Next level cuck propaganda. I couldn't believe my eyes watching this. So cringe inducing I couldn't finish it. Cuckery promoted on the australian goverment funded national TV station ABC. These sad sad men....marvel at their dead eyes as their wifes explain how good it has been for their relationships. Holy fuck purge these degenerates please.
You may need an australian vpn to view if you are unlucky enough to live in our great country. But it is worth it. Go to the chrome store and get one please.
if you are unlucky enough not* to live in our great country. God damn it.
Logan Barnes
My god, what a disgrace, literal cuckhold relationship, fucking disgraceful.
Liam Baker
Its why australians shitpost so hard. They have so much free time when their wife is out of the house fucking someone else.
Jeremiah Morris
Fuck you, my SO isn't doing that degenerate shit, we shitpost because it's in our blood
Wyatt Nelson
Wife had a child with her boyfriend. The actual husband says he sleeps in a different room because he has to get up for work at 6. HAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA JUSTTTTT.
Josiah Davis
Yea, that guy is so cucked, even the look in his eyes.
Brody Peterson
Could you watch it without an australia vpn gook-kun?
Adrian Scott
Your propaganda is blocked to the rest of the world.
It must really be bad to do such a thing.
Blake Thomas
glad I cant watch the video
Jayden Johnson
Australian only.
I don't want to watch your degeneracy, so not worth the effort.
Luke Scott
Your loss. Missing out some prime cuckery.
My favourite part is one wife explaining how she has a great relationship with her husband and they love tallking about the big issues in the world( lefty bullshit) but with her newer boyfriend she has a more "kinesthetic" connection (He fucks her hard).
Evan Diaz
I can't watch it. Can someone give a description of what's going on?
Ethan Harris
Has the last bastion for white man finally fallen?
Grayson Price
I was going to watch it but nah can't do it. The Safe Schools thing is enough to make rage for now.
James Reyes
ABC has always been a commie propaganda network. All the more reason to lobby to have it privatised.
Henry Ross
fucking hell this show has always been a massive pile of shit but fuck me cunt this is it, i dont know where they can even go next to normalise and encourage utterly disgusting behavior
Camden Wilson
For so long we've managed to fight off this bullshit. Yet somehow in these last couple years it seems to be full steam ahead at making Australia as cucked as possible.
Fucking Melbourne I swear.
Jeremiah Hall
Australians are Cucks haha now I know why they shitpost
Xavier Ross
I will watch this when I'm mad enough to enjoy my anger later tonight
Brandon Jackson
>this is my wife and this is... her boyfriend....
Look at his mannerisms
He may be autistic.
I'll see if I can download it
Sebastian Gomez
I thought Australians were supposed to be alpha? Was it all just an act?
Kevin Parker
I've been red pilling my friends and know someone who is more Sup Forums than me don't worry we're fine
If you open up to an average dude my age about political correctness SJW shit the majority are on the same wavelength just usually too scared to talk about it
Owen Turner
I guarantee most, if not all of this shit comes from Melbourne. Which is basically your version of California/San Fran.
Aaron Collins
Pause the video at any point when any of the men are on the screen. There is an 80% chance they will look like they want to die.
Luke Smith
Great idea. We must spread this to our foreign brethren.
75% the populaton are bogans. 25% are the most commie blue pilled faggots you could find in the world.
Cooper Nelson
>Full left liberal disgusting channel station >Promoting cuckoldry and feminism
mate where have you been? They've always been doing that shit.
Brody Lewis
Daily reminder that there are more jews in Melbourne than the rest of Australia combined.
Isaiah Hill
part of me wants us to collapse and turn into a Mad Max/ The Rover style wasteland to see how the socialist cucks would react
Adam Hughes
Explains a lot.
Same. But we all know they'd just fuck off to some other country to ruin it. Those that are left behind would be the first that are killed for fun. Whether that be rape or murder.
Alexander Richardson
>just usually too scared to talk about it We need to change this
Camden Brooks
those guys seems literally autistic getting exploited by some normie woman
Leo Rogers
>mfw Zack
Julian Stewart
that's why you get aspie NEETs like me with no social standing to start the fire at social occasions
Bentley Turner
I'd love to drop these cucks in the middle of Papua New Guinea. The sheer terror as they are raped and eaten by the locals in the highlands after trying to connect with them.
Brayden Torres
lol wat a gay cunt, get ur shit together faggots, think youve had Americas dick up ur asses long enough now yeah?
Noah Ross
Jose Gray
I'm not even an aspie NEET and I do that. Just very fucking stubborn.
Just remember you are the last of your generation, the children you see now are going to be the most homosexual, mentally ill, limp-wristed, whiney fuck generation you'll ever see in your whole life and they'll be the downfall for us.
Lucas Stewart
nah kiwis are nocturnal brew
2 comfy lass
Cooper Cruz
Oh fuck a youtube link to it. NON AUSTRALIANS USE THIS LINK TO WATCH IT.
Jeremiah Davis
I could never be polyamorous but if it makes some people happy and they're not using it to cheat on their taxes then who gives a shit?
