"Allah Akbar" only means Allah is Supreme. There is no violent meaning! It's the most beautiful sentence there is for us muslim. We say it many times during prayer. We love our religion and our faith is strong. Not all muslims are radicals... please understand.
"Allah Akbar" only means Allah is Supreme...
Go get run over by a truck
Jesus is our savior.
why would you live in a country that eats pork and drinks alcohol?
>Allah is supreme.
>We're not violent.
Fourth Reich sooner then you think.
Fuck off jamal
I shout ALLAH ACKBAR when I get explosive diarrhea.
"Sieg Heil" only means Hitler is Supreme. There is no violent meaning! It's the most beautiful sentence there is for us nazis. We say it many times during speeches. We love our ideology and our faith is strong. Not all nazis are radicals... please understand.
when i go the toilet "im off to bomb pearl harbour"
We know that user, Sup Forums isn't that ignorant : 3.
You also shout it when you're about to blow up a load of innocents, and it's fucking hilarious desu : 3
Fuck you Achmed you fucking humus breathing bomb breathing cunt go suck Allahs cock some more you fucking mudslime FUCK YOU USA USA USA
Are there actually any countries that are GLAD about being turned Islamic?
Or does everyone who's old enough to remember feel nothing but sorrow about it?
I was wondering if anyone has seen al-Baghdadi lately? I'm asking for a friend.
Why don't you leave France, seriously?
You know people hate Muslims and that we will progressively ban every sign of your religion, if there isn't a civil war first.
Hello achmed, ready for what is going to come?
Fpbp he is our redeemer :,)
Looked at flag...not suprised. Europoors are so pathetic
who said the french never made anything good?
Muslims are supreme gentlemen, confirmed.
You take that back right now, faggot! When we shit the polite thing to say is, "I'm off to donate toothpaste for the needy in 3rd world countries like Canada and the U.k"
Fuck off, there is only one true God you degenerate heathen.
Schweden are you so cucked?
"Heil Hitler" only means Hitler is Supreme.
"Sieg Heil" lead to "Sieg and Heil" from the Thule society.
>Muslims are supreme gentlemen
>supreme gentlemen
And which one of the 5000 gods is that? The one with magical powers?
Fuck off holy shit.
Why do the French always immediately give up?
Sieg Heil means Greet Victory Sven.
Fuck you and your proxy, americunt
>tfw muhammed sucks as many pig dicks as OP
fuck off ahmed.
Even your women aren't like what is on your pic.
nothing personal, i just relate shitting to dropping bombs
I've just got to go and drop a nuke on hiroshima.
all muslims must die. pic related
Please understand, Emir, that I do not care.
Sup Forums spergs out like normal
>i am too retarded to spot a bait
>or too autistic
>implying island-apes are in control
only in your head
So I heard a French restaurant owner told a pair of muslims to get out of his establishment, because all muslims are terrorists.
How's that guy doing? I imagine it's big news in France. Need more guys like him.
That's cool but your religion is still non-Western, you're still non-white, and you have to go back.
all religion is retarded
Are silent protecter, we are eternal thankful... ETERNALY ANGLO!!!!!!
>No violence
You think an imaginary figure is Supreme, and thus beliefs ascribed to him take precedence over the laws of your nation.
That's violence.
>We love our religion and our faith is strong
'Cause you're low I.Q.
>Not all Muslims are radicals
But all Muslims are Muslims.
>not all muslims are radicals
but all french sure are muslims
Are you seriously asking that on Sup Forums?
The guy is fleeing the town, mudslim vowing to rape and kill his daughter if he stay...
How do you say "Allah is a pig fucker." in Arabic?
The pilot usually say Allah Akbar on gulf state airlines during take off. I think it's just a meaningless platitude like "have a nice day".. or they think planes work by magic.
That is a damn shame, if true.
But, at least it will convince others of what savages muslims are.
There was a piggy bank stalled out in my company's dining hall, today.
A note said "contributions for a speaker set for the new mosque of so and so town".
I dropped in a set of matches.
Fuck 'em.
Jesus is the messiah and he is a muslim.
The creator of the universe, the allmighty and allseeing who have given life to the universe. The completely just ruler of everything.
Allah is never supreme bro. He is max. Gold Nova 3
British Muslim reporting in, summoning the Paki bro from yesterday, he was a bants master
>allah is supreme
>implying that other religions' gods are inferior
Go back to the desert and yell allahu snackbar when you cum inside your goat wife's ass you fucking shitskin sandnigger. Your pedoprophet and his lunatic blabbering only brought destruction and pain on Europe.
Also, seeing threads like this makes me realize how fucked up the West become.
>bomb Pearl Harbor
>Couldn't even beat Luftwaffe
love this troll thread being reposted every night, Sup Forumsacks still bite,
Prove it by killing infidels.
Firstly it's Allahu Akbar, not Allah Akbar
Secondly it translates directly to "God is Greater" not "God is Supreme/Great"
The "Greater" is emphasised and significant as it's a statement that Allah is greater than whatever act is being done at the time of it's uttering, which is for this sole reason why people shout it as they blow their dumb fuck selves up.
t. an actual ex-muslim
calm down Attila, the race wars are just around the corner
>that flag
Ok, I'll bite. Tell me a story, user. A story of how you came to be.
jesus my sides
>death to the infidels
So if I yell that while traveling in an airplane I shouldn't get arrested right?
