Why does Sup Forums hate Islam

Just to be clear I hate Islam, but i'm curious why most of Sup Forums does.

Islam advocates and supports most of the things Sup Forums wants.

Hardcore punishment for crime and degeneracy.
Relegation of women to second class
Privileged status for men.
Strong authoritarian rule

I honestly can't tell why Sup Forums hates Islam. I feel like most people just don't want to admit that the religion of the sand niggers they hate so much captures what they want in a society.

Because believers of islam are heretics.
By your logic, you need sunscreen when in the vicinity of a volleyball because it have the same shape as the sun.

Gas the kikes, race war now.

They undermine scientific advancement and freedom of speech.

"islam" "progressives"

Sup Forums doesn't really care about freedom of speech
Plus if Sup Forums cares about scientific advancement they wouldn't want to get rid of jews.

Also I said Islam not muslims. You're referring to muslims.

Because they behead people instead of sending them to jail...

plus corrupt imams holding a shitton of power is a thing

Islam is barbarism. There is nothing to discuss. It must be destroyed. End.

>Hardcore punishment for crime and degeneracy.
What they call decency is degenerate here. They let pedophile go unpunish
>Relegation of women to second class
Why? Isabel I of Spain was one of the most redpilled leader in human history
The problem aren't women itself but the lack of good women values. Islam also don't have good values
>Privileged status for men.
That exist everywhere, not only in the Islamic world.
>Strong authoritarian rule
Not very strong considering that their leader get kill very often with alot of coup and rebellions

if sand niggers was white and islam was from russia id probs be ok with it desu

just to wipe the smug smile off the regressive lefts face

Because Islam forces the belief of a god on its people and the people it conquers
Then kills dissenters

Those Sup Forumsophobic comments are incredibly problematic.

Sup Forums seems to be fine with this.

Again your criticizing muslims not Islam.

They support everything but the choice to choose for your self without the fear of violent reprisals

So literally what every major empire has done?

>Sup Forums is a single person

Who is this Mr. Sup Forums I keep hearing about.

Honestly, Sup Forums is a very diverse place, with different races, belief and social-class.
If you didn't realize this then you're pretty new

>Sup Forums doesn't really care about freedom of speech
>Sup Forums is one person
>that one person always seems to be a bootlicking stormfag

The only real issue the "alt-right" agrees on is freedom of speech for every purpose from political to lulz. This might protect stormfags and Islamic extremists, but doesn't necessarily associate them.

Separation of church and the state.
More moralfagging than Sup Forums moderated by SJW
Shitty, half wit, boring women who won't even hand you a beer
It's shit.

No, seriously, shariah law a shit. Sup Forums is basically cherry picked Christianity, we'll take the parts that happen to work for us at the time and yell how we're not extremists when you mention something that doesn't.

Deal with it, Sup Forums is a Christian board.

Because it leads to totalitarian theocracies

Because Islam is the worship of Satan.

I don't hate Islam, I just don't want it here. It isn't our religion, just because I agree with some of its strictures does not mean I want the entire Western world to be dominated by it.

Ahmed pls... not another one of these threads.

We want liberty. Not legalism. We want to live in the civilized way that the American founding fathers did, without the specific codes of law to live in fear of violating. The state should only be authoritarian in the sense that it forces you to be free.

1. Expansionist politico-religious ideology which aims to subdue all others instead of coexist with them
2. Offensive martyrs are praiseworthy
3. It is okay with pedophilia and child abuse (e.g. marrying little girls, Bacha bazi)
4. It is wrong

>We want to live in the civilized way that the American founding fathers did
Wait what? I though we wanted to live in a place like the Roman Empire or the Holy Roman Empire for christians.

Face it. If the alt-right was in power, there would be weekly massive protests full of calls to disrupt social order (a la inter-war period in Europe). I want to see how committed you are to free speech after that.

>Sup Forums
>different races
This rustles many jimmies.

Well yes.

>American posters
>German posters
>Italians posters
>Russian posters
>Finnish posters
>Argie posters
>Turks posters
>Nigerian posters
>Chinks posters
>Brazilian posters

Tell me a more diverse place

>falling for proxyfags
How new are you?

If Islam were born in the heart of Europe it would be fine. It is not. It is simply Bedouin fascism.

Why does it matter where an ideology was born? All that matters is what it says.

It preach Arab supremacy. I am not an Arab.

It doesn't do that at all. It preaches Islamic supremacy.

Islam is the cancer of mankind.

Islam is the political doctrine of the Arabs. It is barely a religion.