Why did he throw away a comfy life to be edgy

Why did he throw away a comfy life to be edgy


schizo here, it wasn't a choice he probably spent most of his time confused and scared

psychopath here, diagnosed. he didn't know a different self.

Because of the doubles

very nice

Because Phil Collins told him to.

tasteful thickness

in reality, there's not much comfy about being a biglaw attorney on wall street. you only get to enjoy the finer things in life when you aren't working 14 hour days of soul-sucking work


Working is not comfy stupid normie

Yeah, because Patrick Bateman spent all his time at work working, you fucking morons.

he wanted to fit in but couldnt because of his autism


He just enjoyed killing you dummys. Simple as that, probably killed animals or something as a child, eventually his lust to kill humans became uncontrollable that it was all he thought about. He also was incapable of empathy and incredibly narcissistic.

Mentally ill people don't care about comfort.



You know your shit pal.

But he didn't kill people? He was just a psychological manifestation ("There is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, but there is no real me") and he only killed in his mind, for example, all the prostitutes were just the doodles in his calendar.


I don't wanna go

he actually did kill people, thats what both the author and director of the movie intended. the director apologized for making the end seem too ambiguous

Looper on youtube recently touched on this
He did kill people, however who and how many aren't clear, as he is the narrator, what was and wasn't a delusion is unknown to even himself.

He killed a shitload of people and the jew apartment building owners covered it all up for him.

Read the book faggot and stop shitting up every AP thread.
>"actually I definitively have the answer to a purposefully ambiguous tale *tips fedora*

If you go to any of these types of Nyc bars for even a moment, you want to kill people too.

ok serious question.. so i just watched Me Myself and Irene and i really wanna get schitzofrenia

is it possible to trigger it somehow? makes my shitty life maybe more interesting and i might get autismbux because of it so no more wageslaving

>i really wanna get schitzofrenia
>is it possible to trigger it somehow?
>makes my shitty life maybe more interesting
this nigger...

you dont know my life who are you to judge?

What is so bad about being a schitzo? you can just blame your other personality whenever you egt into trouble

You're already nuts

i'm not, i live a rather boring life, just work and computertime and some mild autism

>What is so bad about being a schitzo?
being mentally deranged, meaning that you are not able to function properly and have to be put into a mental asylum.

you can try doing it by abusing heroin and getting hit in the head repeatedly to cause trauma, maybe it will work.

nah im not gonna damage my body

also not all schitzo's need to be in asylums

>I'm not gonna damage my body
>But I want schizophrenia
Make a tulpa bro

schitzo is a brain disorder

He wasn't an attorney, he was at a VP position in the Mergers and Acquisitions sector of an investment bank.

i got committed and had psychosis for a while. it's wasn't schizophrenia but it was essentially 3-week long schizo.

wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. the voices, the delusions, the thoughts. you know nothing is substantially there. but this colourful world you are perceiving consumes your reality. and when you act on these delusions, and they effect your real life, it fucks you for life.

Being an office drone is not comfy

HMU with a perma ban pussy

>youtube e-celeb
end your life.

>some mild autism

It was nice knowing you user.

its mild, otherwise i would notice it way more

also i've seen autists outside and they are way more autistic than i am

i can even come off as normie, its just that my personality is autism, like preference to being alone etc, but people that dont know me cant tell


he was a joke in his social circle

nice reaction image m8

nice reddit spacing in your previous post.

>calling people reddit

nobody cares about this shitty meme


you cared enough to respond, reddit.

because i always respond, it's a polite thing to do


nah man im not really into drugs, especially heavy ones

>on Sup Forums

>haha we are Sup Forums we are big mean bullies! XD

sounds to me like someone should maybe go back to a certain place

why are you so mean? did someone hurt you?

you don't belong here. congrats on killing a shit thread.

For you

i've been here for a long time and i'm here to stay

one way or another

>this much actual discussion about American Psycho
I guess summer really is over

Common for ibankers to work 80-120 hrs a week

get some lsd and overdose

>i say comfy and i look like this
>do you like my pajamas?

you cant overdose on lsd

blurry definition because you can actually get a really bad trip on a really big dose of lsd which i could take as an overdose because of the giant list of mental side effects that you would get

you can get a bad trip because of just about anything. Even a bad day at work. Dont need psilocibin or lsd for that

>a bad trip can be anything that pisses you off

lmao, i won't argument with a brainwashed drugged up low iq alan watts wannabe

man. it's so surreal to look back on Obama-era propaganda now that I can spot kikes.

No, it's not about high dose, it's about repeated dose.
Microdose every day of your life (or even faster with regular dose) and in 3-4 months you can start having delusions and extreme paranoia and everything everywhere is part of a plan and everyone is in on it.

If you truly want schizophrenia, take a bunch of acid and embrace the rabbit hole that opens up. And I mean a bunch—like a full vial.

But you don't want schizophrenia. You may be a sad, pathetic individual (who else would post something so dumb for such petty reasons as attention-seeking and immediate-gratification-seeking?), but you don't want to be an irrevocably fucked up, sad, pathetic individual.

Don't be stupid, son. It's not a good look.

pajamas are redpilled tho. your sheets won't get so nasty so fast when there's something between your filthy body and the sheets you're covered with for several hours every day

>i really wanna get schitzofrenia

I lived with a schizophrenic for 8 years. Trust me, you don't.

he's actually not referring to an e-celeb but one of those clickbait top 6 top 10 top 5 video accounts (not dissimilar to watchmojo lmao)

>6 reasons patrick bateman TOTALLY committed the murders in american psycho

you okay, user?

The true redpill is showering in the am, taking a quick sponge-bath before bed as part of your nightly hygiene, and then sleeping in your boxers, preferably with a fan giving you a gentle breeze so you don't wake up all sweaty.

i want no one to escape

As a VP? Nah, you'll be pushing hours at most when you're closing deals, but otherwise, your life is more chilled out and you get to hang out with the clients and the luxuries that brings with it.

If you want to live on the edge for the rest of your life you might aswell fuck with some actual gangster with a false identity till eventually they find you and chop you into pieces, if they find you.