LittleKuriboh's Depression

After he realises his greatest accomplishment has been a 10 year abridged series of a children's anime, will he neck himself?

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Tbh, a 10 year abridged series of a children's anime is more that most people can brag about. If I was him I would neck myself for being fat and bald.

Yu-Gi-Oh abridged is arguably the finest serial in the history of YouTube. I hope he knows it means a lot to people.

>hurr I'm so depressed wah
Go fuck yourself LittleKurriboh

stay mad

I honestly still think his Yu Gi Oh abridged series is funny as fuck but he is a massive sjw faggot. He put up this video right after Trump won the election. I wonder what it could be about...

lmao I'll give you 10 months before you end yourself brah

project more

Can I have your hentai collection when you go?

How pathetic.

You should neck your self becuase he makes more money then you in that time he was making shitty videos about a 15+ year old anime while you throw shade on a mongoloid shadow puppet board.

I just found out that he proposed to his first wife in a youtube video. He poured his heart out on camera and she divorced him within a year. What a fucking loser


I wonder why they divorced.

he married again though, didn't he?

dude childrens card game

I don't know if he got married again, but he found love again...

yeah she said she as his wife in some older video. she's very annoying.

To a fucking hamplanet

Relax LittleKuriboh.

...with tattoos
and dyed hair
and a weird haircut
and undoubtedly an sjw like him
and a turbo feminist
and a Hillary supporter who probably broke down and sobbed when she lost
and probably breaks down about dumb trivial shit several times a week

I remember when he made the first one of these. Closed it within 10 seconds. Why anyone would want to watch a guy that sounds like he has one foot in the grave for 10-15 minutes is beyond me. I was in a bad state and it definitely didn't do anything good for me.

YGTAS is still funny though. I used to play tournaments and loved the cartoon so I've still watched it for like 10 years

He should have milked it more for money instead of only making two a year now
>comments are disabled for this video

Something about him just screams cuck. I wouldn't be surprised if his wife sleeps with other men

>Compass is between Never and Eat

fucking lmao

I bet my left bollock she has cheated on him and he has forgiven her.

A lot of those parody videos I watched as a teen didn't age well but I actually think this guy is genuinely funny. I wonder if he could write anything fully original instead of just parodies, he's pretty versatile with his jokes.

I don't really blame him for being depressed, he's forced to work his way through season 4.

He has a paw print tattoo on one of his wrists. He's a complete loser.

>tfw you find people who like YGOTAS in the least expected place.
feels goodman.

Did he ever say why she divorced him?

He has the beta eyes

>beta byes

is this the greatest ygotas video ever made? (yes)

protip keep watching up until the 1min mark even if you think you hate it before that point. also skip the first 20 seconds, its just people talking

it's ancient, no one knows.

I think she was some kind of autistic rape victim or something. I remember him saying something about her not liking sex at all.

It's worse than that. During their whole relationship, AND marriage, she never had sex with him. He admitted it afterward that she "never let me touch her" because she was "raped" or something

this and the ebonics one are gold

Literally what's the point of marrying someone if you're not going to be having regular sex with them? Am I missing something here?

except maybe for kuriboh

>Yu-Gi-Oh abridged is arguably the finest serial in the history of YouTube

That would be the Bulk & Skull Show.

Yugioh/DBZ abridged is reddit incarnate

there's nothing wrong with being an 'SJW' and even if there was it still wouldn't be a good excuse to act like a bully.

depression is a big problem (especially in the US with its nonexistent mental health care) and I'd wager most anons are trying to cope with it.

That's better than most people

He's pretty productive for someone who spent their whole life high watching adult swim

Dbz was good until the writing became total faggotry after season 3

what a faggot

I only ever watched Dragonball abridged
is that in anyway connected with this faggot?
i never bothered looking it up


Jesus dont make me remember

Their dub of the Broly movie made up for every shitty episode they've made since the android saga began.

It was good until Krillin said "shots fired" and everyone started saying that whenever someone got insulted. Until that episode came out I never heard anyone say "shots fired" in that kind of context but now a lot of people say it. It's like when Filthy Frank used snowflake as an insult in his "born in the wrong generation" video and now everyone uses it to describe someone that's easily offended.

I'm a fucking loser nerd and even I can't fucking help but think "what a bunch of cringy fucking losers" anytime I see someone from the TFS team outtside of an abridged episode. Like holy fuck, where is your shame? One of the most integral parts of being a "geek" or a "nerd" is the immense mental stress it puts on you for not fitting in with the normies. These guys are trying to "normalize" being a nerd, and when you try to do that you get your typical dyed-hair SJW loser and that is a step too far for a traditional loser such as myself. Also they got way too damn kiddy and upbeat, this shit isn't funny when it's positive it's only funny in a biting, critical tone. I mean, their youtube channel looks like Nick Junior or some shit.

They're literally a friend simulator for nerds. It's probably because deep down I was never able to connect with other nerds so nerdy activities for me have always been isolated activities so when I see people with similar interests but somehow all friends and in a friend group it makes me mad that they're even trying to act nerdy at that point, because once you're in that position you're a normie now, you can't not be a normie and be in a positive happy-go-lucky friend group like that, doesn't work that way for us. We don't get friends, because when someone like us is put into a positive environment with no shame, we'll do cringy shit. I wouldn't want to watch myself.


Boy, I rewatched the whole yugioh abridged series a couple months ago, and the early episodes have by far the best AND the worst jokes in the entire series. The old memes and references are god awful, but damn if some of the jokes still dont make me chuckle these days.

>Its not fair! I thought disguising myself as a bee would help me win!

Yu gi oh abridged came first. LK was some stoner watching adult swim and decided to make fun of it online despite liking it.

Then a bunch of people copied him including TFS.

>I kidnapped your grandpa and dueled him into submission

>People have died! I killed a gay clown for Ra's sake!

so no direct connection?

>adult swim

Yu Gi Oh wasn't shown on adult swim lmao

he did voice Frieza

>Tai: And when I beat you it will prove women are equal to men
>Studio audience: laughter
>Tristan in the background: take off your clothes!

You are. Sex is great, but you've got a pretty shitty relationship if it couldn't survive without it. The emotional aspect is a bigger component than the pleasure after a while, and there's other ways of expressing that.

I meant Cartoon Network

but he specifically copied the adult swim type of presentation and clearly loved most of the shows.

You marry someone so you can have sex with them and breed. If you don't breed, why did you marry them in the first place? Sex is a marriage responsibility. Unfortunately, law today is so cucked it can still be "rape"

what the fuck is up with balding nerd bearded black rim glasses males holy shit they are everywhere

Isn't it also a shitty relationship if you aren't having sex at all or rarely?

All the jokes about it being a childrens card game are top quality.

Just watched the ebonics video. I now consider Blue-Peeps Whitey Dragon to be itsofficial name.

Not having sex with your spouse is proof of emotional distance/problems, though.

>If you don't breed, why did you marry them in the first place?
faggots do

Where I live faggots can't marry.

i just had to unsubscrube after he started making daily blogs about how sad he is
how pathetic and fake do you have to be to post updates on your sadness just for attention

the options are very simple
>kill yourself
>take meds
>man up

>there's nothing wrong with being an 'SJW'

Why do they do this? Joe Goes did exactly the same thing.



>tfw you remember that marriage proposal video he made his then gf and how happy he and her looked
>she rejected it like the day
Christ that was so long ago I think I was just a freshman in hs when that happened. I remember that was like the first time I ever felt emotional cringe for anyone other than myself.

*next day

dont bully martin