USA ally

Who is the greatest ally of the United States?

Saudi Arabia

I'd like to think the Bongs would have our backs if shit absolutely hit the fan

You know who


fuck off mallshart

Probably the Brits, they will bitch and whine and try to act superior, but in the end they will do whatever we tell them to do.

That's what brexit was about. The know the stars and stripes is their daddy.

Mexico is, they are so great they even do all your jobs for you at half the wage!

but srsly Canada we got this huge (largest land border in the world) unguarded border and everyone is all chill about it

My good pal Schlomo

We used to love you people but your politics are too liberal for us now and you're best ally will prob be Germany now

Certainly the nicest ally, but not the greatest.

>He doesn't know who our greatest ally is

It's about time you went to a reeducation camp, goy.

It would appear so.

The greatest ally is ourselves.

Silly goy, education reform when? You anti American, anti semite.


The Moon.

>Oi, Mum! I said i' agin!

None. Everybody hates you and using you. Just like the whole Europe and Israel suing you for protection. If something happens to us it's you muricuks whos gonna die for us.


That's funny considering London doesn't even belong to the UK now. It's the Western capital of the Islamic state.

You mean we use everyone.

How many British military bases do you have around the world, cuck.

>P.S. We have the most bases in the world

Yeah. And soldiers serving on these bases will protect us. So in other words they are prepared to die for other countries that hates you like the UK, AU, Canada etc.

US has no allies

It does all the heavy lifting and all the eurofaggots and leafs do nothing but complain about big bad USA while enjoying the advantages the USA provides the world by being a complete asshole of a country

Half Burger half argie the here
I hair from Florida

honestly you are kind of a non-voting state, not an ally.

Americans are Americas greatest ally, we have friends maybe sure. but none of the other countries are even close to being allies.

1. UK
2. Canada

Small power gap

3. Japan
4. South Korea
5. Israel

Power gap

6. Australia
7. France
8. Mexico

Power gap

9. India
10. Phillipines