youtube.com/watch?v=VVlD2XgJxwc (Skip to 3:25)


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My g-d.

>The (((people))) I trust with precious metals


It's called an advertisement you dumbass

just post highlights, i am not giving this dirty rat bastard ad revenue. fuck him. double citizen cocksucker has the nerve to talk shit about spics when he is a jew rat vagabond himself

beaner detected. You have to go back, Pablo.

I was going to reply, but then I saw the image.

Have a (you) on the house.

>has the nerve to talk shit about spics


gold is at a huge fucking high right now and its getting ready to drop after brexit.

the dirty fucking kike lmao

ben shapiro is like the evil jewish version of reviewbrah.

god what a fucking voice.

heres proof.

the kikes put all their money on gold when brexit happened.

now they want good goyim to buy up that inflated gold so they end up either breaking even or GAINING money.

the dirty little manlet kike will pay.


When will they learn?

I feel bad for Ben being forced to shill for gold and matresses now.

Yes, good goy, trust in the fiat currency!

After doing some quick math, soros probably made half a billion in a couple of days if he sells now.

He's just waiting for a bunch of good goyim to buy up the gold.

its a fucking live read

hes a broadcaster

youre all idiots

for fucks sake

it was just a year ago Sup Forums had daily threads about hoarding silver for the shmitah happening

>ITT: retarded alt-right doesn't realized Ben is one of the most based political commentators out there.
bury your absurd hate for all jews you mongoloid.

>Sup Forums is alt-right

some of it is

(((Ben))) may be a jew, but at least for the most part he's red pilled.

His gripes with Trump are what any American conservative would have.

Damn, you got me there. It would be foolish of me not to buy gold from jews without taking the market into consideration.

dude is logic incarnate
I don't agree with everything he says especially about abortion and some other religious issues but damn can he make an argument.

he always goes on and on about how principled he is.

but here he is scamming people into buying gold when its a terrible time to do some, just so he can get some referal shekels.

fuck this guy. glenn beck tier.

>yesss goy, ben is alright hes a normal red pilled goyim just like all of you
>now buy my jew gold so I can make half a billion off of you hehe.

/biz/raeli here

gold will go down tomorrow

the august jobs report will be strong and thus the fed will be raising interest rates in the near future

expect dollar up, gold down, bank stocks up, rest of the market down

le jews are bad meme
good one
He may legitimately believe it is always a good time for gold I'm not sure. I have none of my investments in gold because I know nothing about it.
One slightly suspect sponsor does not make him evil for me, but you are free to believe what you want. for now.

>/biz/raeli here

Holy shit, is this a thing? fuck me, haven't laughed this hard in ages.

unironically, yes he's actually pretty based. But he's still tied to (((Israel))), so he's only really a half-patriot. those are the more dangerous ones

Nothing wrong with Ben but he goes full retard sometimes, like with that Michelle Fields thing and he takes this whole "alt-right" meme way too seriously.
This. What happened?

but of course

its a friday before a long weekend

and trading volume will be much lower than usual

smart timing on the Fed's part

> (You)
> (You)
>le jews are bad meme
>good one

fuck off dirty kike.