Kaepernick stream tonight

This guy has pledged to not stand for the anthem again tonight. The game is supposed to start at 10:00 et. I imagine the anthem takes place 15-30 mins before the game.

I'm looking for a stream currently. I need help.

Mods if you are unfamiliar this is a news event that political figures have been commenting on so it is Sup Forums relevant.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't wait too see him get booed.

Does it really matter? He doesn't stand for the pledge and then he doesn't stand for the game itself because he's not even a starter.

me too i think it is going to be a shitshow. I don't know how to watch it yet though.

go to firstrowsports or something

twitter will explode when he doesnt stand so just wait for that

Kaepernick is my hero. Truly someone who knows what America really stands for.

I live out of market for the Redskins most weekends, and desu /r/nflstreams really works

>inb4 leddit, fuck you it works for me

I just want to see him get BTFO by the crowd for being such a tool

I really don't give a shit. stop posting these shitty threads.

to be completely honest, this whole Copernicus anthem controversy is completely manufactured. It's banal bullshit that the media wants you to focus on so that you're not instead paying attention to Trump's awesome speech or more importantly all the shitty things that Hilldog has said and done.

It's the media's equivalent of a JIDF slide thread. But instead of spamming Sup Forums with "hmm really makes you think" threads, they spam the news stations and websites with pointless bullshit like this. Oh wow, nog doesn't like america. Big fucking shocker.

ty user this thread looks promising



I'll give you a pass because dubs

is he a sandnigger?

it's been an all-american thread so far. let's ruin it.



I can't say with all confidence that this is correct or that it will even show the anthem cuz the game doesn't start untill 10:00

Half coon. Raised by whites.


I've been saying this. He looks more Arab than black

Niggers gonna end up getting shot by the cops

this guy looks half kike
what gives

He doesn't look one bit Arab you absolute fucking low IQ retards.

>proving him right all along

That explains it

lol yes he does you butthurt dune coon

Ok I'm losing confidence in this stream.

If anyone has found a stream they are confident in let me know

Well with that beard i can see how someone would say he looks Arabic. His complexion doesn't exactly scream nigger.

Why does he hate America so much? Shouldn't he be arrested for desecration of the flag?

>arrested for desecration of the flag
>thinking this is actually a thing

Did everyone stocked-up on AA batteries?

He hates America because two decent white people adopted him and raised him to sign a $100 million contract.

Yeah I guess I don't get it eithher

How long BASED user?

>what America stands for
>won't stand for the flag that represents what America stands for

The double think is real.

game starts at ten

I'm having a hard time finding a stream tho

>a piece of cloth is more important than values

I found a radio stream :/



Americans are fucking stupid over their reverence to the flag and their stupid displays of patriotism. We don't have this problem in Canada because we're not obedient little cucks. We don't have to worship our own country, we're allowed to reason independently

or maybe tonight 200 fans will jump the 49ers bench and cave his fucking Shylock nose in.

Not standing for the pledge actually is a crime you dull fag, never been enforced though

>Not standing for the pledge actually is a crime
Wow, all those detailed sources you provided sure convinced me!


I wonder if Kaepernick will be like Mellisa Click and finally destroy American football...

Sandnigger detected.
He has that sandnigger nose, I'm telling you


He doesn't have to stand up, that's what the flag represents, having those choices.

The only values Kaepernick has is being pissy because of loosing his starting position and race baiting. He is a millionaire selfentititled princess that if the Niners had any sort of backbone as an organization they would fine him.

>cut him

>punishing someone for standing up for what they believe in

>mfw it's military night at that game

This is maybe a stream.

Nope. Not even close.

If Harbaugh were still his coach, he'd have booted him off the team as soon as he heard of this. He spoke his genuine mind, then did a "retraction" over pressure from pussy Ann Arbor.

It's ironic that the guy who's trying to supposedly promote togetherness is doing way more to foster animosity, hate, and division. What a scumbag.

I can see in the disgusting liberal history books regarding him as a Muhammad Ali-type great player who lost his starting job due to his political beliefs and standing up for their false narrative, and being honored forty years from now. Disgusting.

you mean sitting down right?


Trying to be, recent convert to Islam kek

there are some pop-ups, but it's fine. click it, you scared faggot.

I gotcha user

That's more like it. who /206/ here?

Welcome to the new "United" States of America.

Wish me luck, fuck face

or listen to it on the radio:

sorry for calling you a faggot, you silly nigger.



>not using /r/nflstreams

>being this new to /cordless/

>converts to Islam after a rich white christian family took him in as a baby and raised him like their own

What gratitude, Colin.

You must be retarded, brother.

Football fans are worthless morons anyhow.

Hell yeah. Fellow /206/ senpai

The anthem is happening right now on the radio stream. Says he isn't standing

>giving him more attention
needs to be ignored to be dealt with

Did I miss it?

>t. eternal anglo

To be fair, Harbaugh is very much beholden to being well-liked by easily swayed black teenagers, most of whom most likely subscribe to the BLM lie. To not do so is career suicide, he'd lose out on a lot of potential black commitments. The negative recruitment from other schools if he stayed the course would really hurt.

That's very much the same reason that many sports hosts sided with Kaepernick, so as to stay well-liked by black athletes who they need as guests, as well as the hand selection of liberal pussies from higher up in the command chain who need to toe the liberal line.

A true hero stands by their convictions.

A true American, exercising his god given right

The whole refugee crisis and state of the world didn't "make me believe in god".

It pushed me close enough to feel the warmth. Then I almost became overrun by tears when it became too much to ignore and I accepted it.

Yeah, soccer sucks balls


the warmth of the ovens?

Wow he's really milking his black-half with that fucking Afro isn't he

Similar to you OP, same thing happened. Morbid curiosity, defensiveness towards Christianity and non-degenerecy, then it all hit me like a tonne of bricks. The Pope is a heathen btw.



This entire thing comes down to a hafu being butthurt.

Joke all you want if that makes you happy.

he looks like Sideshow Bob with a hooknose.

>giving a fuck what this dindu mcnuffin does

your script is broken

Did he do it again?

He was a Jew last week because he just had a big nose. Like big noses are exclusive to the Jewish community.

only cucks don't like kaep

Holy shit completely wrong fucking thread.

Last time I ever have more than 5 Sup Forums tabs open. I'll see myself out.

yeah him and eric reid both did and then hugged afterwards



He dindu nuffin mane


>entitled nigger throws a hissy fit

Damn, who could have seen that coming

fuck off, jamal

ass mad conservacucks

kek the whole stadium is booing that niggah