Let's have a thread to celebrate Slovakia. Think about a few things
1) White country without shitskins 2) Still pretty religious 3) Culturally conservative (not porn-star central like neighboring Czechs) 4) Don't whine to death about 'muhh communist oppression' like Balts do 5) Seem to have good relations with everyone 6) Not sitting on stolen or disputed lands 7) Slavs know how to fight 8) Pretty girls
I know its a small country, but why isn't Slovakia appreciated more?
>pretty girls as if pretty girls are nonexistent elsewhere
Daniel Jackson
better than being some cocksucking liberal. Liberals need to throw themselves of a cliff. Anyway, you are not just sitting on disputed land, you ARE a disputed land. lol
Luke Taylor
Slavs aren't white.
Xavier Sanchez
Macedonia isn't a country, shit skin
Christian Perry
They trigger the absolute fuck out of Serbs so they are a-OK in my book.
God speed Slovakia.
Hunter Walker
this tbf
Landon Collins
That's Slovenia.
Camden Adams
Slavs are more mongoloid than they are white.
The only true whites are Nordics, Germanics, and Celts.
Juan Clark
>you ARE a disputed land never said we weren't
>Macedonia isn't a country, shit skin then I guess this website bought the macedoniashill bait
Julian Rivera
>slavscum >white They are no better than poles.
Jordan Morgan
Jace Evans
>as if pretty girls are nonexistent elsewhere
Well there nonexistent in Macedon. Fucking hairy man looking bitches there. Groce
William Sullivan
Dominic Allen
We have good alt-right party in Slovakia
Jordan Ramirez
haha. shart in mart BTFO
Bentley Nguyen
nice proxy, sharter
Luke Sullivan
Austin Lewis
>get told his """women""" look like men >M-MUST BE A PROXY
yeah, nah get fucked cunt
Gabriel Brown
I was never ever a teenage degenerate and still I was chased by a pack of down-syndrome skinheads every two months or so.
Never ever would I vote for such an ugly brown eyed nazi like Kotleba. Sulik is my favorite based baldie actually.
Eli Long
Jordan Gomez
arent they poor as fuck? If you want cvulture, why not move to Austria where you have somewhat conservatism, nature, and a good economy?
Matthew Parker
Slovakia thread without butthurt czechs and hungarians? What is happening?
Isaiah Butler
Drž hubu ty zkurvenej Maďare!
Asher Watson
Better now?
Jason Lewis
Hey peirogis, what is the area around modra kralova like? Apparently my family came from around there, is the entire town composed of pornstars and prostitutes like the rest of the country?
Brandon Rogers
But you have higher cost of living
Liam Morales
The only european country with neo nazis in parliament. Kotleba's "People's Party Our Slovakia" best far-right party in all Europe with Hungary's Jobbik.
Probably whitest country in Europe but surprisingly the most redpilled citizens. Slovakia best country.
Sebastian Phillips
Slovakia is only country that i love as much as i love my homeland... Beautiful country and people... They are based as fuck... Would like to live there if i ever get a chance...
Austin Evans
Pretty much a nice place. It's not appreciated more because they don't make noise, they don't kill each other and they don't whine about the irrecoverable past.
Also, RIP Peter.
Jayden Green
I agree, but SNS is big MEME.
William Watson
amsterdam should be nuked anyway
Dominic Rodriguez
Oh... explain why senpai. You prefer Kotleba ?
David Murphy
>mfw Slovakian-American
Alexander Jones
Because SNS is in bluepilled corrupted coalition with communists (SMER) and Hungarians (MOST-HID)
Carter Nguyen
They have decent sized dicks compared to Romanians (WHO HAVE THE SMALLEST DICKS IN EUROPE!)
Jeremiah Flores
Never gets old
John Sullivan
It's unbelievable, isn't it? Do you think it is due to their Indian heritage?
Kayden Roberts
why are all your football players tattoed skinhead neo nazi lookalikes?
Joseph Bennett
Slovakbros: why don't the SNS and the other far right part emerge? Together they would represent 25% of the electorate.
Michael Ramirez
gipsy heritage + a bunch of STDs + "cultural" reasons when it comes to hygiene
Asher Gutierrez
>the unibrows on those Romanian fascists kek. On a side note, I recently visited Hungary and really liked it. Stay based
Jordan Jones
Slovakians are like the Poles (white, clean, European, cultured), the only difference is that they hate us
Luke Campbell
Slavic people aren't mongoloid. Even though they aren' t nordic or germanic, they originate from Europe, and most slavic peoples don't look like mongols. Especially the slovaks, who are pretty pure slavic.
Brayden Miller
They're Slovak, not Slavik you dimwit
Adrian Rivera
James Young
How's the immigrant/muzzie situation there? I currently have Slovakia on my list of stops, but am trying to avoid having to see a large number of non-Europeans during my trip.
