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Should dice have added France?

they should add france and make them arab

No, I don't want my country to be part of a libtard propaganda

What do you mean add
You mean there's no french troops in a game about WW fucking I?

It's dlc apparently

They did, the harlem hellfighters.

Definitely, not having France in a WAR WHERE MOST BATTLES WERE IN FRANCE is the most retarded shit I've seen in a while.

This is some advanced kikery.

too late skidmark. you're in it.

Honhonhon! Where is ze surrender button?

It's in a FUCKING 50€ DLC. That was anounced BEFORE the game.
It's so retarded it's fucking painful.

Well maybe it comes with the fucking 50€ DLC.

France didn't surrender in ww1

Can someone post the "we were kaisers and shiieet" meme?

>First time making a ww1 game

>For literally no reason make every character black.

>Leave out the nations like France and Belgium where the whole war happened

>Have some Indiana jones style fight in palmyra and claim that's what the ottoman front was like

Seriously retardedly as fuck

The whole "French are bad soldiers" bullshit is so amateurish.

They didn't put fucking France in a WW1 game? Are they retarded or something?

good thing I didn't buy it. I just read a comment on the front page about some dipshit saying horses were hardly used in WWI.

Yeah. Massive supply lines and troop transport along with horse conscription and roads made of dead horses.

Hardly used.

The only force that didn't use tons of horses was the US, AT THE END of world war 2

Horses were a mainstay of all militaries until after ww2 had ended

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't South Africa not allow blacks from joining the army?

British black soldier in a cowboy hat

'surrender' and 'bad soldiers' is different senpai.
The meme started because France cucked to the Germans in WW2

It's free open beta doe

That's an Australian believe it or not

im glad they did not add France as they would just fuck it up and make the French all Negroes.

I feel bad for the Germans and Brits that they have fucked up.

>anglo educashun

>Should dice have added France?

Why would they, the moment the match starts they will surrender.

Too many white characters.
You guys know bismark was black right?

all true australians are brits


To be fair it is a really stylized version of WW1, with zeppelins, tanks that don't suck, advanced infantry weapons, and apparently niggers.

dont be ridiculous only white people are evil

Kek the only blacks that we had were in trapped in our colonies fighting under Lettow-Vorbeck (in East Africa), the fucking best general since Khan.