Tim Kaine can speak Spanish. His bilingualism shows he is intelligent and far more understanding of other cultures than anti intellectual conservashits. m.youtube.com
Tim Kaine>>>Drumpf
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Taco taco taco burrito burrito taco
This guy is literally the Democrat's version of Ted Cruz
Pathetic attempt to get more brown manlets who love government dick up their asses into the voting pop.
Real Americans don't need to know any spanish
you can communicate with the help by snapping your fingers etc
Another bland globalist who has just enough Good Boy Points to get one globalist tendie.
Wtf I hate Trump
I am now #MentallyInkaine
I have found pointing to be quite effective as well
Trump is about the only member of his family that only speaks english. Maybe his grandparents, being immigrants, were so happy to be americans they had a belief that america was the greatest nation on earth and only american should be spoken in america.
Virginia here, Kaine is shit, he is sort of a nice guy, but is actually kind of a twerp, you can just see it in his face. He is also only 5,10 on a good day. that is far to short.
Then let him run for VP of other cultures
France’s Marine Le Pen tells CNN, “Hillary Clinton means war”
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange: Reporters ‘erecting a demon’ by protecting Hillary Clinton
Whistleblower says Democrat will ‘put nooses around everyone’s necks as soon as she wins’
Mainstream Media Admits It May "Never Recover" From 2016 Election
“By torching its remaining credibility in service of Clinton,” Goodwin wrote, “the mainstream media’s reputations will likely never recover, nor will the standards. No future producer, editor, reporter or anchor can be expected to meet a test of fairness when that standard has been trashed in such willful and blatant fashion.”
That asshat spoke at my graduation. He gave a 45 minute speech about how republicans are misguided or evil and that he and his friends are the saving grace of man. It was a ramble that had noting to do with creating success for ourselves, at a college graduation. Four years of hard work, and I sat through a speech that had nothing to do with me or my class. If anything he will enable Hillary to send a good chunk of my classmates off to live or die in some useless conflict.
Fuck Tim Kaine, I hope he catches whatever Bill has.
Thank you for rectifying the transcription!
I'm hispanic
No one cares to hear some gringo panderer speak butchered spanish to them
almost every european other than those from the uk is bilingual at the least so
not impressed rly
>can speak spanish
>didn't go to mexico when invited
>Trump went and rocked the house
HillShills on suicide watch
Tim "make the US Mexico again" Kaine.
This man will be president after hillary sharts her pantsuit so hard she dies.
He's just so punchable. Democrats definitely cornered the market on that smug potatonigger look that just begs to be beaten into compliance.