Did they really have it easier? Share stories and discuss reasons.


They did but don't be a baby about it. At least we have all this technology.

yeah, but they are faggots. literally fuck old people. i will fuck them in the ass financially because I'm gonna take everything in this rigged system. don't bite the hand that feeds you. they've been warned.

They did. They were lucky - every gen before and after them had it harder. Who cares? Being mad at them is like hating someone bc they won a lottery.

Who fucking cares. I loathe the technology we have. You can't even have a stable relationship without dozens of niggers flirting with your girl over Jewbook. I wish I lived in the olden days.

Absurdly easier. Most of them left school at 14-15. Had houses by about 25.

They're the ones that still buy papers so they don't get shat on like gen y does.

Scum generation.

>Tuition fees?. What the fuck are they?. I paid £0 for my degree. Except for books. All in I think I spent about £300 in three years. :)

There are plenty of girls that aren't interested in chatting up nignogs on jewbook. Infact a lot that would find the idea laughable. You just gotta find them in fulfilling activities you would be doing anyway. Granted it's extremely difficult and rare.

Face it tho, if you were a baby boomer or the internet wasn't around you would most likely be a blue pilled sheep or you would want to be red pilled but wouldn't be able to find the information.

Any actual stories or statistics?

My dad is dead, but those fucking memes hit the nail on the head.

Meanwhile, my mom got some wealthy boomer boyfriend now and is living it up.

Then has the nerve to say; "I wish your wife could stay home with the kids like I was able to do"

Ok how about you give me the money from the vacation house you sold.

She has two pensions and two social securities incoming.

My mother in law is a narcissistic bitch who churned through two husbands who could have taken care of her. Boozer and smoker.

She's going to end up in a Medicare nursing home, in the mean time she will have spent every penny on a more luxurious nursing home which will only last her 4 years. She will invariably have her hand out when the time comes.

My mom still owes 90k on a house they bought in fucking 1969.

Just fucking die already you fucking vampires.

...and yet there are more "colleges" (universities?) than ever and more people potentially skilled and qualified to teach...weird huh. Maybe those students could make the money back by charging to tutor younger children? Help kids focus on their studies and tell them where they are going wrong. Education would get real cheap real fast.

Has the quality of these institutions gone up or something?
More or less practical work and demonstrations?

Ron Paul was right about education. We have the Internet now. All you need is the actual degree.

>creates countless levels of debt
>votes itself more pensions
>thereby increasing the debt
>which they don't have to pay a penny of

History will treat that generation so poorly.

Their selfishness knows no bounds.

My mum literally says that a society should be judged on how it treats the old, even if the young don't benefit.

You know, the exact opposite of what the Classical civilisations knew to be true.

Gen X here.. graduated college in 1993. I will say you younger guys do have it pretty damn hard because of the ridiculous increase in tuition, the great increase of Indian IT workers, and the constant onslaught of automation. You do have smartphones and facebook and tinder though and we never had that so.. that does help at least.

No. There is no limit.

Both those women just want to be "taken care of"...fine.

But it should not be pulling teeth to simply ask to get your shit in order. A file with all your account and housing info so when you die (not if, when) then it's not a clusterfuck for the kids.

But, no...that's far too much of a hassle.

You dumb nigger its the college fines for stuff noone uses.


My mom is a federal worker, so she will get state-provided pension at age 63.
My dad learned a trade and will have a retirement plan, once he is 69.
Both have shared private retirement plans and assets in other goods (big house with complete ownership, no annoying contracts and shit)
Their retirement will be a glorious sunshine, while i will need to work until 75 atleast (the politicians are already trying to make 70 the retirement age and it will steadily increase over time).
They will never change their voting habits. So they will keep voting Merkel and she will accomondate them, while i have to compete with shitskins ruining our economy and any chance for a job. Right now companies don't wanna employ immigrants, because they are lazy shitstains and the firms know it.
But how is that going to change ?
There will be more bluepilled government then ever before and eventually a quota will be instagated, ruining chances for me to find something completely.

