For the rest of the country it's only 4.9%.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump said it himself.



>it's this Canadian again

Refuting Trumptards is easy. Try to suggest something against the ton of actual problems the US is actually facing. There's an reason people are desperate enough to vote Drumpf.

>For the rest of the country it's only 4.9%.

Here you go.


You know that most of those added jobs were fast food "private sector" jobs, right?

Isn't the USA's way of counting "unemployment" really fucking retarded?
Something along the lines of "unemployed = anyone who is ACTIVELY LOOKING for a job"?

have you ever noticed it started getting better when the tea party started gridlocking everything?

Trump voters are the ones working and paying Taxes for the rest of you NEETS


By voting Trump

tell me the industries who were inflicted by obamas policies that actually grew, instead of showing these insanely broad statistics that have nothing to do with his presidency or how he governed.

No one works under the Obama administration not when you get free shit

>trump voters are all NEETs

>There's an reason people are desperate enough to vote Drumpf.

How do we cure the autism epidemic? I don't claim to have all the answers.

Yes it is retarded. Once you've given up the search or been unemployed for longer than one year, you are no longer considered part of the labor force and thus you reduce he numerator of the unemployed ratio and by extension, the unemployed percentage.

Yeah Bush crashed the economy. We get it. Why does your chart end in 2010?

No. It was the Obama stimulus that turned things around. President Barack HUSSEIN Obama literally averted another Republican Great Depression and right wing retards hate him for it.

You realize that's a right wing retard meme talking point right? These morons don't have the first fucking clue about how things work so then they just make things up and claim it's a conspiracy.

You do realize the U4 rate INCLUDES DISCOURAGED workers right? It's 5.2%.

see retard

>the law graduate who never practiced law tells us the economy is strong

>the person whose entire legacy is based on the economic conditions of the country tells us the economy is good

There is a reason Bernie/trump had such good primaries and Gary Johnson is polling at 10% (albeit he's a fake libertarian and most real libertarians are voting trump)

Take your pills leaf



Why don't you like Bush leaf he has the same foreign policy as your precious Obama.

You would like Romney too since he hates Russia and likes WW3 as much as you do


Obamaleaf always ignore the food stamps and welfare going up to record breaking levels when Obama took office.

There's a reason...

You mean to tell me Obama campaigned on ending war

this only makes me stronger. Check out these new pics I got.

Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

How can Republitards compete?

I have a degree in economics and accounting. I'm a chartered financial analyst. Please tell me more about what I don't know.

t. Buzzfeed

Trump has repeatedly said he wants to get rid of Dodd-Frank.

Clinton's policies regarding the regulation of financial institutions would instead build upon positive reforms like the Dodd-Frank legislation that President Obama signed into law. She would, for example, try to close loopholes like the one in the Volcker Rule that allows banks to gamble billions in trading bets through hedge funds. By closing this loophole in the Volcker Rule she'd strengthen the law and reduce the chance for a future financial crisis.

Hillary also pledged to spend $275 billion on a infrastructure plan that would generate millions of jobs and modernize US infrastructure ensuring competitiveness in a global interconnected 21st century economy

She's a fighter

>Arkansas education reform of 1983
>CHIP providing healthcare to 8 million children
>Provide full health benefits to the National Guard
>Lay out the plan for sanctions on Iran that led to the P5+1 negotiations and the eventual Iran deal
>Help restore America's soft power prestige overseas after the Bush years
>Implemented the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review which reviews the State department ever four years to allow for institutional reforms
>Pushed for the raid on bin Laden (while Trump was concerned with some birth certificate)
>Was instrumental at resolving some hang-ups during the negotiations for the Zurich Protocols (normalizing ties between Turkey and Armenia, that's called breaking down walls instead of building them)


>but Bush did it to so its ok

fuck off I hate Bush

why do you guys respond? just sage and hide, better yet just hide obama leaf threads

It's sad that right wing retards are stupid and gullible enough to believe that Putin is their friend. You motherfuckers are determined to bring America down.

t.not an argument

That's from actually.

Pic related is regarding you and your fellow right wing retards.

Bush crashed the economy, food stamps went up. Now they're going down. What's complicated right wing retard? Are all of you seriously too young and autistic to know what happened in 2008? It was the greatest Republican Recession since the Great Republican depression.

Do you seriously believe Bush wasn't the same as Obama? They are globalist retards. The Clinton's and Bush's eat dinner together, why do you think we liked Trump so much for kicking Jeb's ass?

Stick to your own politics leaf, selling all your gold and putting gay flags on your police cars.

