Why is this generation so lonely?
Why is this generation so lonely?
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Over-reliance on the internet as an outlet for their social urges.
Because women are nuts
This is true, I can't wait for the internet to be prohibited under the righteous white nationalist traditionalist governments that are about to come.
but it helps so much to dull the pain
i would be lost without the internet at this point, i think all channers would be
>2 weeks
>so deppressed
Yeah it helps NOW because our kind has a way to gather together, but in the past you would go to the street and find only great people and culture.
men dont want to get married due to alimony and child support and women can just get on welfare to be provided for
thanks government
>decide to go outside to try and meet a good woman
>the women I like are inside on the Internet
>only ones left are vapid cunts
Now what?
Everything has been outsourced. You don't meet partners through friends, bars, etc. You hook up via Tinder. Friends are people you Skype with all the time but never met in real life.
I wish I was a kid in the late 90's again. I miss riding my bike with my mates after school to go home to someone's house and play video games or look for silly shit on someone's Windows 95 computer.
im so that lonely man
Because the more humans evolve the more they realize they want nothing to do with each other.
Without the Internet I would sleep all day. Oblivion is preferable.
This desu
this guy gets it
We often think about the 40's as the last truly great decade for our people, but even the 90's were so, so much better than what he have now. I hate the internet so God damn much.
What. The. Fuck.
I used to think I was anti-social but it turns out that I prefer internet communication to the exclusion of all else. I miss the old days when none of us had internet and before mobile phones became powerful enough to play Snake. What I had then at least resembled a good life
I'm trying this next time.
Women are just disgusting in nature. The only thing that was making them enjoyable was the fact men used to own them. To tell them what to wear, think and when to say something if she was allowed to say something at all.
Women are vapid, childish, impulsive and irrational. They are addicted to the sex. Sex feel a thousand times better to them, to put it simple, you cannot even imagine how good it makes them feel. It's stronger than heroine to them.
On top of that they have been biologically programmed to bread with the victorious tribe, making them inherent race traitors with no concept of loyalty what's so ever.
They don't even have mother instict like other animals, more whores today would gladly get an abortion or flat out live their entire lives without children, so they can keep enjoying careless sex.
Truly the scourge of nature, the plague of humanity. Much more than the Jews.
Everyone was a manlet back then
damn, really causes me to contemplate
Because we're working cucked hours and living with our parents. Women only want men who will spend money on them, and millennials have been crafted in the form of our masters (the ultimate Jews).
It helps
But to require it will destroy you.
People will move wherever they please, whether or not they assimilate well with the local population because they can get their social needs met with the computer.
jesus fuck
that face...its like a caricature of a human being
Fucking this
fixed it...
no way am I watching that again
You think it's possible for the internet to be prohibited at this point?
I mean, I agree that it's needed, but it seems so entrenched.
Seeking solitude doesn't mean you are lonely.
I'm with myself, and I find myself to be exception company.
Plus I can talk to you dudes all over the world instantly. throughout history rulers, Kings, and governments would spend fortunes, wage war, and kill countless people for this ability.
literally thanks Obama
Are you a pajeet as well? Do you poo in loo?
Because with the internet, guys can 'broadcast' their compliments in ways they couldn't before.
Now all girls on the internet have massive egos due to all the compliment spam (which would previously be limited by geographical location, and fear of direct rejection/reprisal).
The effect is most men are rejected by women who believe they're 11/10s, when they're in reality 6/10s.
The guys who they believe are on their 11/10 are fucking and throwing them away like nothing.
The women aren't therefore prepared for self sufficiency without men. (especially when their Chad abandons them).
So they then go complain to the government about equality, and end up using the government to substitute for men who they turned down because their ego is inflated.
and their ego is inflated because the internet facilitates men to give 50 compliments to 50 different girls in 50 minutes.
So really it's not their fault either.
Too little face-to-face interaction. Social media has changed us by giving a false sense of escape.
I can't even tell if posts like these are serious
You've become an honorary white for this post.
Thanks for giving me hope.
Back to /r9k/ with you leaf
Why are men so pathetic?
That reaction from the other women when she tells them what he said
The man himself
>You hook up via Tinder
Just show me a single couple that has had a functioning relationship for over a year or even six months after having met through fucking Tinder
Because instead of talking to new people they use cellphones to talk to people they already know
>I can't even tell if posts like these are serious
this is why Sup Forums is so great.
Normies aren't lonely. I hate when they pretend they understand what loneliness is.
Because for 50 years cultural Marxism has had men act like women and women act like men destroyed families and gender relations
I mean now they are destroying the notion of genders at all.
Shockingly when you fuck up the male/female dichotomy it breaks down he ability for people to form relationships
I'd be out of a job if we criminalized it.
t. Software engineer
>2 weeks
plebs. I actually wish I could afford going somewhere out of touch with society for at least a month or two.
