Sweden has finally changed their laws on granting asylum. I'm glad that we're on our way to becoming a nice...

Sweden has finally changed their laws on granting asylum. I'm glad that we're on our way to becoming a nice, peaceful country again

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The damage has been done. There is an enormous breeding population inside your country that will, in the decades to come, dominate you.

Isnt it too late anyway? Didnt most of native swedes move out of your country already?

How? Are you going to remove those already there?

They will all be sent back, along with their children. Morgan Johansson, our migration minister has said that non Europeans will be sent back now.

how are you going to do it when you're police force is full homo and you have no military

"you will be sent back to the external border of Europe in Istanbul"

nice satire

We will use our fine young men as volunteers. They just need a short training program and then we have thousands of volunteers who will help return our country to peace again.



yeah? and were are the somali gangs going?

Not sure if you're actually this deluded or just trolling but I'm betting the latter.
At best the immigration level will sink to the same as in the late 90's and that is still too many. Also, as has already been pointed out, Sweden is too far gone by this stage to make a full recovery.

You can never go back, Sven.

i wish this was official

>yeah? and were are the somali gangs going?

Didn't you read? They are going back to Somalia.

nah, we are not too far gone. we have 5-10% mudslimes and the rest of the foreigners in our country are white europeans. this is hardly too far gone. coupled with sane immigration and deportation laws we'll come out ontop.

>send all those muslim doctors and engineers back to their home country
>Make The Middle East Great For Once

Leftist have no choice but to agree with this

The government will never be able to send people back, they can barely send one immigrant back and when they try it ends up costing hundreds of thousands of euros. The immigrants who are denied asylum simply go into hiding and wait for a new opportunity to sneak their way into society, like by putting their children in a school as an anchor baby.
The welfare system is already strained as fuck and seeing how immigrants don't work or only get minimum wage jobs they won't ever become an asset for society. We have a lot of people going in to retirement and way too few that can pay for them. With the new shitskins this problem has just grown.
The schools are also failing because of lack of discipline and shitskins who are to learning what mold is to bread.

as a signatory to 1951 UN Refugee Convention Sweden can't do this.

thats your country you speak of americuck


damn nigger you're defeatist as fuck. why dont you leave also? prefer if only real men stayed, not low-test numales who dont have anything better to do than spout obvious lies and propaganda about your own coutnry (or maybe you're a proxyfag, seems likely)

shitskins are fingerprinted there is no "sneaking their way back into society". we have been able to send shitskins back to nearly all countries, Afghanistan included. and the numbers are already in the thousands, soon to be tens of thousands. the number of those who have left voluntarily of the 160k that came last year is around 12 000 already, and with cut gibs and removed the possibility for family reunification for nearly all groups, reality proves you wrong you defeatist fuck.

We can, and we will declare the UN Refugee Convention void. We also will have to change our CONSTITUTION since the treacherous politicians in previous regimes have written in that Sweden is multicultural and that we are part of EU. IN OUR CONSTITUTION. It needs to be rewriten.

I am leaving, så du behöver inte oroa dig för det.
The problem is that people are so caught up with the current immigrant fuck ups that they forget that we have had problems with immigration and assimilation for decades. Both the leftist cucks and rightwingers seem to view the status quo as the only reality. This has led to the leftists decrying any talk of taking in less refugees than yesterday as racism, even if yesterday's numbers were ten times that of last week's. As for the right many seem to be content with any small adjustment to immigration policy even if it doesn't fix the overall problem.
The government said that they'd send about 60000 immigrants back but they haven't said how. One of many problems is that according to Swedish law you can't send people back to a country where they might face persecution or violence, which is pretty much every shithole country that these fuckers come from.

Europe is starting to finally wake up


Why can't we change the laws? Just like they once changed them in order to bring in immigrants, we can change them back to throw them out. It's not difficult at all.

>We can, and we will declare the UN Refugee Convention void.

yes or seek reform of the convention. reform is unlikely since lot of the countries sending their mud either don't want them or want Swe gibs to be sent back into their economies.