Xavier Perry
B-b-b-but th-the French are P-P-PUSSSSIIIIESS!! *cries in burger*
Hudson Fisher
Slovakia is one of the few countries I really love.
Ride on my brothers!
Kayden Hughes
Ehh, Lithuania has the highest literacy rate for females. They're the most on-track for scholastic maturity, much like the Ashkenazim.
Stop with the european bashing please, there are more important matter like a third world invasion.
Grayson Lee
What is this?
Noah Lee
non white here
slavs are whiter than germanics, theyre just poorer
Carter Ramirez
Muzzie and immigrants are not a thing in Slovakia/Czech republic/Poland, if anything their immigrants are from Russia or Ukraine.
Grayson Mitchell
an anti-hungarian folk song
William Garcia
>Romanians >Europeans ta guele. Arabs are whiter than the average Romanian living in France
Easton Morris
The French society is stick in Freuds anal psychosexual stage. They produce quite a few leapers athletically (hence the moniker 'frog') but never quite attain to the overall size and density of the Greek woman's ass.
Chase Davis
Ah ok. Are you Romanian?
Kayden Rivera
Noah Fisher
France has the largest dicks, because they have the most Africans. You don't have to be white to be counted in this chart.
Daniel Ortiz
are you hungarian?
Xavier Edwards
Slovaks are Slavs.
Justin Rivera
You're ok too magyarbro
Can't turban the Orban!
Ryder Wood
kys, gipsy shitposter in leafy disguise.
Gabriel Hughes
Slovakia would be nice if it didn't have so many gypsies
James Mitchell
Slovakians are based people? How many niggnogs in your lands?
Jack Martinez
please don't get triggered.
Evan Davis
Actually Hungary has the largest dicks on that map. But you are probably right. Still Romania is hilarious Nope, ethnic Frenchman born and raised in France
Dominic Wood
Come on our little brother you had you independency now come back to Czechoslokia (P.S. we miss you)
Ryder Thomas
Don't divert! We don't give a fuck till you don't try to insult us. You are like a non-wanted child. Like it or not you are already one of us ;)
Christopher Brooks
>Frenchman >Making fun of other European countries
M8, how many pure blooded Frenchmen are left in your Capital.
Jacob Long
Godspeed Slovenci
Benjamin Reyes
get the fuck out of here gypsy, no one likes you and your shitty homeland
Nathaniel Baker
No likes you as an independent country yugo cunt
Easton Mitchell
At least pure blooded Frenchmen still exist Radu. Romanians are all half indians
Lucas Hill
William Barnes
Jason King
Then how do you explain Romanians having by far the smallest dicks on the entire continent? It's because you are half indians, that's why
Hunter Powell
Stop baiting Mario, everybody know that most """romanians""" living in France are gypsies and not actuall romanians, please stop insulting other europeans.
Landon Williams
>romanians were so non-existent irrelevant nobodies they must compensate themselves via computer games Funny way your gypsy country missing from every historical maps till the 19th century. But hey! We see the Poles and the Hungarians on every map ;)
Samuel Rogers
Slovaks only hate Hungarians because half of your country is still in the mindset of >Hurr slovakia is a non country >you are northern hungary >blah blah blah
Then there are slovakians who's hate is purely based on the magyarization.
Carson Butler
>Mario My actual name is Pierre, it doesn't get more stereotypically French than that and it's quite annoying. Again how do we explain the small dicks? Romanians claim to be descndant of Romans, but no area settle by Romans (haplogroup R1a) has such tiny dicks. They are not even slavs, since lavic nations surrounding them have bigger dicks. But when you think about it Indians have tiny dicks and gypsies are basically Indian
Brody Garcia
Romanian welfare migrant from Canada (ID: +3KyRQsL).
If you are such huge patriot why the fuck you don't go back to Romania to help your comrades? :)
This mindless shilling for them, will not change the reality in which they live every day there.
Tyler Gray
Adrian Carter
I want to get swole and fuck some whore for a porno in Budapest.
Adam Cox
kek Budapest was beautiful when I visited, especially the Buda part. On par with Vienna at least. Plus Hungarian girls were super cute with this weird language they spoke
The gypsies are mostly only in the east part of Slovakia.
Jackson Roberts
turkroach cant into geography ye, we actually really like Slovakia
Nicholas Nguyen
No problem, it's true. I fell in love with Budapest.
I always imagined Hungary to be a post communist depressing and grey country and was very surprised when I visited. Old but well kept buildings everywhere, super clean similar to the Czech republic (there wasn't a single dog shit on the ground. Not one), cheap enough for the average tourist and everyone spoke english. Plus the night time boatrides on the Danube with the chains bridge and the old trams crossing it really make you feel like you are in the early 900s With more publicity you could probably live off of tourism alone
Juan Garcia
> Slovakia > White Haha 500 000 gypsies out of 5 000 000 population.
Mason Jenkins
not even romanian bro
Brayden Foster
I prefer Slovenia to Slovakia, but they are both ok countries.