Am I a nigger, Sup Forums?

Am I a nigger, Sup Forums?


if there's any doubt there is no doubt


Yes dude. You have 0.5% black. You can't roll with us anymore. Your grandkid has the chance to come out big lipped like an alligator.

you were a kang

What if I've got a wife who's 100% European, and we've produced a blonde son? Have I wiped this stain off my ancestry?


Nah mane iz all good up in here, ya dig?
Just speaking in your dialect to make you feel comfortable.

Howgh Kemosabi

Bow down to me goyim



you wuz kangs

What service is that?


Delete your account

>2% European Jew

I'm two percent jew

You won't even be able to tell I'm jewish. I could be balls deep in your sister making more master race babies.

YOUR GRANDKID HAS THE CHANCE TO COME OUT BIG LIPPED LIKE AN ALLIGATOR. You're done, you're nonwhite. No one WN would ever accept you.

Prove you don't have a Jew nose first fampai

how much does this DNA thing cost?
I just did a family name background check and it's already a nightmare.

>Pay $199 USD
>Spit in a tube
>Find out you're a nigger by Sup Forums standards

Or even better, find out you are part of the jewish master race.

Also, I've got Kek in my ID and it still does me no good...

Rate me!


Even more of a nigger than me

POO is not nigger.

wew, I got a lot of money but I'd never pay that much for a DNA test.
fuck I might have some jewish in me

You also get to find out medical issues.

Well yeah that what he said.

A lot of Stormfront folks leave once they get their DNA test results back. I wonder why...?

I stand corrected, Pajeet

Where / How do you people get these test done and how much does it cost.

>paying 200 dollar to get told you're a sub-saharan nigger with diabetus who will die from a stroke in his mid 40's

no thx

I still dont understand why being Indian is seen as bad we have numerous intellectuals and individuals needed for important positions in many of your countries.

That poo meme is just another way for you burgers to feel better about yourselves. Ive met Indian Americans that make twice as much as you do filth.

there are different castes of indians
the pooers aren't the only ones

You lost. Badly.

In all seriousness, though, I wonder what the genetic test results would look like for different castes of Indians. Would the poo'ers get a 100% "South Asian" designation while the higher castes have some greater amount of caucasian admixture?

We have many H1B visa pooers here that make the other pooers look bad

greedy, unaware of anyone but yourself, loud, always haggling for prices and being a bitch, shitty music, bright colours, poo in loo

As a half bong half punjabi sikh i've been looking into how caste = dna but I can't find any decent studies about it.
I know India used to be tons of different states therefore there are a ton of different indians but I can't really pinpoint where the 'aryan' ones came from and so forth.
Anyone got any links to share?
Might do this DNA thingy myself t.b.h

>0.5% African
Could still be ok but the combination with
>37% Anglo
makes you a nigger

Guess you got me, there...

Very mean. I'm sure you would get a lot of Arab DNA, though!

No idea if they do. But the higher castes are the original ones, I think.

>No idea if they do. But the higher castes are the original ones, I think.
At some point it becomes a political question precisely how 23andMe (and others) decide to label certain genes as "South Asian" versus something else. Who's the real Indian?

No idea. I have little to no knowledge of the sub-continent.