"Let's get rid of full-time workers and hire more part-time workers. That'll lower the unemployment rate!"
"But how are these part-time workers going to support themselves?"
"The government will take care of that!"

>anything but a leftist propaganda site

hey buddy

>slowly declining

he fucking doubled food stamps since bush left and your going to ignore that? It is nowhere close to the level when he took office.

I guess you will ignore Afghanistan as well

No they are not the same. Obama reduced military casualties by 98% and right wing retards hate him for it because you fuckers can't wait to send American soldiers to die for your precious Syria and Iraq.

You've been making the same thread and posting the same graphs everyday for months leaf. When are you going to end it?

>le Bush crashed the economy all by himself meme
Yeah, NAFTA and other Clinton "global initiative" policies had nothing to do with it, right? Bush giving tax cuts to rich people literally crashed the economy in 8 years, right? But hey, thankfully we listened to you foreign socialists and didn't snatch up the oil in Iraq. Sure would've helped pay for the war efforts. Oh well, I guess ISIS needed it more.

right wing retards literally hate facts You can't make this shit up.

Then you fuckers wonder why you fail high school and find yourself unemployed.

>muh conspiracy

Election night will be magicall
How are you doing?

>sodomite marriage
>a good thing

Choose one and only one.

Cuck really thinks we care about his oninon on a process he cant even participate in

Hahahahahahah just kill yourself

>leftists in 2008
the cold war is over said Obama

>leftists now
Fuck Russia WW3

listen Leaf I don't like Russia and there Mongolian dictator. I don't want to go to war because of Hillary Clinton and her agenda let them kill Muslims

How many months/years have you been doing these identical fucking threads near daily? I know you'll never state the full true intent and motivation but I am left curious.

Sage because I've seen this shit so many god damn times it makes my eyes tired.

>It is nowhere close to the level when he took office.

So you're too retarded to know what Obama inherited?

How about you motherfucking right wing retards stop crashing the economy every time you're in office?

Why don't we try that for a change.

Do you browse PolitiFact as well?


>he's still posting this shit

Different graphs and lots of different threads.

In fact I'm getting new graphs tmrw when the jobs report comes out.

>When are you going to end it?

Pic related provides a clue.

>gullible maplesucker

Fuck so close to ID:BUILD

So when they said Obama had the lie of the year, they were lying?

Why do you right wing retards continue to ignore the subject of my post.


Economic reductionism is an infantile worldview. The US economy (and society as a whole) needs to be fundamentally changed; economic recovery only serves to prevent this.


>you'll never state the full true intent and motivation
They are incredibly funny. They are one of my favourite threads.

When Romney mentioned Russia as someone we need to keep an eye on during the Obama/Romney debate, Obama laughed and said he was being delusional and "You're stuck in the cold war days, it's a different time now."

Now you're freaking out over Russia and Putin and treating it like our fault.

>Right wing retards think we're in WWIII

America is thriving. Obama crippled your precious beloved Russia and you hate him for it because you hate America and worship America's enemies.

>le polls are relevant meme

>expecting legitimate political discourse on fucking Sup Forums
>getting so worked up about it that you start typing in all caps

im good. laughing at the right wing retards as usual. how r u?

r u really in portugal? I'm really in Canada.

Bill Clinton set the economy up to crash you dick sucking syrup fag. Literally pushed banks and companies into letting any poor ass nigger get a fucking house they couldn't afford. And why the fuck not? He knew he wouldnt be in office when the housing market crashed which would cause a domino effect on the economy. Go back to taking it up the ass while fantasizing about being British you snow nigger.

>Different graphs

It's the exact same shit you've been spewing for months.

Guess what: Retiring boomers still don't explain the rise in unemployment.

How long can you remember near identical threads going on? Do you think it is the same person or the same script? I think it is the same super autismo leaf who should've just fucking moved to the USA to be under his Obama presidency.

Saging again and I hope everyone else is, too.

>only dropped 3%

>meanwhile the amount of people on food stamps has doubled

>He increased national debt more than any other president

>leftists thinks this equals out to Obongos favor


Romney that brings back memories. Pic related.

You know your beloved Putin attacked a sovereign country right?

Obama crippled him for it and rightfully so.

Cuckservatives don't speak for us. Why do you keep posting this? They're being left behind like your party was when the other half told them they were socialists now. It's a new movement leaf, year of the alt-right.

By voting Trump. It's the same reason a lot of unemployed people supported Obama, the promise of jobs and improved economy. Also the real unemployment rate is 15-20%.