Zachary Peterson
Honestly bro, we are not cucked. Pretty much everyone i know is against immigration, against abbos, against pc and most people dont like gays but will tollerate them. As usual, most of the shit comes from young women who see all the liberal celebrities on instagram and want to be like them.
Aiden Roberts
Strayas how low have you fallen. From dandy's to cuckys.
Lincoln Howard
Shame you can't see the empty dead eyes of the men properly in this link.
Logan Fisher
>he LEGIT thinks someone would deep down be happy of having their wife fucked by another man
Jason Peterson
>tfw you know one of the guys in this video in real life >did not know about this, I wonder if he'll be the talk of the office tomorrow
Ryan Taylor
That fucking lazy-eyed, oily heared uggo cunt
Ryder Johnson
Got a fb account link?
Christopher Long
What is the sauce on OPs pic?
Connor Perry
>most of the shit comes from young women who see all the liberal celebrities on instagram and want to be like them. Even most of them can be reasoned with. Actual conversations with your average young women at uni are a far cry from what the U.S. makes it out to be like.
Isaac Perez
Which one is he?
Luis Kelly
Ask him if his wife's boyfriend looks in his eyes as he cums inside of her
Lincoln Gray
No, we're still fine.
Blake Butler
some auscuck must upload this nigger to youtube. thousands will rage
Brandon Reyes
yeah but I wouldn't do that to him, he's a nice guy
Levi Bailey
It will be uploaded by abc soon enough. They have uploaded manly Sup Forums favourites such as
Jack Martinez
thought the gingey on the left would be the coo coo honestly, quite surprised
why doesn't she just fuck an actual man instead of two limp wristed betas
Jose Sullivan
This is how middle class/ upper middle class suburbs have always been. Full of fucking leftist narcissitic wankers. I went to a good primary school in a leafy green suburb and it wasn't necessarily bad but the "everyone is a special snowflake" narrative was in full swing. They even had an alternative part of the school where kids didn't have to wear uniform or learn normal curriculum shit and just painted and kicked the soccer ball all day. The majority of those kids are now marxists.
Ian Robinson
Kek this
Robert Ross
People behave in ways that don't make sense to us all the time. I don't understand why the fuck you would use a tripcode but you do it it's not actively messing with the way my life functions so who cares?
I wonder what is the cause for all that... It seems as if someone is trying to subvert this kids... any major changes in your educational system in the last decades?
Isaac Davis
>Wannabe Americans >no guns >nanniest state of the entire world >gooks buying all your property >marxism being pushed by your burger butt buddies >over 30 video games banned >A cup porn banned >liberal SJW cucks growing in numbers and power >white males getting arrested for hate speech towards indigenous minorities when they say fuck all >economy about to crash >worst wildlife ever >shit climate makes everyone annoyed 24/7 >over 90 mosques >Jews own all your media and run your gov >not cucked
Jaxon Adams
Jackson Gray
Same bullshit that's being peddled in most schools these days.
Levi Ward
All of them look nutritionally deficient and crazy I'm assuming they are also vegan.
All this butthurt from people who wish they had a harem and don't see anything wrong with Mormon polygamy.
Evan Wood
Link to the video in question.
Oliver Ortiz
i dont get this how can they do this shit what do they get out of it are they just mentally ill or what
Jonathan Powell
>australian tv >ABC means abo broadcasting channel crickey
Caleb Lopez
Thank you, based Aussie.
Holy shit...
That's so cringy lol.
Ok, Sup Forums:
Who is the Alpha and who is the Beta in this picture?
Parker Wilson
>that curly haired carrot top twitching like an abused beta
I bet the bull finishes all over his pasty white ass after plowing his woman
Bentley Sanders
Eli Collins
left is alpha, in the video he says he is 10 years older but screws both his boyfriends so much because his sex drive is higher than his two boyfriends' combined absolutely disgusting
Xavier Wilson
Just wait until Australia starts posting links to paedofile propaganda for us to rage over.
Juan Hill
Funny you say that. We actually have a tax payer funded tv channel for abos and we have another tax payer fnded one for immigrant. This one ABC is for lefty commies and also tax payer funded.
Hunter Diaz
Makes me unironically love our ruling party, hahaha! Aussies, why don't you all just fucking kill yourselves? And also, find yourselves another name, because Australia is no longer your country.
Jayden Butler
>this is why aussies shitpost so much >as a distraction to their cuckold life
Jaxson Brooks
Brandon Price
Gabriel Brown
I once knew a very sadistic soul who basically pimped his wife out for cash and would watch them fuck while insulting her the entire time until she was a sobbing pile of broken human. He enjoyed it quite a bit as I understand.
But that's a fringe case, I'm sure. You are correct for the incredible majority of men.
Joshua Parker
Goddamn, that's incredibly arousing.
Jonathan Cooper
I haven't seen those threads today. Hope the Government didn't kill that user.
Jonathan Cruz
i canĀ“t watch this
Matthew Walker
>has a whole tv show dedicated to literal australian Cuckold couples
Owen Martinez
I cannot watch it. Real life cucks hurt me mentally. Please Muhammed (pbuh) kill them all.