Is it Jason Todd?


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Woudn't that imply that Batman exists?

Why do Jason Todd fans think anyone wearing a mask is Jason Todd?

They've already acknowledged Oracle even if it was tongue in cheek.

Superman and Oracle exist so why the fuck not

Well they turned out to be right in the Akrham Knight.

>Motorcycle fetish hitman
It's not that big of a leap and who else could it be besides Vigilante? Vigilante also isn't a hitman so likely not him.

itll be merlins son

>Implying Tommy isn't Prometheus

IIRC S1 of The Flash, Joe says something along the lines of "Or that man in Gotham". Not outright saying Batman, but I don't think it would refer to anyone else.

It's obviously Ultron.

If they ever come back to it they should do a bait and switch, set it up for a Batman reveal at the end of the episode and it turns out to be the fucking Question.


It got really stupid in Telltale Batman, where Jason would've been an infant.

>I've seen Men of Steel die and Dark Knights fall

It would be fun to see random comic panels (like these) recreated in the bleed when they move between universes but that would be a lot of money for Easter eggs.

I could see someone like Joe being led around in circles by some mysterious, shadowy 'Deepthroat' figure, leading him around to clues. Finally, they meet in person, and it seems like a massive letdown. Just some guy in a trenchcoat and fedora, sticking to the shadows... only his face seems too perfectly obscured. Maybe he's some mutated meta character. Metamorpho maybe?

>few people have the stomach to dig as deep as you have
>even fewer ever ask the Question

I know they're being a bit more lenient since the days of killing off Deadshot because Will Smith, but I don't think they're going to give Jason Todd to Arrow. They were barely allowed to have a Harley cameo.

He would be 9-10 at the very least.

Maybe he's stayed in the shadows for so long no one believes he exists. Even the criminals he shakes down are either unsure of his existence or too scared to come forth about it.

>watching with normie friends
>"I can't believe they're using Watchman!"

It can't be Vigilante because we already saw a comic-book accurate sketch already.
And it can't be Human-Target because that is who is acting as Oliver. This is either OC or a low-key villain.

It'll be Hitman the hitman

Maybe even 9-11

Is season 5 any good?

Its season 2 tier. It'll never be season 1 GOAT again though. Ollie's back to dropping bodies and Ragman's a key player.

Why not just watch a good show instead?

It's alright, good improvement from season 3 and 4, but that ain't saying much. The thing that made the first two seasons dope for me was Slade and just waiting for him to show up in present day and wondering what happened to him, they built that anticipation up really well

>Flashpoint fucks up the timeliine so that Roy got killed instead of Thea
>Roy gets revived in the Lazurus Pit instead
>He becomes the "Red Hood"

I'd like to tell you to fuck off and kill yourself, except I know this isn't too far off from something the writers would actually do

Why did he start killing again?


Last episode the just referenced Roy being alive and on the run


I haven't caught up really, I've only seen the first episode of the season. Give me a spoiler-free lowdown about it, did they mention him getting Lazzy-pitted or something?

Why would the writers do that? You guys give these writers too much crap.


No, Ollie had to do some illegal shit and Felishity was all "If you get caught you'll be on the run and your life as you know it will be over. You know how well that's working out for Roy." So nothing has really changed in regards to Roy. He still took the fall being revealed as Arrow.

Technically there's nothing in there stating he took the fall being revealed as Arrow or anything like that. All that was implied is that he got caught with something illegal and is on the run for the rest of his life. Could've been maybe the Lazarus impulses got to him and he started killing people or something.

Why would Ollie be "Green" Arrow then?


Because if he'd have kept killing and killed Darhk then Laurel would still be alive.

People genuinely guessed the mystery villain would be Jason, even though it is an early Batman story.

>season 1 GOAT again
Your taste is shockingly bad.

Utter shit

Arkham Knight was painfully obvious that it was Todd

Well, yeah. People figured it out before the game even dropped, they made no attempt to hide that Troy Baker was voice Jason Todd, Arkham Knight, and Red Hood, and then when people called them out on it Rocksteady assured everyone "Arkham Knight isn't Jason".