Calling all fellow shills! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! I repeat, this is NOT a drill. Madam president no longer has 270 as of this moment.

Also, general argue which states go red/blue thread.

>not blue


and then the fact that fucking georgia and arizona are now considered swing states is pretty pathetic on trumps part

>Georgia, AZ, NC

in play?

you are implying Hillary will do better than OBAMA in 2008?

Fuck off.

you fuck off, its the truth. Trump is that bad. It didnt have to be this way. You have no right to deny reality.

whoops meant to post a good pic of rubio

Samefagging this hard

Hill shills on suicide watch after this incredible day!

The image in the OP is the RCP map based on current polling. I'll fill it out as we decide what way each state is gonna go.

Here I've turned Missouri red as Trump has had a sizable lead for some time, what's next?

>drumpf can win


AZ, GA, FL, NC, NH are all going red for sure.

WI, VA, FL, NV, and NC will go blue

Hehe, you said his name wrong.

North Carolina, Georgia, Iowa and Arizona are red states for sure, and the 2nd District in Maine is red as well.

One state at a time and make a convincing arguement.

>texas is a light red


Light colors still give the electoral votes to the respective candidate.

gary johnson will win

Austin, TX will turn TX blue.
Madison, WI will turn WI blue.

Here's how I see it.

Clinton wins, 272 to 266.

she's weak as fuck
she will die soon

I'm from Illinois. Should I even bother voting...



You should always vote

I hope Hillary does better than this but I wouldn't be surprised if it was close.

No all you CTR shills should suicide.

Find your local PD, and inform them you are a Hillary supporter and if they are like me, they will help you ease into the after life.

vote gary, get him into the debates or something idk. Everyone in safe blue or red states should be voting 3rd party


Let me clarify the obvious, vote for Trump.

I agree AZ will most likely go red especially since the immigration issue is flaring up again.

AZ now red on OP map.

Next state? Again, have a fucking convincing arguement for whatever state.

Hillary is having trouble reading teleprompters

Dementia is advancing rapidly

north carolina will go blue narrowly . maybe cause of that transgender law that will have sjws turnout go up

Shit, forgot Missouri.


>Nevada: California's offspring
>Florida: Obvious blue state, polling indicates otherwise

Yeah this is worst case scenario and highly unlikely

Can someone explain to me how this system as ever agreed on? Literally 3/4 of the US doesn't have as much voice as the liberal 1/4

Electoral votes are assigned to states based on population.

It doesn't make much sense for corn field states to have the same pull as massive cities.

Wisconsin is about to vote one of the biggest progressive senators in recent history in, Russ Feingold. People aren't going to vote Trump/Feingold at the polls. Also Hillary has been up there forever and if PA is blue it should be blue too.

Dems have won the pop vote in the last 5/6 elections. That's 2 decades of democratic popular vote wins. More democrats voted in the House elections in 2014 and still lost the House. Dems have more voters, they just arent as consistent and are their candidates are pussies who cant run good campaigns

The fuck are you talking about?

This system helps flyover Conservtard states. If it was a pure popular vote, California and New York would decide everything. They basically reduce Liberal power, so farming redneck states have proportionate ability. Cali's points should be much higher, if anything.

How is the US not up in arms about this bullshit?! The Saudis are every bit as bad as ISIS, functionally. Oh yeah, the media glosses over our relationship with the Saudis. They certainly cover up their human rights violations AND their connection to 9/11, about which we're learning more with every leak. What a shitty, obvious, shallow house of cards.

fair point. Wisconsin goes blue.



Meant for
Hillary Clinton wins the election until other states are disputed.

>Definitely Red
North Carolina

>Most likely red

>Probably red

Trump has to win Pennsylvania or Virginia to win.
Or he could somehow secure Maine, New Hampshire, Minnesota or Wisconsin, and New Mexico. Now, this is unlikely, but, either way, if he's gonna win, he has to flip some blue states, and the states I've listed are soft blue states, so as long as he's present in those states, and advertises there, he can potentially flip them.

But judging by his success at the Mexico meeting, and his visit to Louisiana, he's gotten the voters to perceive him as acting president, at least on a subconscious level. So, there's no doubt he's gonna rise in the polls by a few points. This may be another point where he ties Hillary.
Ultimately, he has to knock her out of the park during the debates, which will be easy, since Hillary can't hold her weight in a debate, and the public will perceive Trump to be dominant anyways, because he's larger, more energetic, and masculine. This what will ultimately drive the independent to vote for Trump, and what will cause some of Hillary's soft supporters to flip over to Trump. The independent voters are going to decide this election, mark my words.

I won't be surprised if this is finally the tipping point for Hillary, and her campaign implodes prior to the debates. I predict this election's outcome (assuming Trump's victorious) will be because of the independents, a lack of democrat turnout (since they're not energized), a silent majority / shy tory base, and some first time voters.

This map won't mean anything until at least late October
The election is too ambiguous

He could pull Wisconsin or any one of the great lake states. Michigan is also possible.


Clinton is really taking s dive in Wisconsin though so maybe. She's still up a bit though.

yeah, polls go up and down quickly when polls are so unpredictable and volatile. I feel like polling has been shit for all of 2016, but i think its safe to say shes at least ahead something