Serious Question

Should white people be enslaved to make up for the brutal history of Jim Crow and the enslavement of the black race?

And what would that accomplish?

ummm......punishment for the people WHO FUCKING ENSLAVED AN ENTIRE RACE

In the end its a class warfare thing rather than a racist battle.

but white business people invented the concept of race so they could get away with treating black people like subhumans

So it would accomplish a punishment that happened in the past? Not worth the time.

How are African Americans affected today by the enslavement?

>implying we enslaved every single black person
>implying it wasn't black people doing the enslaving and us the purchasing
2/10 bait made me reply



The higher classes will say or do anything to keep the lower classes at the bottom.

Ugh. Just ugh.
You people make me nauseous.
Pretty typical for straight white males

You dumb fuck. You do know niggers enslaved WAY more other niggers than white people ever did, right? Same as American Indians.

Who the fuck you think we bought them from?

slavery was the only time niggers ever did anything useful. Also look at living conditions of african americans vs the rest of the worlds blacks. they should be thanking us.

Did you just assume I am straight? I sexually identify as an African hunter and you are oppressing me

Lol kys

Whites aren't jews.

Nah, we should just kill all the niggers. We are murderous masters of the universe, no subservient cucks. Why should we become slaves to monkeys? Do you also believe that we should let ourselves be eaten by cows and chickens? On rope day, I'm going to make your noose out of piano wire, so that it rips your head right off.

Is this really a serious question? If this is a serious question, then how do you get around whites being enslaved by Muslims for hundreds of years? Are they now our slaves in compensation? They can't be, because Muslims also enslaved blacks, much, much more than whites, and much more brutally.
Have you done any research at all or are you just irritated that we are styling upon you?

Nope just democrats , blame them for jim crow laws

>africans enslave europeans
>no problem
>africans enslave africans
>no problem
>europeans buy africans from africans

All this crying in America is halarious. Even the poor in the USA have an entire workforce of slave wage dogs across the world to make everything for them for peanuts. People need to grasp some fucking perspective, or whine more I don't give a fuck.