Guccifer sentenced to 4 years

How long do you think he has before he 'suicides', Sup Forums? I'm guessing a month or two.

he's a hero

I give him a week if he's in gen pop, you know there will be a bounty put on him

meanwhile Hillary is running for president

I don't disagree. I just hope he survives, as it were.

he'll be an hero in a week

I wonder how many barbells will accidentally fall on him and cause his untimely death?

deadman's switch has been released.

stay tuned

I will be horrified to read about the unforseeable exercise yard accident that was not due to negligence in any way that resulted in his tragic death.



Serious question: how/why did he manage to get himself caught?

he'll be shanked in prison

Getting caught was part of his plan.

He wasn't a hacking mastermind. Clinton's email server is about as secure as geocities.

But for what purpose. Seriously.

If he's getting 4 years, Hillary should be getting 40.

Fucking corruption at it's finest.

Not only did she pull out with no legal culpability, because how could she know?
Despite literally being in the system her entire life and running for president, which is a claim that you're one of the most competent people in the country.
But they make sure to nail the whistleblower to the wall.

Fuck them.

So would you say that the leaking the emails that early wasn't a smart move?

Oh, and they're "sending a strong message" too, with an almost-maximum sentence. Government whistleblowers beware; if you try anything you'll get raked over the coals. Just turn a blind eye, let the corruption continue.

It will probably turn out to be extremely painful

I'm sure.
There are a lot of people who know enough to get a lot of well known people fucked.
And you have to make sure that they fear for their lives, families and futures to keep that many people shut up.

I want Clinton under as much dirt as the rest of you, but I am 100% for jailing foreign nationals who hack U.S. officials. It's an aggressive action against the U.S. by foreign peoples. You are a true cuck if you don't want to jail them.

That said, I'm grateful in this particular case that he let the cat out of the bag, even though literally nothing came of it and she still leads in polls in many U.S. states because people apparently want to elect a literal criminal and borderline traitor as president.