Still wrong, it's "Allah is greatest" and that logic that you mention is not part of actual mainstream Islamic theology
Then why muslims hate christians?
I can assure you that you're wrong.
I'm Muslim I don't hate Christians, hate is self-destructive. I try and live in peace with everyone.
Lol ok? whats your point ?
Its still gets screamed by literally every single islamic terrorist. If christians would massmurder the same way muslims would do and screamed amen around everytime it would be considered a pretty good warning.
Thats what alla kackbar is when you hear it a warning that a potential pig fucker is gonna do something. Dont blame society or the west for this association it was Muslims themselves that created it. Stop behaving like pigs while screaming that shit and the association will disappear.
Please kick their asses!
Fuck off paedophile and goat diddler.
How do you feel about extremism (shariah, terrorism, etc.)? Opinion on Trump?
>There is no violent meaning!
Perhaps. However, Muslims often use those words when they commit ungodly acts, like rape or murder. By saying it while committing those things, they essentially connote the word with something vile and ugly.
Like when the word 'gay' was once a word to denote being happy. Now, the word is predominantly used to refer to homosexuals. Like how "Allah Akbar" now connotes terror acts committed by radical and immoral Muslims.
And if Muslims keep up with it, the world will connote "Allah Akbar" with terrorism, and anyone who says such words would be put to death, regardless of the context.
I don't like extremism as it destroys the good reputation and name of Islam, before 9/11 we weren't so hated as we are now, and Nome of us chose that stupid event to happen, only a few crazies from Saudi Arabia, the land of the false monarchy.
Trump is okay, he makes me laugh and he has some good policies especially his stance on Islam, if Muslims won't behave by their sense of right and wrong, then they need a trump to bring it to them. But I don't think the people will elect him, and also sometimes he comes across like a complete buffoon so it makes me wonder if he is cut out for the job. Obama is somewhat intelligent despite being a Zionist stooge.
Nope its a nonce .. and its taken as it is used and by who is used..
Lets take another example.. White Power .. its lovely nonce, its means for White people How good they are in everything, from Poets up to Space Engineering.. it means current wold and it's wonders as internet etc it was achieved by white people.
Lets try to wear white Uniform with Pointy Hat covering face leaving small holes for eyes, Hold a Big Cross and walk threw some Arabic city lets say DOHA .. and see how You will fell.
Everything depends from point of view.. and from My point of view Your point of view is ridiculous and radically stupid.
cutting off a childs head - Allah is Supreme
burning people alive - Allah is Supreme
blowing people up - Allah is Supreme
it appears your supreme being is akin to a demon, not a god
pbuh yourself
Do you think hating Islam is just inherent to Eastern Europe? I mean you are basically hardwired to hate Islam now.
>1 post by this ID
Stop responding you guys
No, Allahf abkhar mean God is among the greates [of gods]
I'm jewish whoe lives in israel and supports my country
what do you think of me?
>>>Anonymous (ID: GBAciAON) 09/01/16(Thu)05:44:53 No.87320730 Anonymous (ID: GBAciAON) 09/01/16(Thu)11:44:53 No.87320730▶
No, it is just that "Eastern europe" is not cucks like you. We say our muslims what they effpect if they dare to chimpout.
>claims to be a muslim
>mistranslates allahu akbar
>comes on Sup Forums to address islamophobia
come on man. i'm a muslim and i love my faith but keep your camel fucking sandnigger voodoo the fuck off my latvian butter sculpting discussion board
Allah seems to have confidence issues if he needs muslims to repeat it like parrots constantly.
>1 post by this id
>"""(((my)))""" country
Well done bong
>'ALLAHU AKBAR!' Stabbing Murder In Australia; Authorities Unsure Of Motive
Allah literally means "god"
Christian arabs call god "allah"
Not sure why you replied to me, but I already knew that
You don't have to be radical to be a threat to western freedom. You just need to be sympathetic towards those radicals, while providing them with an easy way to enter these countries unchecked and your voting power. Until you fucks can turn out in your thousands to protest child suicide bombers and Islamist massacres, the same way you turn out to protest a fucking cartoon, I have little reason to see European Muslims as anything but an invading force.
Also, I'd really suggest fleeing France. They aren't exactly thrilled about the fear your less pleasant Muslims are causing. Not tomorrow, mind, but you should have a way out, just in case.
You said it translates to "allah is greatest" which is incorrect since allah is an arabic word.
You obviously dont already know this, Allah translates to God, so you dont translate 2/3 words in that statement, you translate the whole fucking statement.
Youve just had this type of rhetoric hammered into your brain. Literally newspeak.
We have english words for all of these but big brother media doesnt translate it because it sounds more obscure and scary. Good little boyim like you eat that shit up.
"Arbeit Macht Frei" just means "Work will set you free". There's no violent meaning. It's the most inspirational sentence there is for hard workers. We say it when the job gets tough. Not all Nazis were evil. Please understand.
Uh, it's Porcelain Harbor.
How is that taqiyya working for you
>So if I yell that while pooing in an airplane shitting aisle I shouldn't get arrested right
Now it seems like a more likely scenario.