>The effect is most men are rejected by women who believe they're 11/10s, when they're in reality 6/10s.
It's even worse here in the midwest in America. Most women are fat so if you found a 6/10 skinny girl she's automatically an 8 or 9/10 and then combine that with all the attention she gets from the internet she thinks she's an 13/10.
Whats the difference between that and meeting someone pissdrunk at a bar?
>mfw overhear classmate whining about loneliness when her bf is away for a single weekend
i feel like this generation thinks no sex = lonelyness.
No difference.
Are these the only two outlets for human interaction for you?
Leaf pls go...
loneliness means nothing. Living with a guy or a girl or even with kids but you're still alone. I'm alone and so are you. We are born alone, live our lives alone and die alone. Even when fucking we're alone. Alone with our body
Alone with our life which is like a tunnel, impossible to share. Over the years it only gets worse only leaving memories of a life that's slowly deteriorating.
Not really, but since I work full-time and also during weekends it's hard to find time for anything else.
Most interaction was forced on people by economic, biological or geographic necessity. Nobody likes being forced to do anything, so society moved towards eliminating these necessities and building the man autonomous under the state rather than interdependent in the community.
They forgot that good relationships were also a product of these necessary interactions as well as bad ones. The baby went with the bathwater.
the inexorable erosion of custom by late capitalism leave us with few if any forms for socializing politely
i dont want to feel these feels
Because University 25
>I miss riding my bike with my mates after school to go home to someone's house and play video games
I miss riding my bike around town and figuring out who's house all your friends where at since you recognized all their bikes sitting outside.
Poor guy. He should have pulled out the "fat shaming" card when she hasked his name. I'd like to see her reaction to that.
>he wants to remove the only platform where he can express free speech
Literal retard
Jesus Hans..
To be quiet honest females can't live without attention and interaction with others the Moment they are alone they Start to feel miserable and even more miserable ervery secound that goes Bye. the thing is even so most of them still have more interaction than man already now more than fifty percent of them have at least a slight depression.
>I have two personalities...
>your name will never be Hugh Mongous
Why even live?
i didnt know werner herzog posted here
Can we collectively as men all over the world decide this is our name?
was he really trolling her?
secret to happiness: learn to like being alone, learn to like yourself
That guy's such a legend.
I embrace it
Wow. I can't even.. Just look at all that male privilege... not having to deal with annoying perverts and rapists. Being able to relax because you don't have to question whether someone put something in your drink or not. Not being held to higher standards and being able to dress more casual without being harassed and called a slut.
Fucking cis white males piss me off so much.
Uh oh time for this again.
wanna have children with me mr blond viking man? :(
Top Fucking Kek
Wasn't expecting hysterical laughter on my schedule today... fucking leaf
search in places you are likely to find women that you like
the morgue?
what a fucking cunt
>search in places you are likely to find women that you like
I would angrily fuck her from behind
Why am i lonely? Because I can't find a job so i can't go out to do shit with friends. I can't get a gf because it seems pointless at this time. Who would want to be with somebody who can't afford to do anything? Women these days are generally shallow, if you're not on social media they look at you like you're a weirdo 3/4 of the time. Women also have careers and are exceeding men, and no woman wants to date "beneath" them when it comes to careers. I feel like I can't relate to a lot of women, they can't hold a conversation about things i find interesting. I find i'm always talking about what they find interesting, which is fine but it's usually stupid meaningless shit.
It made college less fun then it could've been tbqh. Posting as
People have become generally boring and dull like their humanity is melting away while at the same time they stick to whats "trending" or what ever kind of bullshit comes with it.
>Plus I can talk to you dudes all over the world instantly. throughout history rulers, Kings, and governments would spend fortunes, wage war, and kill countless people for this ability.
I have never considered it like this. I thank user I really do. Shit like this is what has kept me here for so long. The medium truly is the message. Thousands of years of achievements have led to this very moment. Allot of us take for granted this ability of global communication at the push of a button. And to imagine what you have said just makes it that much more beautiful.
Where does it go from here?
>If a guy where to stand in front of 50 women and mentioned that he'd wants to fuck...how many girls would fuck the guy?
>If a girl where to stand in front of 50 guys and mentioned that she wanted to fuck...how many guys would fuck the girl?
depends on the guy
You're a fucking cunt, if you're going to reply to so many people then do so like this
etc. etc.
Why didn't he just said his second last name?
Why did she randomly asked his name for no reason?
its not so
loneliness is not an issue for men
not as much as it is for women anyway
at least not for anything Id call a man
Anwser the question you virgin
what about the girl?
thanks for the name.
but that's from Gaspar NoƩ's "I Stand Alone"
i keked