Why can't Monica be Captain Marvel?

Why can't Monica be Captain Marvel?
Have Kamala adopt another moniker?
What moniker would suit Kamala Sup Forums?
And Carol take Binary?

There's no real point in doing any of that.

Why don't they make Jess Arachne, let Julia be Spider-Woman again, and bring back Anya as Spider-Girl?

I'd like to see Kamala adopt Mr. Fantastic's for a bit. As a nod to the original design ideas.

Runner up would be Flatman for a gag issue.

>Why can't Monica be Captain Marvel?

No connection to Marv.

Spectrum's a pretty good name for Monica, why drag her back into the Marvel quagmire?

Much as I love Monica, Captain Marvel was always kind of a shit name for her. Spectrum is infinitely better.

Does anybody even care who's called what in Marvel these days? Correct if I'm wrong (things tend to change fast these days), but as far as I know Tony Stark isn't Iron Man, Steve Rogers isn't Captain America, Bruce Banner isn't Hulk, Logan isn't Wolverine, and Thor isn't even Thor.

>"I dont read comics"

Take your ass back to Sup Forums

You're almost right. I don't read current comics. Because they don't appeal to me. Sorry for having good taste.

>"I'm talking out of my ass"
> "You're talking out of your ass."
>"lol you're right because I'm so mych smarter than you"

>What moniker would suit Kamala /co

>I'd like to see Kamala adopt Mr. Fantastic's for a bit

She seems to be more like Reed's legacy character than that of Carol's.

Monica is more interesting than Carol no doubt but her being Captain Marvel was kinda stupid. I mean she had no connections to the Mar-vell legacy at all. Her being called Dr Spectrum tho is awesome. Since Marvel's DC pastiche squadron supreme has their own Dr Spectrum.

Im more interested in Shulkie getting a new name. I MEAN seriously outside of the comic circles mainstream fags think she is just a shitty girl-hulk who was created for Bruce to fuck.
She needs a better name than girl hulk, something like titania or the likes since that one is taken.

It's kinda fucked if you think about it that people give batgirl and supergirl a pass for being girl versions of male heroes but not the other gals who do the same. No matter how rounded their characters are.

>mainstream fags think she is just a shitty girl-hulk who was created for Bruce to fuck

Mainstream audience do love some incest though. I think they would be more than satisfied if they learned she's Hulk's cousin.

> everybody discussing on monikers
> here I am wondering why Machine Man has boobs, hips and Monica's uniform

He swiped a Life Model Decoy of her when his body was wrecked recently.

There's also a scene where he makes the Monica LMD cry because she used to lead the Avengers, and a lecture on the wonders of the female body. Machine Man was pretty weird in that series.

Reminds me of rectum

But Julia never wanted to be spider-woman in the first place, she wanted to be Arachne.

Emma Frost should get a codename. She never had one. "White Queen" was a position title.


She wanted to be Arachne cause there were too many damn spiderwomans.