The economy is the most important issue to voters this cycle for a reason, people want jobs. Or was your implication that somehow Trump supporters are lesser than because many are currently unemployed in Obama's joke of an economy?

Not siding with anyone here, but please update

Again, I'm far and above your level of education and intelligence.

>Hillary also pledged to spend $275 billion on a infrastructure plan that would generate millions of jobs and modernize US infrastructure ensuring competitiveness in a global interconnected 21st century economy
This sounds vague and bland. What does this "infrastructure plan" consist of? More immigrants? More Jobs overseas? It also sounds like she is pro-globalism which is the anti-thesis of the "American spirit". Americans hate the idea of globalism, there's no other way to look at it. That sort of rhetoric is going to drive Americans AWAY from her, not towards her.

btw- prove that Dodd-Frank was effective at achieving anything whatsoever.



You retards crack me up.

Eh, Bill Clinton is the reason the banks were consolidated to the point where they became "too big to fail", Bush just didn't stop it when he could have.

Bush was a quasi-socialist himself anyways, in the same vein as Obama.

>The US economy (and society as a whole) needs to be fundamentally changed; economic recovery only serves to prevent this.
LOL, so economic recovery prevents your pipedream of bringing about a total destruction of a system oriented around open markets and an open society? Good, I don't wanna change that system.

Destroying 1 full-time job because employers can't pay the Obongocare and forcing a person to get 3 part-time jobs does not count as job creation.

Based Bill Clinton left Bush one of the best economies in American history. 3.9% unemployment, a thriving economy, a $315 BILLION annual budget surplus, the national debt set to be paid off within 10 years, the highest labor participation rate in American history, and no wars.

Within 8 years, George Bush and the Republicans left America on its knees.

This is why Republicans can't be trusted with the economy. No matter how good a situation they inherit, they'll fuck it all up and blame Democrats.

Of course. Sou Português dos pés á cabeça. You probably know some Portuguese (azoreans).

>Do you think it is the same person

Obama has created a dependency on food stamps and welfare it doesn't matter how the economy is doing because fat singe moms will still collect food stamps

Your chart is dumb Red states play less taxes that has nothing to do with socialism or welfare in red states

>How many months/years have you been doing this same thread?
>Do you feel like you've accomplished anything?
>Why did you not just move to the US to be ruled under Obama?

P. curious, actually

Yeah so? he says alot of things.

Why do you make the exact same thread with the same graphs every day? Doesn't it get boring?

ya less added under obama than bush and obama had to deal with the bush crash and great republican recession.

The fact is that food stamps are declining now because of an improved economy.

Of course when Republicans crash the economy (as they always do). food stamps go up. I never denied that.

>This sounds vague and bland.
>Says this while supporting Trump

HAHAHAHHA, right wing retards are even dumber then a parody of them. You can't make this shit up


Wait is this the same leaf that constantly is on damage control for Obama?

Okay, what about the left wing as fuck Reuter's which currently has Trump tied with Hillary? Despite under sampling independents, who Trump is winning with by large margins, Trump is still tied.

What does U4 measure? Why has it fallen by half under Obama?

> Based Bill Clinton left Bush one of the best economies in American history. 3.9% unemployment, a thriving economy, a $315 BILLION annual budget surplus, the national debt set to be paid off within 10 years, the highest labor participation rate in American history, and no wars.

Within 8 years, George Bush and the Republicans left America on its knees.

This is why Republicans can't be trusted with the economy. No matter how good a situation they inherit, they'll fuck it all up and blame Democrats.

This is why Trump is taking over the Republican party, right? Bill Clinton would be considered a Republican if he ran today.

Trump is "lying" because he fails to exculpate the criminals with the poverty excuse? Could they be more bias?

George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama were the same for all intents and purposes. All were globalists and puppets of the elite. Clinton will bring more of the same, and as far as I can tell, their goal has been the destruction of white America.

This is Sup Forums, home of autism.

Hillary is not Obama, she will not get the black vote, she is not appealing, Obama at least had a warm sense of being a cool guy, I would eat dinner with him for sure but Hillary is literally hated by half her party, the establishment are the only ones who want her, the half the Bernie people will say they won't vote for anyone or Stein and the other half will say "I will go ahead and vote Hillary." But they won't show up to the voting booth, they didn't even for Bernie. And the black vote is out the fucking window. She won't have half the votes Obama did with the black vote. Hillary really just can't win, I haven't felt threatened by her one bit, Bernie worried me a little but Hillary? I haven't seen anyone in real life rooting for her, it's always Bernie or bust.