Who does the Clinton's killing?

Most of us accept that the pile of dead bodies near the Clintons is not coincidence. Surprisingly, I see little conversation/speculation about who is actually doing the killing for them.

Who keeps getting away with this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hard light hologram proxy assassins controlled by the anti human faction of reptilians from the confines of the hollow moon.

Welp, glad we got to the bottom of that!

Sam Hyde is their hired hitman. Hiding in plain sight.

Jews, of course

Hillary uses brainwashed black-ops agents. All they're told is that who they're killing will "save American lives"

we know who will stop them

It depends on who is being killed and why. The CIA will help to cover up anything they are involved with but Hillary also has cartel contacts from the Mena, Arkansas days.

seems similar to the long list of people that trump has stumped.

Former feds, ghosts and spooks.

Basically people who used to be legit agents, and did something to fuck up so they faked their deaths or went to prison and got out and live as a hitman.

So people with no histories, or futures and ex-military.

A job for the Clintons would probably set someone up comfy for several years. And they probably have the money going somewhere else if they die.

Yeah we cannot forget about the MK Ultra guys.

probably the FBI itself

France’s Marine Le Pen tells CNN, “Hillary Clinton means war”


WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange: Reporters ‘erecting a demon’ by protecting Hillary Clinton

Whistleblower says Democrat will ‘put nooses around everyone’s necks as soon as she wins’


Mainstream Media Admits It May "Never Recover" From 2016 Election

“By torching its remaining credibility in service of Clinton,” Goodwin wrote, “the mainstream media’s reputations will likely never recover, nor will the standards. No future producer, editor, reporter or anchor can be expected to meet a test of fairness when that standard has been trashed in such willful and blatant fashion.”


You'll never get to the bottom of it.

They exist in at least seven dimensions at once.

Even if you use the most amount of force possible and utterly destroy them, they can retreat and recuperate in another dimension, then they come back really pissed off.

They can only be weakened through the twin powers of kindness and love.

I thought holograms were only used by pinked-haired cartoon characters in the 80's

As beautiful as Gem was and still is, these holograms can physically hurt you as they are made from "hard light" (I believe it is a strange mixture of neon, argon and charged up nanomachines) Very difficult to fight against, can also be deployed and recalled anywhere at will, impervious to all atmospheric hazards. Mirrored and reflective weaponry is thought their only way to be combated.

It's not one person, if I had to guess the orders and money is filtered through numerous shell companies and agencies. Probably all the person is told is where the target is and that they are a threat.

Do you think these guys are ex-CIA/specops? Current?

Do you think the Clintons hire them, or the people running the Clintons?

Manchurian candidates

Guys I'm in danger for posting this.
Include me in the screenshot.


damn he's everywhere

The madman, how does he keep getting away with it?






Isn't it a felony?