Fuck Boomers and their optimism for the world. They created this mess of bluepilled opression. I don't have a future because a generation of entitled bastards don't want to leave their comfort zone at the voting booth.

In my state if you keep above a 3.0 or some shit the lottery funds pay for all but ~$800 a semester. I went to the best university in the state and didn't pay shit for it, all you had to do was not fuck up the grades.

Funny thing is, all the Bernie people at the college bitching about tuition are the ones who were bad enough students to fuck their scholarship up in the first place.

I've got an aunt and uncle that are pretty much the boomer stereotype personified.
>uncle makes $120,000 a year with massive pension and benefits at a tech company
>he's in a position to make hiring decisions, he likes to brag about how much money he saves his company by hiring Indians to do the work.
>complains constantly about younger people not having money/spouses/cars
>falls for every mainstream media narrative and gets most news from the late night comedy jew
>bitches about how greedy the Republicans are even though he got busted for tax evasion (a LOT of tax evasion) last year
>came to my housewarming party and complained that my wife and I didn't buy a big enough house
>mfw it's 1500 sq. ft.

They also have a kid that is a SJW stereotype come to life
>300lbs dyed pink hair and problem glasses
>went to college for seven years on daddy's dime and never earned a degree
>complains about Trump on facebook

The value of university and a degree in the UK has gone down as far as I'm concerned. Far too many institutions since the Poly's became fully fledged uni's in 1992. And since New Labour decided they wanted as many going off to uni as possible the graduate market is saturated.

There used to be a time when you had to be genuinely clever to get into uni and get a degree. Now every man and his dogs got one.

boomers are responsible for the increasingly shitty state of the western world

>tfw my tuition more than doubled 3 weeks before the semester started
and that's why I went took my money out and went to trade school instead

I might get free university, but so does anyone else.
My skills aren't even in the same league as an american college. For that i would need atleast a Masters degree.
I am going to vote for AfD in the state elections, but is that going to matter ?
My grandparents and parents know the system is broken, but they will continue voting CDU, no matter what. Those are atleast four votes against me that can't be changed because they feel validated when beeing 'loyal' to their party.
What is the point of fighting in a war that has already lost ?
I'm just going to live in jew-slavery until the last of my days. Atleast it is comfy.

> you would want to be red pilled but wouldn't be able to find the information.
Many historical philosophy authors are really redpilled, you'd just need to read some books.

ha that is a funny meme. It was true for my generation. Graduate college, look in the want ads, interview, get a job. No internet, no cell phones. No helicopter parenting. Everyone smoked which was bad, but kind of fun too. Everyone where you worked was white, except for the occasional token brown person and they were cool too. No facebook.. you had to get in your car and drive to hang out with guys and girls. Everyone had their license at 16.. otherwise you were a total loser. Ahh the memories..

>My mom is a federal worker, so she will get state-provided pension at age 63.
>My dad learned a trade and will have a retirement plan, once he is 69.

Why do whores get to retire 6 years earlier? They live longer anyways.

german universities are of an equal caliber to american ones in terms of "education" and practical skills, in the sense that they both provide neither.

german universities fall behind on prestige.

also, you're mistaken if you think they'll let you live in slavery. if you're unfamiliar with communism, they kill you eventually. or your kids.

beats me.
The idea is that as a federal worker you are part of the states executive and therefore stand at a high risk of corruption.
So they give all sorts of benefits to them, when they never have accusations.
But honestly no one cares.

most likely. But that is important in Germany. Prestige in form of certified documents is the fucking platin medal.
Sure, but the conversion will take atleast ten years. That's more than enough to live the NEET life until i want to kill myself anyway.

>Worry about corruption
>Expand government and hire more people
>Even more possibility for corruption now

>Did they really have it easier?

Here they had like 300 jobs offering per person.
Now we have like 300 people per job offering.

>Enrolled in university
>Got diploma
>New universities are opening so they beg you to stay as college professor
>Take job
>Make a fortune and fuck fresh juicy pussy all year around
>Think this is "normal"
> Unable to understand how come young people are unemployed
>Why aren't they College professors? They may be lazy.