I really hope it's possible but at the moment I can't see it happening. The majority of Swedish people are cucked out of their minds and 80% of politicians are even worse. The leftists even want to give free housing and schooling to gypsies from Romania who are only here to beg and steal (watching a live parliament debate right now). Swedes get a hard on as soon as you mention human rights or other international conventions and saying that they shouldn't be implemented word by word basically brands you a nazi.

Menar du att Sverige i dag kan tvångsutvisa personer till exempelvis Afghanistan, och att Afghanistan tar emot dem?

– Det har kunnat genomföras under det här året, ja.


Shut up you defeatist low-test nigger.


Never understood this about burgermutts, they're so oblivious to what they are/the state of their own country that they try to always speak from a position of superiority when they're in a far worse state than any European country.


Thats nice but you're still quickly being outnumbered.


Ever though that sign is sion to be largely bullshit when people inevitably fall for Jewish tricks and decide to remove offshore detention, it still feels good to know at least for a time we were pretty based.

Sweden never attacked England.


>believing that socialist shill who keeps lying through his teeth

Also, are you illiterate?

>Till stor del handlar det om att förmå människor som fått avslag på sina asylansökningar att självmant lämna landet.
In large part it means that we need to get people who are denied asylum to voluntarily leave the country.

>När så inte är fallet uppstår många gånger ett problem. Om en asylsökande som fått avslag ändå väljer att hålla sig undan och stanna kvar i Sverige finns det ingen lag som tillåter polisen att genomföra tvångsutvisningar.
When they don't there are often problems. If an asylumseeker has been denied but chooses to stay in the country in hiding there is no law that allows police to conduct a forced expulsion.

the numbers dont lie

>Literal cuckshed in the background

>If an asylumseeker has been denied but chooses to stay in the country in hiding there is no law that allows police to conduct a forced expulsion.

even if there were they can't be sent back to face persecution, can't be split up from family, so they either impregnate something, claim they are gay, convert to christianity to escape deportation. then they appeal it to ECHR.

You're really trying your best to sound as defeatist as possible arent you? What do you have to gain by seeing the most negative in everything and disregarding the positive? You're clearly cherrypicking yourself.

>believing that socialist shill
the numbers on how many have been deported to these countries are publicly available you little defeatist homo.

>in large part it means we need to get people who are denied asulym to voluntarily leave the country
literally nothing controversial or wrong about this. do you deny that its 100 times easier if they fuck off on their own? over 12 000 have already done so from last years batch and more will continue to leave.

>When they don't there are often problems
Cecilia Renfors, JO, konstaterade att lagen endast ger polisen möjlighet att använda våld eller tvång mot någon som ska utvisas, i den här typen av fall, om det finns formellt beslut på att personen i frågan först tas i förvar.
From the same article. "The law only gives Police the option to use violence or force if there is a formal decision that the person in question is first put in custody. "

We've been able to forcibly deport thousands. The problem is strictly beaurocratic and can easily be solved.

Clearly this one Swede in the comic is the sole Dane left in Scania, which once belonged to Denmark.
He just chooses to wear the Swedish flag for now, until we come and liberate Scania and throw Malmö into the sea.

I haven't looked up the exact numbers but since 160000 came only last year I doubt the problem is fixed or anywhere near it.

And who will take them in to custody? The Swedish police? They're already falling apart because of politicians fucking up the whole organization resulting in officers quitting en masse.

Sounds like bullshit. Got a source?


>hur hade dom tänkt befria Sverige?

too bad all the cops who would enforce the new rules have quit their jobs due to being led by a marxist retardo supreme.

Immigrant cops love him though.

nigger the new laws were instituted in july and 12 000 have already left because of it. are you actively trying to look retarded or is this just status quo for you?

any Swede who knows even the littlest thing about the situation knows that its Migrationsverket who maintains the custody for those who are awaiting deportions. The relevant services need a lot more money to step it up a notch, but there's really no legit reason to why you're acting like such a little childish twat who expects complete and total change to happen overnight, and if it doesnt its reason to suicide. and i mean sure, in an ideal world where things can happen automagically, but we now have a leftist government that is deporting so many people they need to build more detention centers to fit them all in transit. boo fucking hoo. the situation could be a whole lot different.

honest question. did your balls never drop? why are you crying so much?

kämpa för ett fritt norden!