The New America

How accurate is this?

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very. people will sell you their benefits for cash. massive amounts of theft/fraud and ridiculous loophole abuse.

How accurate is this?


Yeah because religion has never been used to control people

>no no Christians it's a SIN to handle your money naughty naughty naughty

Very. Its part of the long march.

>$1800 for disability

Bullshit. My special ed sister only gets $800 for being literally autistic and retarded, why would some slut on Zoloft get more?

Has kids and isn't a potato.

>any idea why the country is 18 trillion plus in debt

Its because your shit country spends more in military and "intelligence" than the next 50 countries combined.

delete your life

Debunked. You're just embarrassing yourself.

What, did snopes tell you that?

Must be a conspiracy.

My cousin is literally doing this. She recently had an "oops" baby with her boyfriend, and when announcing the pregnancy to our family she open stated that they have to "pretend to not be a couple" to get dem programs.

>MFW I will be paying 14k in income tax this year...

military is like 2% of gdp m8

How accurate is this?

I think those categories are from that protocols of the learned elders of zion book but man...theyve succeeded at all of those except gun control. The second amendment and belief in it really is the only thing keeping these people from going all out in their control. Our founding fathers were redpilled as fuck.

Most of that list is doable, but the man would not be a would he be able to use his parents address?

Don't get married
Have the woman buy the house.
She gets pregnant, signs up for food stamps, free education, Medicaid and free cell phone.
The man works fulltime to pay his medical insurance, girlfriends mortgage and utilities in lieu of court ordered child support, claims parents address, but lives with girlfriend and baby(ies.)
Keep cash and gold out of bank.

Which book is that in Because its not in rules for radicals


Fukken saved.

isn't this basically what corporations do on a larger scale?

If I'm not getting blowjobs from traps every 6 hours then I don't give a fuck about anybody's new anything.

Google Edward Bernays

I know who he is

The rise in orthodoxy is arguably one of the reason the Soviet regime fell. It's true it can be used to control people, but we're more talking about the "don't be a cunt because it's bad" side or religion.


change blame the capitalist to blame the left and you have the republican play book

is there more to this?

>Republicans junking the Constitution
The left are useful idiots.

Not sure. I saved it from Sup Forums.

My sister works with people who are in section 8, and they actually do this.


Religious people put their faith in a higher power (and family) to help with their problems, not the state.

And in most cases, a higher power won't necessarily help, so they're responsible to get out of a bad situation.

not an expert but my understanding is,they only need 1/3 of the states to change the constitution in order to force politicians to follow the constitution


the pentagon has an unaccounted $4.5b since 2001, and that's all they've admitted so far

3/4 of states. It's supposed to be hard to amend the constitution.



This. Unwed mother is a whole other ball game. I personally knew 2 girls at my workplace who were running this exact scam with their boyfriends and they talked about it openly.
