Dear Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer

Dear Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer

Shore Leave is not funny



In this thread op is a fag

He's hilarious.

One of few faggots I actually find entertaining.

Shoreleave is fucking amazing and I wish to share a glory hole with him.

I don't think he is funny.
He's pretty gay.

You guys are dumb. I'm right

OP, this thread is NOT yummy.

The only VB character I don't really find funny is Phantom Limb.
I did love batshit crazy Revenge Society Phantom Limb, though.

this is now a loss thread

post loss

Then you have shit taste. 92% of dialogue uttered in Venture Bros. is bad comedy

No, OP's right. Shore Leave's only character trait is "Sassy Fag".

Golly, why do you think so?

And? His character is pulled off well for what he aims to be. Shoreleave is also not over saturating the show so when he comes around it is perfectly on taste and executed nicely. Not like other shows that try to have a "sassy fag" and over saturate the show with it.

Except he was a completely 3-dimensional character beyond being gay. He genuinely had good combat skills and good chemistry with Brock and for the most part was a very good friend to him.

He's eye candy.

I love Shore Leave

> Look, the Mona Lisa is only famous because it was stolen. And this was stolen!

You'd have to be some kind of lame-o to not like Phantom Limb.

I liked when he was in Sphinx more


>perfectly on taste

What? Everything he says is a shoe-horned gay joke.

Those aren't character traits.

i like him

he knows that his more masculine co workers are put off by sissy homosexuality, so uses it like a psychological weapon to fuck with their heads, and its fucking funny

men waving guns and swords and all sorts of phallus, but a gay guy making a boner joke makes them super uncomfortable.

The fuck else do you want me to say to you without spoonfeeding

>Those aren't character traits.

...He was 'kind'. A 'loyal' friend. He was a 'focused' and 'intelligent' assassin, and that was outside of being gay. He was plain legit during a fair share of action sequences in the show and in a few casual scenes as well.

You want me to burp you now?

Meh, there's better eye candy in this show desu

Does anyone else read Nick Fury with Hunter Gathers' voice?

Well it's not "everyone" if people disagree with you.

I like him.

He's one of few gay characters actually done correctly. I don't see the problem.

Pretty sure it's canon that he swishes it up a notch in the field for that exact reason.

bro he's like my favorite side character, along with the alchemist. ur talkin shit.

This is how I feel.

I dunno, he's always fine when I see him on the show. Worst character is Dermott anyway.

Dermott is great. Worst character is Bud Manstrong.

Doesn't everyone? The only problem is that Nick Fury doesn't have any of the batshit craziness Hunter Gathers does. I can't see him telling Dum Dum to swap seats in a car because there are too many cows on Dum Dum's side.

Bud's a prop to get more amusing characters around him. His mother was a hoot.

Well, it started with me reading Dirk Anger from Nextwave with the voice, but then I read the Mother Russia arc of Punisher Max immediately afterward and it stuck onto Nick.

Oh yeah, MAX Fury is pretty much a down to earth Hunter Gathers. I thought you were talking 616's Fury.

I still hear for any incarnation of Fury.
except black fury of course

No love for a gay ciborg secret agent?

dunno about Nick Fury, but I definitely read General Flagg from GI Joe with a Hunter Gathers/Raul Duke/Hunter S Thompson style voice


You don't seem to understand how to use that phrase. It's not shoe horning when it's a natural part of the character. He's just very gay. Some people really are that camp.