I like to think sheev used to walk through the Jedi temple and rub his unwashed anus all over walls and pillars, and when he got bored doing that, he would go to that training room yoda taught the younglings, he'd lube his hole with force jelly and he'd pound himself silly with the practice lightsabers. And when he'd finish up he'd write on the wall "palpatine woz here" using thick globs of his semen. And not one Jedi suspected a thing.
george lucas is never gunna fuck u bro.
get over it.
OP is an autist
Vader targeted a few thousand people who were a direct threat to the prosperity of the galaxy, Mao killed millions through incompetence and greed. If Vader is like anyone he's Pinochet.
>light side
Probably the most damaging idea to spawn out of the SWEU. Video-game-tier balance concept whose legacy has been Gray Jedi autists and obfuscating the role of the Jedi.
once again, there is no LIGHT and DARK side. There's just the force. how people use it determine the scale. you can be best jedi ever and one day use the force to kill someone, that doesn't make the force evil, that makes you evil.
learn your fucking lore you retards.
I agree with your post, ending of the post is shit but whatever. This is also why prequels were a letdown though, because they could go more into how jedi is uneffective and too numb to do anything at this point. Qui-gon spoke about it, we could have clone wars much better focusing on jedi not getting shit done, we could get Anakin seeing all this and rebelling better instead of "wife dying ima kill kids". Sheev was good though.
Hell i thought they could do it in these new movies, but considering it's disney and they will never ever ever take a risk, its not gonna happen. Grey jedi is the balance.
>The passage of time imbalances whatever balance you create.
>George sells star wars just in time to make sequels
>Star Wars is about redeeming the father
What did George mean by this?
whole balance was shit as much as midichlorians
You don't understand the force obviously
Lol, Jesus, do you even watch star wars?
>jedi and sith = imbalance
>sith kill jedi = imbalance
>luke becomes jedi and defeats vader
>luke stops being jedi (throws away his saber)
>vader kills emperor and dies
>there are no sith or jedi left = balance
but Luke is jedi
well... maybe he's a different kind of jedi. At least in the EU he was a bit different than the prequel jedi (which I guess weren't that great and were part of the imbalance). But yeah I don't know if I understand the balance thing.
Luke isnt jedi in the same sense of normal jedi
please don't bring that retarded "grey jedi"
Luke is a jedi but uses the force as a whole, he uses both the dark side and the light side, that's why there's no imbalance under him.
wew lad, there's always a light to counteract the dark
There is no light side of the force
only dark side of it
The prophecy is fucking retarded, George only put it in the prequels because Darth Vader sold toys, stop viewing the Original Trilogy through the lens of the prequels because it doesn't make sense.
prequels and OT are two completely different things franchises don't work as a whole story